![arcadedb logo](./images/arcadedb-logo.png)
Documentation available also in PDF format: ArcadeDB-Manual.pdf.
1. Jump to the Hot Topics
Skip the boring parts and check this out:
What is Multi-Model?
ArcadeDB supports the following models:
Graph (compatible with Gremlin and OrientDB SQL)
Document (compatible with the MongoDB driver and MongoDB queries)
Key/Value (compatible with the Redis driver)
Search Engine (LSM-Tree Full-Text Index)
Time Series (under construction)
Vector (based on the HNSW index)
ArcadeDB understands multiple languages:
SQL (inspired from OrientDB SQL dialect that supports pattern matching on graphs)
ArcadeDB can be used as:
Embedded from any language on top of the Java Virtual Machine
Remotely by using HTTP/JSON
Remotely by using a Postgres driver (ArcadeDB implements Postgres Wire protocol)
Remotely by using a MongoDB driver (only a subset of the operations are implemented)
Remotely by using a Redis driver (only a subset of the operations are implemented)
Getting started with ArcadeDB:
Tutorials: Java Tutorial
Tools: Working with the Console
Containers: Docker, Kubernetes
Migrating: from OrientDB
ArcadeDB Links:
Project Website: https://arcadedb.com
Source Repository: https://github.com/ArcadeData/arcadedb
Latest Release: 24.4.1
2. Introduction
2.1. What is ArcadeDB?
ArcadeDB is the new generation of DBMS (DataBase Management System) that runs pretty much on every hardware/software configuration. ArcadeDB is multi-model, which means it can work with graphs, documents and other models of data.
How can it be so fast?
ArcadeDB is written in LLJ ("Low-Level-Java"), that means it’s written in Java (Java8+), but without using a high-level API. The result is that ArcadeDB does not allocate many objects at run-time on the heap, so the garbage collection does not need to act regularly, only rarely. At the same time, it is highly portable and leverages the hyper optimized Java Virtual Machine*. Furthermore, the kernel is built to be efficient on multi-core CPUs by using novel mechanical sympathy techniques.
ArcadeDB is a native graph database:
No more "Joins": relationships are physical links to records
Traverses parts of, or entire trees and graphs of records in milliseconds
Traversing speed is independent from the database size
Cloud DBMS
ArcadeDB was born on the cloud. Even though you can run ArcadeDB as embedded and in an on-premise setup, you can spin an ArcadeDB server/cluster in a few seconds with Docker, Kubernetes, Amazon AWS (coming soon), or Microsoft Azure (coming soon).
Is ArcadeDB FREE?
ArcadeDB Community Edition is really FREE for any purpose and thus released under the Apache 2.0 license. We love to know about your project with ArcadeDB and any contributions back to ArcadeDB’s open community (reports, patches, test cases, documentations, etc) are welcome.
Ask yourself: which is more likely to have better quality? A DBMS created and tested by a handful of developers in isolation, or one tested by thousands of developers globally? When code is public, everyone can scrutinize, test, report and resolve issues. All things open source moves faster compared to the proprietary world.
2.2. Multi Model
The ArcadeDB engine supports Graph, Document, Key/Value, Search-Engine, Time-Series (🚧), and Vector-Embedding (🚧) models, so you can use ArcadeDB as a replacement for a product in any of these categories. However, the main reason why users choose ArcadeDB is because of its true Multi-Model DBMS ability, which combines all the features of the above models into one core. This is not just interfaces to the database engine, but rather the engine itself was built to support all models. This is also the main difference to other multi-model DBMSs, as they implement an additional layer with an API, which mimics additional models. However, under the hood, they’re truly only one model, therefore they are limited in speed and scalability.
![multi model small](https://arcadedb.com/assets/images/multi-model-small.png)
2.2.1. Graph Model
A graph represents a network-like structure consisting of Vertices (also known as Nodes) interconnected by Edges (also known as Arcs). ArcadeDB’s graph model is represented by the concept of a property graph, which defines the following:
Vertex - an entity that can be linked with other vertices and has the following mandatory properties:
unique identifier
set of incoming edges
set of outgoing edges
Edge - an entity that links two vertices and has the following mandatory properties:
unique identifier
link to an incoming vertex (also known as head)
link to an outgoing vertex (also known as tail)
label that defines the type of connection/relationship between head and tail vertex
In addition to mandatory properties, each vertex or edge can also hold a set of custom properties. These properties can be defined by users, which can make vertices and edges appear similar to documents. Furthermore, edges are sorted by the reverse order of insertion, meaning the last edge added is the first when listed, cf. "Last In First Out".
In the table below, you can find a comparison between the graph model, the relational data model, and the ArcadeDB graph model:
Relational Model | Graph Model | ArcadeDB Graph Model |
Table |
Vertex and Edge Types |
Type |
Row |
Vertex |
Vertex |
Column |
Vertex and Edge property |
Vertex and Edge property |
Relationship |
Edge |
Edge |
2.2.2. Document Model
The data in this model is stored inside documents. A document is a set of key/value pairs (also referred to as fields or properties), where the key allows access to its value. Values can hold primitive data types, embedded documents, or arrays of other values. Documents are not typically forced to have a schema, which can be advantageous, because they remain flexible and easy to modify. Documents are stored in collections, enabling developers to group data as they decide. ArcadeDB uses the concepts of "Types" and "Buckets" as its form of "collections" for grouping documents. This provides several benefits, which we will discuss in further sections of the documentation.
ArcadeDB’s document model also adds the concept of a "Relationship" between documents. With ArcadeDB, you can decide whether to embed documents or link to them directly. When you fetch a document, all the links are automatically resolved by ArcadeDB. This is a major difference to other document databases, like MongoDB or CouchDB, where the developer must handle any and all relationships between the documents herself.
The table below illustrates the comparison between the relational model, the document model, and the ArcadeDB document model:
Relational Model | Document Model | ArcadeDB Document Model |
Table |
Collection |
Row |
Document |
Document |
Column |
Key/value pair |
Document property |
Relationship |
not available |
2.2.3. Key/Value Model
This is the simplest model. Everything in the database can be reached by a key, where the values can be simple and complex types. ArcadeDB supports documents and graph elements as values allowing for a richer model, than what you would normally find in the typical key/value model. The usual Key/Value model provides "buckets" to group key/value pairs in different containers. The most typical use cases of the Key/Value Model are:
POST the value as payload of the HTTP call →
GET the value as payload from the HTTP call →
DELETE the value by Key, by calling the HTTP call →
The table below illustrates the comparison between the relational model, the Key/Value model, and the ArcadeDB Key/Value model:
Relational Model | Key/Value Model | ArcadeDB Key/Value Model |
Table |
Bucket |
Row |
Key/Value pair |
Document |
Column |
not available |
Document field or Vertex/Edge property |
Relationship |
not available |
2.2.4. Search-Engine Model
The search engine model is based on a full-text variant of the LSM-Tree index. To index each word, the necessary tokenization is performed by the Apache Lucene library. Such a full-text index is created just like any index in ArcadeDB.
2.2.6. Vector Model
This model uses the hierarchical navigable small world (HNSW) algorithm to index the multi-dimensional vector data. Practically, an extended version of the hnswlib is used. Since the HNSW algorithm is based on a graph, the vectors are stored as compressed arrays inside ArcadeDB’s vertex type, and the proximities are represented by actual edges.
The vector indexing process is configurable, i.e. the distance function,
the number of nearest neighbors during construction (efConstruction
) or search (ef
as well as others can be set, see Additional Settings.
Java Example
HnswVectorIndexRAM<String, float[], Word, Float> hnswIndex = HnswVectorIndexRAM.newBuilder(300, DistanceFunctions.FLOAT_INNER_PRODUCT, words.size())
persistentIndex = hnswIndex.createPersistentIndex(database)//
persistentIndex = (HnswVectorIndex) database.getSchema().getIndexByName("Word[name,vector]");
List<SearchResult<Vertex, Float>> approximateResults = persistentIndex.findNeighbors(input, k);
SQL Example
import database https://dl.fbaipublicfiles.com/fasttext/vectors-crawl/cc.en.300.vec.gz
with distanceFunction = 'cosine', m = 16, ef = 128, efConstruction = 128;
In this case the default vertex type used for storing vectors is Node
SELECT vectorNeighbors('Node[name,vector]','king',3);
2.3. Run ArcadeDB
You can run ArcadeDB in the following ways:
In the cloud (coming soon), by running an ArcadeDB instance on Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure, or Google Cloud Engine.
On-premise, on your servers, any OS is good. You can run with Docker, Podman, Kubernetes or bare metal.
On x86(-64), arm(64), or any other hardware supporting a JRE (Java* Runtime Environment)
Embedded, if you develop with a language that runs on the JVM (Java* Virtual Machine)*
To reach the best performance, use ArcadeDB in embedded mode to reach 2 million insertions per second on common hardware. If you need to scale up with the queries, run a HA (high availability) configuration with at least 3 servers, and a load balancer in front. Run ArcadeDB with Kubernetes to have an automatic setup of servers in HA with a load balancer upfront.
This mode is possible only if your application is running in a JVM* (Java* Virtual Machine). In this configuration ArcadeDB runs in the same JVM as your application. In this way you completely avoid the client/server communication cost (TCP/IP, marshalling/unmarshalling, etc.) If the JVM that hosts your application crashes, then also ArcadeDB would crash, but don’t worry, ArcadeDB uses a WAL to recover partially committed transactions. Your data is safe! Check the Embedded Server section.
This is the classic way people use a DBMS, like with relational databases. The ArcadeDB server exposes HTTP/JSON API, so you can connect to ArcadeDB from any language without even using drivers. Take a look at the driver chapter for more information.
High Availability (HA)
You can spin up as many ArcadeDB servers as you want to have a HA setup and scale up with queries that can be executed on any servers. ArcadeDB uses a Raft based election system to guarantee the consistency of the database. For more information look at High Availability.
Linux / Mac | Windows | |
2.3.1. Getting Started
All Platforms
Download latest release from Github
tar -xzf arcadedb-24.4.1
Change into directory:
cd arcadedb-24.4.1
Launch server
Linux / MacOS:
Exit server via CTRL+C
Interact with server
Linux / MacOS:
Windows via Scoop
Instead of using manual install you can use Scoop installer, instructions are available on the project website.
scoop bucket add extras
scoop install arcadedb
This downloads and installs ArcadeDB on your box and makes following two commands available:
You should use these instead of bin\console.bat
and bin\server.bat
mentioned above.
3. Main Concepts
3.1. Record
A record is the smallest unit you can load from and store in the database. Records come in three types:
Documents are softly typed and are defined by schema types, but you can also use them in a schema-less mode too. Documents handle fields in a flexible manner. You can easily import and export them in JSON format. For example,
"name":"Amiga 1000",
"company":"Commodore Inc."
"name":"Amiga 500",
"company":"Commodore Inc."
In Graph databases the vertices (also named vertexes), or nodes represent the main entity that holds the information. It can be a patient, a company or a product. Vertices are themselves documents with some additional features. This means they can contain embedded records and arbitrary properties exactly like documents. Vertices are connected with other vertices through edges.
An edge, or arc, is the connection between two vertices. Edges can be unidirectional and bidirectional. One edge can only connect two vertices.
For more information on connecting vertices in general, see Relationships below.
Record ID
When ArcadeDB generates a record, it auto-assigns a unique identifier called a Record ID, RID for short. The syntax for the RID is the pound sign with the bucket identifier, colon, and the position like so:
bucket-identifier: This number indicates the bucket id to which the record belongs. Positive numbers in the bucket identifier indicate persistent records. You can have up to 2,147,483,648 buckets in a database.
record-position: This number defines the absolute position of the record in the bucket.
is a null RID.
The prefix character # is mandatory.
Each Record ID is immutable, universal, and is never reused. Additionally, records can be accessed directly through their RIDs at O(1) complexity which means the query speed is constant, unaffected by database size. For this reason, you don’t need to create a field to serve as the primary key as you do in relational databases.
Record Retrieval Complexity
Retrieving a record by RID is of complexity O(1).
This is possible as the RID itself encodes both, the file a record is stored in, and the position inside it.
In an RID, i.e. #12:1000000
, the bucket identifier (here #12
) specifies the record’s associated file,
while the record position (here 1000000
) describes the position inside the file.
Bucket files are organized in pages (with default size 64KB
) with a maximum number records per page (by default 2048
To determine the byte position of a record in a bucket file,
the rounded down quotient of record position and maximum records per page yields the page (here ⌊1000000 / 2048⌋
and the remainder gives the position on the page (here ⌊1000000 % 2048⌋
In pseudo-code this computation is given by:
int pageId = floor(rid.getPosition() / maxRecordsInPage);
int positionInPage = floor(rid.getPosition() % maxRecordsInPage);
3.2. Types
The concept of type is taken from the Object Oriented Programming paradigm, sometimes as "Class". In ArcadeDB, types define records. It is closest to the concept of a "Table" in relational databases and a "Class" in an object database.
Types can be schema-less, schema-full, or a mix. They can inherit from other types, creating a tree of types. Inheritance, in this context, means that a subtype extends a parent type, inheriting all of its attributes. Practically, this is done by extending a type or setting a super-type.
Each type has its own buckets (data files). A type can support multiple buckets. When you execute a query against a type, it automatically fetches from all the buckets that are part of the type. When you create a new record, ArcadeDB selects the bucket to store it in using a configurable strategy.
As a default, ArcadeDB creates as many buckets per type as many cores (processors) the host machine has.
In this, CRUD operations can go full speed in parallel with zero contention between CPUs and/or cores.
Having many buckets per type means having more files at file system level.
Check if your operating system has any limitation with the number of files supported and opened at the same time (ulimit
for Unix-like systems).
You can query the defined types by executing the following SQL query: select from schema:types .
3.3. Buckets
Where types provide you with a logical framework for organizing data, buckets provide physical or in-memory space in which ArcadeDB actually stores the data. Each bucket is one file at file system level. It is comparable to the "collection" in Document databases, the "table" in Relational databases and the "cluster" in OrientDB. You can have up to 2,147,483,648 buckets in a database.
A bucket can only be part of one type. This means two types can not share the same bucket. Also, sub-types have their separate buckets from their super-types.
When you create a new type, the CREATE TYPE
statement automatically creates the physical buckets (files) that serve as the default location in which to store data for that type.
ArcadeDB forms the bucket names by using the type name + underscore + a sequential number starting from 0. For example, the first bucket for the type Beer
will be Beer_0
and the correspondent file in the file system will be Beer_0.31.65536.bucket
ArcadeDB creates additional buckets for each type, (one for each CPU core on the server), to improve performance of parallelism.
Types vs. Buckets in Queries
The combination of types and buckets is very powerful and has a number of use cases. In most case, you can work with types and you will be fine. But if you are able to split your database into multiple buckets, you could address a specific bucket based instead of the entire type. By wisely using the buckets to divide your database in a way that help you with the retrieval means zero or less use of indexes. Indexes slow down insertion and take space on disk and RAM. In most cases you need indexes to speed up your queries, but in some use cases you could totally or partially avoid using indexes and still having good performance on queries.
One bucket per period
Consider an example where you create a type Invoice
, with one bucket per year. Invoice_2015
and Invoice_2016
You can query all invoices using the type as a target with the SELECT
In addition to this, you can filter the result set by the year.
The type Invoice
includes a year
field, you can filter it through the WHERE
SELECT FROM Invoice WHERE year = 2016
You can also query specific records from a single bucket.
By splitting the type Invoice
across multiple buckets, (that is, one per year in our example), you can optimize the query by narrowing the potential result set.
By using the explicit bucket instead of the logical type, this query runs significantly faster, because ArcadeDB can narrow the search to the targeted bucket.
No index is needed on the year, because all the invoices for year 2016 will be stored in the bucket Invoice_2016
by the application.
One bucket per location
Like with the example above, we could split our records by location creating one bucket per location. Example:
CREATE BUCKET Customer_Europe
CREATE BUCKET Customer_Americas
CREATE BUCKET Customer_Other
CREATE VERTEX TYPE Customer BUCKET Customer_Europe,Customer_Americas,Customer_Asia,Customer_Other
Here we are using the graph model by creating a vertex type, but it’s the same with documents.
Now in your application store the vertices or documents in the right bucket, based on the location of such customer. You can use any API and set the bucket. If you’re using SQL, this is the way you can insert a new customer into a specific bucket.
INSERT INTO BUCKET:Customer_Europe CONTENT { firstName: 'Enzo', lastName: 'Ferrari' }
Since a bucket can only be part of one type, when you use the bucket notation with SQL, the type is inferred from the bucket, "Customer" in this case.
When you’re looking for customers based in Europe, you could execute this query:
You can go even more specific by creating a bucket per country, not just for continent, and query from that bucket. Example:
CREATE BUCKET 'Customer_Europe_Italy'
CREATE BUCKET 'Customer_Europe_Spain'
Now get all the customers that live in Italy.
SELECT FROM BUCKET:Customer_Europe_Italy
You can also specify a list of buckets in your query. This is the query to retrieve both Italian and Spanish customers.
SELECT FROM BUCKET:[Customer_Europe_Italy,Customer_Europe_Spain]
3.4. Relationships
ArcadeDB supports three kinds of relationships: connections, referenced and embedded. It can manage relationships in a schema-full or schema-less scenario.
Graph Connections
As a graph database, spanning edges between vertices is one way to express a connections between records. This is graph model’s natural way of relationsships and traversable by the SQL, Gremlin, and Cypher query languages. Internally, ArcadeDB deposes a direct (referenced) relationship for edge-wise connected vertices to ensure fast graph traversals.
![graph connection](./images/graph-connection.png)
In ArcadeDB’s SQL, edges are created via the CREATE EDGE
Referenced Relationships
In Relational databases, tables are linked through JOIN
commands, which can prove costly on computing resources.
ArcadeDB manages relationships natively without computing a JOIN
but storing a direct LINK
to the target object of the relationship. This boosts the load speed for the entire graph of connected objects, such as in graph and object database systems.
![referenced relationship](./images/referenced-relationship.png)
Note, that referenced relationships differ from edges: references are properties connecting any record while edges are types connecting vertices, and particularly, graph traversal is only applicable to edges.
Embedded Relationships
When using Embedded relationships, ArcadeDB stores the relationship within the record that embeds it. These relationships are stronger than Reference relationships. You can represent it as a UML Composition relationship.
Embedded records do not have their own RID, given that you can’t directly reference it through other records. It is only accessible through the container record.
In the event that you delete the container record, the embedded record is also deleted. For example,
![embedded relationship](./images/embedded-relationship.png)
Here, record A
contains the entirety of record B
in the property address
You can reach record B
only by traversing the container record.
For example,
SELECT FROM Account WHERE address.city = 'Rome'
1:1 and n:1 Embedded Relationships
ArcadeDB expresses relationships of these kinds using the EMBEDDED
1:n and n:n Embedded Relationships
ArcadeDB expresses relationships of these kinds using a list or a map of links, such as:
An ordered list of records. -
An ordered map of records as the value and a string as the key, it doesn’t accept duplicate keys.
Inverse Relationships
In ArcadeDB, all edges in the graph model are bidirectional. This differs from the document model, where relationships are always unidirectional, requiring the developer to maintain data integrity. In addition, ArcadeDB automatically maintains the consistency of all bidirectional relationships.
Edge Constraints
ArcadeDB supports edge constraints, which means limiting the admissible vertex types that can be connected by an edge type.
To this end the implicit metadata properties @in
and @out
need to be made explicit by creating them.
For example, for an edge type HasParts
that is supposed to connect only from vertices of type Product
to vertices of type Component
, this can be schemed by:
CREATE PROPERTY HasParts.`@out` link OF Product;
CREATE PROPERTY HasParts.`@in` link OF Component;
Relationship Traversal Complexity
As a native graph database, ArcadeDB supports index free adjacency. This means constant graph traversal complexity of O(1), independent of the graph expanse (database size).
To traverse a graph structure, one needs to follow references stored by the current record. These references are always stored as RIDs, and are not only pointers to incoming and outgoing edges, but also to connected vertices. Internally, references are managed by a stack (also known as LIFO), which allows to get the latest insertion first. As not only edges, but also connected vertices are stored, neighboring nodes can be reached directly, particularly without going via the connecting edge. This is useful if edges are used purely to connect vertices and do not carry i.e. properties themselves.
3.5. Database
Each server or Java VM can handle multiple database instances, but the database name must be unique.
Database URL
ArcadeDB uses its own URL format, of engine and database name as <engine>:<db-name>
The embedded engine is the default and can be omitted.
To open a database on the local file system you can use directly the path as URL.
Database Usage
You must always close the database once you finish working on it.
ArcadeDB automatically closes all opened databases, when the process dies gracefully (not by killing it by force).
This is assured if the operating system allows a graceful shutdown.
For example, on Unix/Linux systems using SIGTERM , or in Docker exit code 143 instead of SIGKILL , or in Docker exit code 137 .
3.6. Transactions
A transaction comprises a unit of work performed within a database management system (or similar system) against a database, and treated in a coherent and reliable way independent of other transactions. Transactions in a database environment have two main purposes:
to provide reliable units of work that allow correct recovery from failures and keep a database consistent even in cases of system failure, when execution stops (completely or partially) and many operations upon a database remain uncompleted, with unclear status
to provide isolation between programs accessing a database concurrently. If this isolation is not provided, the program’s outcome are possibly erroneous.
A database transaction, by definition, must be atomic, consistent, isolated and durable. Database practitioners often refer to these properties of database transactions using the acronym ACID). - Wikipedia
ArcadeDB is an ACID compliant DBMS.
ArcadeDB keeps the transaction on client RAM, so the transaction size is affected by the available RAM (Heap memory) on JVM. For transactions involving many records, consider to split it in multiple transactions. |
ACID Properties
"Atomicity requires that each transaction is 'all or nothing': if one part of the transaction fails, the entire transaction fails, and the database state is left unchanged. An atomic system must guarantee atomicity in each and every situation, including power failures, errors, and crashes. To the outside world, a committed transaction appears (by its effects on the database) to be indivisible ("atomic"), and an aborted transaction does not happen." - Wikipedia
"The consistency property ensures that any transaction will bring the database from one valid state to another. Any data written to the database must be valid according to all defined rules, including but not limited to constraints, cascades, triggers, and any combination thereof. This does not guarantee correctness of the transaction in all ways the application programmer might have wanted (that is the responsibility of application-level code) but merely that any programming errors do not violate any defined rules." - Wikipedia
ArcadeDB uses the MVCC to assure consistency by versioning the page where the record are stored.
Look at this example:
Sequence | Client/Thread 1 | Client/Thread 2 | Version of page containing record X |
1 |
Begin of Transaction |
2 |
read(x) |
10 |
3 |
Begin of Transaction |
4 |
read(x) |
10 |
5 |
write(x) |
10 |
6 |
commit |
10 → 11 |
7 |
write(x) |
10 |
8 |
commit |
10 → 11 = Error, in database x already is at 11 |
"The isolation property ensures that the concurrent execution of transactions results in a system state that would be obtained if transactions were executed serially, i.e. one after the other. Providing isolation is the main goal of concurrency control. Depending on concurrency control method, the effects of an incomplete transaction might not even be visible to another transaction." - Wikipedia
The SQL standard defines the following phenomena which are prohibited at various levels are:
Dirty Read: a transaction reads data written by a concurrent uncommitted transaction. This is never possible with ArcadeDB.
Non Repeatable Read: a transaction re-reads data it has previously read and finds that data has been modified by another transaction (that committed since the initial read).
Phantom Read: a transaction re-executes a query returning a set of rows that satisfy a search condition and finds that the set of rows satisfying the condition has changed due to another recently-committed transaction. This happens also when records are deleted or inserted during the transaction and they could become visible during the transaction.
The SQL standard transaction isolation levels are described in the table below:
Isolation Level | Dirty Read | Non repeatable Read | Phantom Read |
Not possible |
Possible |
Possible |
Not possible |
Not possible |
Possible |
level is not supported by ArcadeDB.
Using remote
access all the commands are executed on the server, so out of transaction scope.
Look below for more information.
Look at these examples:
Sequence | Client/Thread 1 | Client/Thread 2 |
1 |
Begin of Transaction |
2 |
read(x) |
3 |
Begin of Transaction |
4 |
read(x) |
5 |
write(x) |
6 |
commit |
7 |
read(x) |
8 |
commit |
At operation 7 the client 1 continues to read the same version of x read in operation 2.
Sequence | Client/Thread 1 | Client/Thread 2 |
1 |
Begin of Transaction |
2 |
read(x) |
3 |
Begin of Transaction |
4 |
read(y) |
5 |
write(y) |
6 |
commit |
7 |
read(y) |
8 |
commit |
At operation 7 the client 1 reads the version of y which was written at operation 6 by client 2. This is because it never reads y before.
"Durability means that once a transaction has been committed, it will remain so, even in the event of power loss, crashes, or errors. In a relational database, for instance, once a group of SQL statements execute, the results need to be stored permanently (even if the database crashes immediately thereafter). To defend against power loss, transactions (or their effects) must be recorded in a non-volatile memory." - Wikipedia
An ArcadeDB instance can fail for several reasons:
HW problems, such as loss of power or disk error
SW problems, such as a Operating System crash
Application problem, such as a bug that crashes your application that is connected to the ArcadeDB engine.
You can use the ArcadeDB engine directly in the same process of your application. This gives superior performance due to the lack of inter-process communication. In this case, should your application crash (for any reason), the ArcadeDB Engine also crashes.
If you’re using an ArcadeDB Server connected remotely, if your application crashes the engine continue to work, but any pending transaction owned by the client will be rolled back.
At start-up the ArcadeDB Engine checks to if it is restarting from a crash. In this case, the auto-recovery phase starts which rolls back all pending transactions.
ArcadeDB has different levels of durability based on storage type, configuration and settings.
Optimistic Transaction
This mode uses the well known Multi Version Control System MVCC by allowing multiple reads and writes on the same records.
The integrity check is made on commit.
If the record has been saved by another transaction in the interim, then an ConcurrentModificationException
will be thrown.
The application can choose either to repeat the transaction or abort it.
ArcadeDB keeps the whole transaction on client’s RAM, so the transaction size is affected by the available RAM (Heap) memory on JVM. For transactions involving many records, consider to split it in multiple transactions. |
Nested transactions and propagation
ArcadeDB does support nested transaction.
If further begin()
are called after a transaction is already begun, then the new transaction is the current one until commit or rollback.
When the nested transaction is completed, the previous transaction becomes the current transaction.
3.7. Inheritance
Unlike many object-relational mapping tools, ArcadeDB does not split documents between different types. Each document resides in one or a number of buckets associated with its specific type. When you execute a query against a type that has subtypes, ArcadeDB searches the buckets of the target type and all subtypes.
Declaring Inheritance in Schema
In developing your application, bear in mind that ArcadeDB needs to know the type inheritance relationship.
For example,
DocumentType account = database.getSchema().createDocumentType("Account");
DocumentType company = database.getSchema().createDocumentType("Company").addSuperType(account);
Using Polymorphic Queries
By default, ArcadeDB treats all queries as polymorphic. Using the example above, you can run the following query from the console:
SELECT FROM Account WHERE name.toUpperCase() = 'GOOGLE'
This query returns all instances of the types Account
and Company
that have a property name that matches Google
How Inheritance Works
Consider an example, where you have three types, listed here with the bucket identifier in the parentheses.
By default, ArcadeDB creates a separate bucket for each type.
It indicates this bucket by the defaultBucketId
property in a type and indicates the bucket used by default when not specified.
However, a type has a property bucketIds
, (as int[]
), that contains all the buckets able to contain the records of that type. The properties bucketIds
and defaultBucketId
are the same by default.
When you execute a query against a type, ArcadeDB limits the result-sets to only the records of the buckets contained in the bucketIds
For example,
SELECT FROM Account WHERE name.toUpperCase() = 'GOOGLE'
This query returns all the records with the name property set to GOOGLE
from all three types, given that the base type Account
was specified.
For the type Account
, ArcadeDB searches inside the buckets 10
, 13
and 27
, following the inheritance specified in the schema.
3.8. Indexes
ArcadeDB indexes are built by using the LSM Tree algorithm.
3.8.1. LSM Tree algorithm
LSM tree is a type of data structure that is used to store and retrieve data efficiently. It works by organizing data in a tree-like structure, where each node in the tree represents a certain range of data.
Here’s how it works:
When you want to store a piece of data in the LSM tree, it first goes into a special part of the tree called a "write buffer." The write buffer is like a temporary storage area where new data is kept until it’s ready to be added to the tree.
When the write buffer gets full, the LSM tree will "flush" the data from the write buffer into the main part of the tree. This is done by creating a new node in the tree and adding the data from the write buffer to it.
As more and more data is added to the tree, it will eventually become too large to be stored in memory (this is known as "overflowing"). When this happens, the LSM tree will start to "compact" the data by moving some of it to disk storage. This allows the tree to continue growing without running out of memory.
When you want to retrieve a piece of data from the LSM tree, the algorithm will search for it in the write buffer, the main part of the tree, and any data that has been compacted to disk storage. If the data is found, it will be returned to you
3.8.2. LSM Tree vs B+Tree
B+Tree is the most common algorithm used by relational DBMSs. What are the differences?
LSM tree and B+ tree are both data structures that are commonly used to store and retrieve data efficiently. Here are some of the main advantages of LSM tree over B+ tree:
LSM tree is more efficient for writes: LSM tree uses a write buffer to temporarily store new data, which allows it to batch writes and reduce the number of disk accesses required. This can make it faster than B+ tree for inserting large amounts of data.
LSM tree is more efficient for compaction: Because LSM tree stores data in a sorted fashion, it can compact data more efficiently by simply merging sorted data sets. B+ tree, on the other hand, requires more complex rebalancing operations when compacting data.
LSM tree is more space-efficient: LSM tree stores data in a compact, sorted format, which can make it more space-efficient than B+ tree. This can be especially useful when storing large amounts of data on disk.
However, there are also some potential disadvantages of LSM tree compared to B+ tree. For example, B+ tree may be faster for queries that require range scans or random access, and it may be easier to implement in some cases.
If you’re interested to ArcadeDB’s LSM-Tree index implementation detail, look at LSM-Tree
4. Server
4.1. Server
To start ArcadeDB as a server run the script server.sh
under the bin
directory of ArcadeDB distribution. If you’re using MS Windows OS, replace server.sh
with server.bat
$ bin/server.sh
█████╗ ██████╗ ██████╗ █████╗ ██████╗ ███████╗██████╗ ██████╗
███████║██████╔╝██║ ███████║██║ ██║█████╗ ██║ ██║██████╔╝
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╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═╝ ╚═╝ ╚═════╝╚═╝ ╚═╝╚═════╝ ╚══════╝╚═════╝ ╚═════╝
PLAY WITH DATA arcadedb.com
INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> ArcadeDB Server v23.12.2 (build 1a7716d309bbcbfdac089d42adee56b38fe2f6d3/1705309274480/main) is starting up...
INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> Running on Mac OS X 12.7 - OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM 17.0.9 (Homebrew)
INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> Starting ArcadeDB Server in development mode with plugins [] ...
INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> - Metrics Collection Started...
| This is the first time the server is running. Please type a |
| password of your choice for the 'root' user or leave it blank |
| to auto-generate it. |
| |
| To avoid this message set the environment variable or JVM |
| setting `arcadedb.server.rootPassword` to the root password to use.|
Root password [BLANK=auto generate it]: *
The first time the server is running, the root password must be inserted and confirmed.
The hash (+salt) of the inserted password will be stored in the file config/server-users.json
To know more about this topic, look at Security.
Delete this file and restart the server to reinsert the password for server’s root user.
The default rule of security are pretty basic. The password length must be between 8 and 256 characters. You can implement your own security policy. Check Security Policy.
You can skip the request for the password by passing it as a setting. Example:
Alternatively the password can be passed file-based. Example:
The password file is a plain-text file and should not contain any line breaks / new lines. |
Once inserted the password for the root user, you should see this output.
Root password [BLANK=auto generate it]: ***********
*Please type the root password for confirmation (copy and paste will not work): ***********
INFO [HttpServer] <ArcadeDB_0> - Starting HTTP Server (host= port=2480-2489 httpsPort=2490-2499)...
INFO [undertow] starting server: Undertow - 2.3.10.Final
INFO [xnio] XNIO version 3.8.8.Final
INFO [nio] XNIO NIO Implementation Version 3.8.8.Final
INFO [threads] JBoss Threads version 3.5.0.Final
INFO [HttpServer] <ArcadeDB_0> - HTTP Server started (host= port=2480 httpsPort=2490)
INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> Available query languages: [sqlscript, mongo, gremlin, java, cypher, js, graphql, sql]
INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> ArcadeDB Server started in 'development' mode (CPUs=8 MAXRAM=4,00GB)
INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> Studio web tool available at
By default, the following components start with the server:
JMX Metrics, to monitor server performance and statistics (served via port 9999).
HTTP Server, that listens on port 2480 by default. If port 2480 is already occupied, then the next is taken up to 2489.
In the output above, the name ArcadeDB_0
is the server name.
By default, ArcadeDB_0
is used.
To specify a different name define it with the setting server.name
, example:
$ bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.server.name=ArcadeDB_Europe_0
In HA configuration, it’s mandatory all the servers in cluster have different names.
4.1.1. Start server hint
To start the server from a location different than the ArcadeDB folder,
for example, if starting the server as a service,
set the environment variable ARCADEDB_HOME
to the ArcadeDB folder:
$ export ARCADEDB_HOME=/path/to/arcadedb
4.1.2. Server modes
The server can be started in one of three modes, which affect the studio and logging:
Mode | Studio | Logging |
Yes |
Detailed |
Yes |
Brief |
No |
Brief |
The mode is controlled by the server.mode
setting with a default mode development
4.1.3. Create default database(s)
Instead of starting a server and then connect to it to create the default databases, ArcadeDB Server takes an initial default databases list by using the setting server.defaultDatabases
$ bin/server.sh "-Darcadedb.server.defaultDatabases=Universe[elon:musk]"
With the example above the database "Universe" will be created if doesn’t exist, with user "elon", password "musk".
Due to the use of [] , the command line argument needs to be wrapped in quotes.
A default database without users still needs to include empty brackets, ie: -Darcadedb.server.defaultDatabases=Multiverse[]
Once the server is started, multiple clients can be connected to the server by using one of the supported protocols:
4.1.4. Logging
The log files are created in the folder ./log
with the filenames arcadedb.log.X
where X
is a number between 0 to 9, set up for log rotate.
The current log file has the number 0, and is rotated based on server starts or file size.
By default ArcadeDB does not log debug messages into the console and file. You can change this settings by editing the file config/arcadedb-log.properties
. The file is a standard logging configuration file.
The default configuration is the following.
1 handlers = java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler, java.util.logging.FileHandler
2 .level = INFO
3 com.arcadedb.level = INFO
4 java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.level = INFO
5 java.util.logging.ConsoleHandler.formatter = com.arcadedb.utility.AnsiLogFormatter
6 java.util.logging.FileHandler.level = INFO
7 java.util.logging.FileHandler.pattern=./log/arcadedb.log
8 java.util.logging.FileHandler.formatter = com.arcadedb.log.LogFormatter
9 java.util.logging.FileHandler.limit=100000000
10 java.util.logging.FileHandler.count=10
Line 1 contains 2 loggers, the console and the file. This means logs will be written in both console (process output) and configured file (see (7))
Line 2 sets INFO (information) as the default logging level for all the Java classes between FINER, FINE, INFO, WARNING, SEVERE
Line 3 is as (2) but sets the level for ArcadeDB package only SEVERE
Line 4 sets the minimum level the console logger filters the log file (below INFO level will be discarded)
Line 5 sets the formatter used for the console. The AnsiLogFormatter supports ANSI color codes
Line 6 sets the minimum level the file logger filters the log file (below INFO level will be discarded)
Line 7 sets the path where to write the log file (the file will have a counter suffix, see (10))
Line 8 sets the formatter used for the file
Line 9 sets the maximum file size for the log, before creating a new file. By default is 100MB
Line 10 sets the number of files to keep in the directory. By default is 10. This means that after the 10th file, the oldest file will be removed
If you’re running ArcadeDB in embedded mode, make sure you’re using the logging setting by specifying the arcadedb-log.properties
file at JVM startup:
$ java ... -Djava.util.logging.config.file=$ARCADEDB_HOME/config/arcadedb-log.properties ...
You can also use your own configuration for logging. In this case replace the path above with your own file.
4.1.5. Server Plugins (Extend The Server)
You can extend ArcadeDB server by creating custom plugins. A Plugin is a Java class that implements the interface com.arcadedb.server.ServerPlugin
public interface ServerPlugin {
void startService();
default void stopService() {
default void configure(ArcadeDBServer arcadeDBServer, ContextConfiguration configuration) {
default void registerAPI(final HttpServer httpServer, final PathHandler routes) {
Once registered the plugin (see below), ArcadeDB Server will instantiate your plugin class and will call the method configure()
passing the server configuration. At startup of the server, the startService()
method will be invoked. Instead, when the server is shut down, the stopService()
will be invoked where you can free any resources used by the plugin. The method registerAPI()
, if implemented, wil be invoked when the HTTP server is initializing where you can register your own HTTP commands. For more information about how to create custom HTTP commands, look at Custom HTTP commands.
package com.yourpackage;
public class MyPlugin implements ServerPlugin {
public void startService() {
System.out.println( "Plugin started" );
public void stopService() {
System.out.println( "Plugin halted" );
default void configure(ArcadeDBServer arcadeDBServer, ContextConfiguration configuration) {
System.out.println( "Plugin configured" );
default void registerAPI(final HttpServer httpServer, final PathHandler routes) {
System.out.println( "Registering HTTP commands" );
To register your plugin, register the name and add your class (with full package name) in
$ java ... -Darcadedb.server.plugins=MyPlugin:com.yourpackage.MyPlugin ...
In case of multiple plugins, use the comma to separate them.
4.2. Changing Settings
To change the default value of a setting, always put arcadedb.
as a prefix. Example:
$ java -Darcadedb.dumpConfigAtStartup=true ...
To change the same setting via Java code:
Check the Appendix for all the available settings.
4.2.1. Environment Variables
The server script parses a set of environment variables which are summarized below:
JVM location |
JVM options |
ArcadeDB location |
JVM memory options |
For default values see the server.sh
and server.bat
4.2.2. RAM Configuration
ArcadeDB Server, by default, uses a dynamic allocation for the used RAM. Sometimes you want to limit this to a specific amount. You can define the environment variable ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY
to the JVM settings for the usage of the RAM.
Example to use 800M fixed RAM for ArcadeDB Server:
$ export ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY="-Xms800M -Xmx800M"
$ bin/server.sh
ArcadeDB can run with as little as 16 MB for RAM. In case you’re running ArcadeDB with less than 800M of RAM, you should set the "low-ram" as profile:
$ export ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY="-Xms128M -Xmx128M"
$ bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.profile=low-ram
Setting a profile is like executing a macro that changes multiple settings at once. You can tune them individually, check Settings.
In case of memory latency problems under Linux systems, the following JVM setting can improve performance:
$ export ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY="-XX:+PerfDisableSharedMem"
for more information, see https://www.evanjones.ca/jvm-mmap-pause.html
The Java heap memory is by default configured for desktop use; for custom containers, memory configuration can be adapted by:
$ export ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY="-XX:InitialRAMPercentage=50.0 -XX:MaxRAMPercentage=75.0"
More information about Java memory configuration see this article.
4.3. High Availability
ArcadeDB supports a High Availability mode where multiple servers share the same database (replication).
In order to start an ArcadeDB server with the support for replication, you need to:
Enable the HA module by setting the configuration
Define the servers that are part of the clusters (if you are using Kubernetes, look at Kubernetes paragraph). To setup the server list, define the
setting by separating the servers with commas (,
) and using the following format for servers:<hostname/ip-address[:port]>
. The default port is2424
if not specified. -
Define the local server name by setting the
configuration. Each node must have a unique name. If not specified, the default server name is "ArcadeDB_0"
$ bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.ha.enabled=true
The log should look like this:
[HttpServer] <FloridaServer> - HTTP Server started (host= port=2480)
[LeaderNetworkListener] <ArcadeDB_0> Listening for replication connections on (protocol v.-1)
[HAServer] <FloridaServer> Unable to find any Leader, start election (cluster=arcadedb configuredServers=1 majorityOfVotes=1)
[HAServer] <FloridaServer> Change election status from DONE to VOTING_FOR_ME
[HAServer] <FloridaServer> Starting election of local server asking for votes from [] (turn=1 retry=0 lastReplicationMessage=-1 configuredServers=1 majorityOfVotes=1)
[HAServer] <FloridaServer> Current server elected as new Leader (turn=1 totalVotes=1 majority=1)
[HAServer] <FloridaServer> Change election status from VOTING_FOR_ME to LEADER_WAITING_FOR_QUORUM
[HAServer] <FloridaServer> Contacting all the servers for the new leadership (turn=1)...
At startup, the ArcadeDB server will look for an existent cluster to join based on the configured list of servers, otherwise a new cluster will be created.
In this example we set the server name to FloridaServer
Every time a server joins a cluster, it starts the process to elect the new leader. If the cluster exists and already contains a Leader, then the existent leader is kept. Every time a server leaves the cluster (because it becomes unreachable), the election process is started again. To know more about the RAFT election process, look at RAFT protocol.
The cluster name by default is "arcadedb", but you can have multiple clusters in the same network.
To specify a custom name, set the configuration arcadedb.ha.clusterName=<name> .
Example: bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.ha.clusterName=projectB
All servers of a cluster serve the same databases. |
4.3.1. Architecture
ArcadeDB has a Leader/Replica model by using RAFT consensus for election and replication.
![ha architecture](./images/ha-architecture.png)
Each server has its own Journal. The Journal is used in case of recovery of the cluster to get the most updated replica and to align the other nodes. All the write operations must be coordinated by the Leader node.
Any read operation, like a query, can be executed by any server in the cluster, while write operations can be executed only by the Leader server.
![ha replica read](./images/ha-replica-read.png)
ArcadeDB doesn’t mandate the clients to be connected directly to the leader to execute write operations, but will use the Replica server to forward the write request to the Leader server. Everything is transparent for the end user where both Leader and Replica servers can read and write, but internally only the read requests are executed on the connected server. All the write requests will be transparently forwarded to the Leader.
Look at the picture below where the client Client A
is connected to the replica server ArcadeDB_1
where it executes a write request.
![ha replica forward](./images/ha-replica-forward.png)
4.3.2. Auto fail-over
ArcadeDB cluster uses a quorum to assure the integrity of the database is maintained across all the servers forming the cluster.
The quorum is set by default to MAJORITY
, that means the majority of the servers in the cluster must return the same result to be considered accepted and propagated to all the servers.
The quorum is MAJORITY by default.
You can specify a different quorum by setting the number of servers or none to have no quorum and all to wait the response from all the servers.
Set the configuration arcadedb.ha.quorum=<quorum> .
Example: bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.ha.quorum=all
If the configured quorum is not met, the transaction is rollback on all the servers, the database returns to the previous state and a transaction error is thrown to the client.
ArcadeDB manages the fail-over automatically in most of the cases.
Server unreachable
A server can become unreachable for many reasons:
The ArcadeDB Server process has been terminated
The physical or virtual server hosting the ArcadeDB Server process has been shut off or is rebooting
The physical or virtual server hosting the ArcadeDB Server process has network issues and can’t reach one or more of the other servers
Network issues that prevent the ArcadeDB Server to communicate with the rest of the servers in the cluster
4.3.4. Troubleshooting
Performance: insertion is slow
ArcadeDB uses an optimistic lock approach: if two threads try to update the same page, the first thread wins, the second thread throws a ConcurrentModificationException
and forces the client to retry the transaction or fail after a certain number of retries (configurable).
Often this fail/retry mechanism is totally hidden to the developer that executes a transaction via HTTP or via the Java API:
db.transaction( ()-> {
If you are inserting a lot of record in parallel (by using the Server, or just via API multi-thread), you could benefit by allocating the bucket per thread. Example to change the bucket selection strategy for the vertex type "User" via SQL:
ALTER TYPE User BucketSelectionStrategy `thread`
With the command above, in insertion ArcadeDB will select the physical bucket based on the thread the request is coming from. If you have enough buckets (created by default when you create a new type, but you can manually adjust it) insertions can go truly in parallel with zero contentions in pages, meaning zero exception and retries.
4.3.5. HA Settings
The following settings are used by the High Availability module:
Setting | Description | Default Value |
Cluster name. Useful in case of multiple clusters in the same network |
arcadedb |
Servers in the cluster as a list of <hostname/ip-address:port> items separated by comma. Example:, If not specified, auto-discovery is enabled |
NOT DEFINED (auto discovery is enabled by default) |
Enforces a role in a cluster, either "any" or "replica" |
"any" |
Default quorum between 'none', 1, 2, 3, 'majority' and 'all' servers |
Timeout waiting for the quorum |
10000 |
The server is running inside Kubernetes |
false |
When running inside Kubernetes use this suffix to reach the other servers.
Example: |
Queue size for replicating messages between servers |
512 |
Maximum file size for replicating messages between servers" |
1GB |
Maximum channel chunk size for replicating messages between servers |
16777216 |
TCP/IP host name used for incoming replication connections |
localhost |
TCP/IP port number used for incoming replication connections |
2424-2433 |
4.4. Embedded Server
Embedding the server in your JVM allows to have all the benefits of working in embedded mode with ArcadeDB (zero cost for network transport and marshalling) and still having the database accessible from the outside, such as Studio, remote API, Postgres, REDIS and MongoDB drivers.
We call this configuration an "ArcadeDB Box".
![ArcadeDB Box](./images/arcadedb-box.png)
First, add the server library in your classpath.
If you’re using Maven include this dependency in your pom.xml
This library depends on arcadedb-network-<version>.jar
If you’re using Maven or Gradle it will be imported automatically as a dependency, otherwise please add also the arcadedb-network
library to your classpath.
Note: The arcadedb-server
dependency will only start the ArcadeDB server. You will see the HTTP URL for the server along with the port number displayed, for example, http://localhost:2480
. However, if you try to access this URL to see the ArcadeDB studio, you will receive a "Not Found"
message. This is because the arcadedb-server dependency only adds the embedded server.
If you need to access the ArcadeDB studio to execute graph database queries, then you will need to add the following dependency:
<dependency> <groupId>com.arcadedb</groupId> <artifactId>arcadedb-studio</artifactId> <version>{revnumber}</version> </dependency>
4.4.1. Start the server in the JVM
To start a server as embedded, create it with an empty configuration, so all the setting will be the default ones:
ContextConfiguration config = new ContextConfiguration();
ArcadeDBServer server = new ArcadeDBServer(config);
To start a server in distributed configuration (with replicas), you can set your settings in the ContextConfiguration
config.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.HA_SERVER_LIST, ",,");
config.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.HA_REPLICATION_INCOMING_HOST, "");
config.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.HA_ENABLED, true);
When you embed the server, you should always get the database instance from the server itself.
This assures the database instance is just one in the entire JVM.
If you try to create or open another database instance from the DatabaseFactory
, you will receive an error that the underlying database is locked by another process.
Database database = server.getDatabase(<URL>);
Or this if you want to create a new database if not exists:
Database database = server.getOrCreateDatabase(<URL>);
4.4.2. Create custom HTTP commands
You can easily add custom HTTP commands on ArcadeDB’s Undertow HTTP Server by creating a Server Plugin (look at MongoDBProtocolPlugin
plugin implementation for a real example) and implementing the registerAPI
Example for the HTTP POST API /myapi/test
package com.yourpackage;
public class MyTest implements ServerPlugin {
// ...
public void registerAPI(HttpServer httpServer, final PathHandler routes) {
.get("/account/{id}", new RetieveeAccount(this))// YOU CAN ADD YOUR HANDLERS UNDER THE SAME PREFIX PATH
.post("/test/{name}", new MyTestAPI(this))//
You can use GET
or any HTTP methods when you register your handler.
Note that multiple handlers are defined under the same prefix /myapi
Below you can find the implementation of the Test handler that will called by using HTTP POST method against the URL /myapi/test/{name}
where {name}
is the name passed as an argument.
Note that the MyTestAPI
class is inheriting DatabaseAbstractHandler
to have the database instance as a parameter.
If the user is not authenticated, the execute()
method is not called at all, but an authentication error is returned. If you don’t need to access to the database, then you can extend the AbstractHandler
class instead.
public class MyTestAPI extends DatabaseAbstractHandler {
public MyTestAPI(final HttpServer httpServer) {
public void execute(final HttpServerExchange exchange, ServerSecurityUser user, final Database database) throws IOException {
final Deque<String> namePar = exchange.getQueryParameters().get("name");
if (namePar == null || namePar.isEmpty()) {
exchange.getResponseSender().send("{ \"error\" : \"name is null\"}");
final String name = namePar.getFirst();
// ...
At startup, ArcadeDB Server will initiate your plugin and register your API.
To start the server with your plugin, register the full class in
$ java ... -Darcadedb.server.plugins=MyPlugin:com.yourpackage.MyPlugin ...
4.4.3. HTTPS connection
In order to enable HTTPS on ArcadeDB server, you have to set the following configuration before the server starts:
configuration.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.NETWORK_USE_SSL, true);
configuration.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.NETWORK_SSL_KEYSTORE, "src/test/resources/master.jks");
configuration.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.NETWORK_SSL_KEYSTORE_PASSWORD, "keypassword");
configuration.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.NETWORK_SSL_TRUSTSTORE, "src/test/resources/master.jks");
configuration.setValue(GlobalConfiguration.NETWORK_SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PASSWORD, "storepassword");
enable the SSL support for the HTTP Server -
is the path where is located the keystore file -
is the keystore password -
is the path where is located the truststore file -
is the truststore password
Note that the default port for HTTPs is configured under the new global setting:
And by default starts from 2490 to 2499 (increases the port if it’s already occupied).
if HTTP or HTTPS port are already used, the next ports are used. With the default range of 2480-2489 for HTTP and 2490-2499 for HTTPS, if the port 2480 is not available, then the next port for both HTTP and HTTPS will be used, namely 2481 for HTTP and 2491 for HTTPS |
4.5. Docker
To run the ArcadeDB server with Docker, type this (replace <password> with the root password you want to use):
$ docker run --rm -p 2480:2480 -p 2424:2424 --name my_arcadedb \
--env JAVA_OPTS="-Darcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata" \
--hostname my_arcadedb arcadedata/arcadedb:latest
If there are no errors, Docker prints immediately the container id. You can use that id to stop the container, or execute some commands from it.
To run the console from the container started above, use:
$ docker exec -it my_arcadedb bin/console.sh
ArcadeDB Console v.24.4.1 - Copyrights (c) 2021 Arcade Data (https://arcadedb.com)
The ArcadeDB image can also be used with Podman, just replace docker with podman in the examples.
Quick start with the OpenBeer database
You can run ArcadeDB server with a demo database in less than 1 minute. Run ArcadeDB server with docker specifying the database to import as a parameter in the docker command.
Example of running ArcadeDB Server with all the plugins enabled (Redis, Postgres, Mongo, Gremlin) that download and install OrientDB’s OpenBeer
$ docker run --rm -p 2480:2480 -p 2424:2424 -p 6379:6379 -p 5432:5432 -p 8182:8182 --env JAVA_OPTS="\
-Darcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata \
-Darcadedb.server.defaultDatabases=Imported[root]{import:https://github.com/ArcadeData/arcadedb-datasets/raw/main/orientdb/OpenBeer.gz} \
-Darcadedb.server.plugins=Redis:com.arcadedb.redis.RedisProtocolPlugin, \
MongoDB:com.arcadedb.mongo.MongoDBProtocolPlugin, \
Postgres:com.arcadedb.postgres.PostgresProtocolPlugin, \
GremlinServer:com.arcadedb.server.gremlin.GremlinServerPlugin" \
Now point your browser on http://localhost:2480 and you’ll see ArcadeDB Studio. Now enter "root" as a user and "playwithdata" as a password.
user and password are specified in the docker command above |
![Demo Database Login](./images/openbeer-demo-login.png)
Now click on the "Database" icon on the toolbar on the left. This is the database schema. Click on "OpenBeer" vertex type and then on the action "Display the first 100 records of Beer together with all the vertices that are directly connected".
![Demo Database Schema](./images/openbeer-demo-schema.png)
You should see the first 100 beers in the database and all their connections.
![Demo Database Graph](./images/openbeer-demo-graph.png)
There are multiple options to make databases in an ArcadeDB container persistent, yet the practical choice is highly dependent on the application and environment.
On the Docker side there are two typical options to persist data in a container:
A Docker volume which is a Docker managed section of the host’s filesystem. This would be the preferred option if the host machine is to store the persistent data.
A Bind mount which is a user-managed folder of the host’s filesystem. This can be used if the target volume is itself mounted on the host like a network share.
See the Docker storage documentation on how to set up volumes or mounts.
On the ArcadeDB side there are basically two options to consider:
Store the database itself on an external volume. In this case all read and write operations from and to a database take place on the specified volume or mount, which can entail performance limitations. Use the setting
to specify the mount-point of the volume or mount as absolute path to ArcadeDB. -
Store only backups on an external volume. In this approach all read and write operation from and to a database happen in the storage provided by Docker to the container. This is faster if the host can provide local storage. However, the user needs to take care of regular backups, see
, for which the default backup folder can be set by-Darcadedb.server.backupDirectory=/mybackup
to specify the mount-point of the volume or mount as absolute path to ArcadeDB.
Which combination is most suitable depends on the computational environment. For example, "local storage" can have different meanings on a bare metal machine, a virtual machine or container cluster. |
In general, the RAM allocated for the JVM should be ≤80% of the container RAM. The default Dockerfile for ArcadeDB sets 2 GB of RAM for ArcadeDB (-Xms2G -Xmx2G
), so you should allocate at least 2.3G to the Docker container running exclusively ArcadeDB.
To run ArcadeDB with 1G docker container, you could start ArcadeDB by using 800M for ArcadeDB’s server RAM by setting ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY
variable with Docker:
$ docker ... -e ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY="-Xms800M -Xmx800M" ...
To run ArcadeDB with RAM <800M, it’s suggested to tune some settings. You can use the low-ram
profile to use the least memory possible.
$ docker ... -e ARCADEDB_OPTS_MEMORY="-Xms800M -Xmx800M" -e arcadedb.profile=low-ram ...
4.6. Kubernetes
Before starting the cluster, set ArcadeDB Server root password as a secret (replace <password> with the root password you want to use):
$ kubectl create secret generic arcadedb-credentials --from-literal=rootPassword='<password>'
This will set the password in the rootPassword
environment variable. The ArcadeDB server will use this password for the root
Now you can start a Kubernetes cluster with 3 servers by using the default configuration:
$ kubectl apply -f config/arcadedb-statefulset.yaml
For more information on ArcadeDB Kubernetes config please check.
In order to scale up or down with the number of replicas, use this:
$ kubectl scale statefulsets arcadedb-server --replicas=<new-number-of-replicas>
Where the value of <new-number-of-replicas>
is the new number of replicas. Example:
$ kubectl scale statefulsets arcadedb-server --replicas=3
Scaling up and down doesn’t affect current workload. There are no pauses when a server enters/exits from the cluster.
4.6.1. Troubleshooting
The most common issue with using K8S is with the setting of the root password for the server (see at the beginning of this section).
Follows some useful commands for troubleshooting issues with ArcadeDB and Kubernetes.
Display the status of a pod:
$ kubectl describe pod arcadedb-0
Replace "arcadedb-0" with the server container you want to use.
To display the logs of the first server:
$ kubectl logs arcadedb-0
Replace "arcadedb-0" with the server container you want to use.
To remove all the containers and restart the cluster again, execute these 2 commands:
$ kubectl delete all --all --namespace default
$ kubectl apply -f config/arcadedb-statefulset.yaml
5. Studio
Studio is the web tool that comes bundled with ArcadeDB Server. It starts automatically on port 2480. If you have installed ArcadeDB, and it’s running on your local computer, then you can access Studio at http://localhost:2480. Replace "localhost" with the host name or IP address of the server where ArcadeDB server is running.
If you’re running ArcadeDB server as Embedded, please make sure the jar arcadedb-studio-<version>.jar
is included in your classpath.
The first and most important panel in Studio is the Command panel. Below you can find a screenshot with the main components.
![studio command panel explained](./images/studio-command-panel-explained.png)
Main Menu is the vertical tab with the following options:
Command, the current panel to execute commands against the database
Database, containing the information about the selected database and its schema. From this panel you can switch to a different database
API, with the description of the public HTTP API exposed on the current server
Information, containing a quick reference to the online documentation
Execute a command/query
In order to execute a command (or query), select the language first. By default is SQL, but you can choose between:
SQL (for any models, including graphs and documents)
SQL Script (multiple commands/queries)
Apache Tinkerpop Gremlin (only for graphs)
Open Cypher (only for graphs)
MongoDB (only for documents)
![studio command select language](./images/studio-command-select-language.png)
Based on the selected language, the command text area will adjust the syntax highlighting to simplify the writing of the command.
The result of the command will appear in the Command Result area as a Graph a Table or JSON Panel.
Graph Panel
![]() |
Hold the selection on a node to show its context menu. Then while still holding the selection, slide on the action to execute and then release the selection. | ![]() |
The context menu has the following actions:
Load incoming vertices -
Load outgoing vertices -
Load both incoming and outgoing vertices
Hide the current node. This action will remove the node from the graph
Node Panel
When a node is selected, its property are displayed in the right panel.
![studio node panel](./images/studio-node-panel.png)
The right panel can always be hidden by clicking on Hide Properties
In the right panel you can find all the information relative to the selected node, such as:
Element type:
Properties table
Actions, containing quick actions to execute against the selected node
Node Layout
Click on the +
button to expand and make visible the layout panel relative to the node type selected.
![studio node panel layout](./images/studio-node-panel-layout.png)
Change the label to an attribute that represents the node.
In this example, selecting the title for the type Movie
and the name for Person
, makes the same graph much more readable and useful in terms of information.
This is the default rendering of a small graph from the OpenBeer dataset. The nodes have the type as label.
![studio graph default](./images/studio-graph-default.png)
After selecting the attribute name
on each node types, this is the result.
![studio graph add label](./images/studio-graph-add-label.png)
You can save your setting in a file and share the settings with your colleagues.
To do this, click on Export
button and select Settings
, then download the file. You can re-apply the same style by selecting Import
and then Settings
. Upload the file saved before and your style settings will be restored. You can share the setting filw with your colleagues and friends to work on the same dataset by using the same style.
Below you can find an example of customization for the OpenBeer database with custom icons, colors and labels:
![openbeer demo custom](./images/openbeer-demo-custom.png)
Direct Neighbors
Selects the nodes directly connected to the selected ones.
Select one or more nodes from the graph and click on Select → Direct Neighbors
![studio direct neighbors](./images/studio-direct-neighbors.png)
Orphan Vertices
Selects the nodes that are not connected with any other node.
Click on Select → Orphan Vertices
![studio orphans](./images/studio-orphans.png)
Invert Node Selection
Inverts the current selection. All the elements that are currently selected will be not selected and all the element that were not selected become selected.
Select some nodes from the graph and click on Select → Invert Node Selection
![studio invert](./images/studio-invert.png)
Shortest Path
Displays the shortest path between 2 nodes. The Dijkstra algorithm is used (with fixed weight 1 per node). If the two nodes are connected, the entire path will be selected.
Select 2 nodes from the graph and click on Select → Shortest Path
![studio shortest path](./images/studio-shortest-path.png)
Table Panel
The Table panel renders the result set as a table.
If the result of the command is a graph, then both vertices and edges will be flattened into a table.
If the result has documents, they will be displayed in table format as well.
Connections to other records (like edges in vertices) are not displayed in the table, but only the number of connection is reported.
In the example below @in
is the number of incoming edges for each vertex, and @out
the number of outgoing edges.
![studio table](./images/studio-table.png)
By clicking on the RecordID (RID) (always the first column), the record will be displayed in the graph view with all its attributes.
The Table View automatically layout the records in pages. You can select the amount of records per page and moving between pages with the toolbar at the bottom of the table.
To quick search a record, type what you’re looking for in the Search
input field.
The filtering works in real-time as soon as you type.
The filtering only applies on the current result set.
The table can be exported in the following formats:
Copy, to copy the entire content in the clipboard. You can then paste the content into your favorite editor or document with CTRL+V or CMD+V.
Excel, for Microsoft® Excel format
CSV (Comma Separated values)
PDF to export the entire table in PDF format
Print to print all the pages of the table
JSON Panel
This panel renders the command result as a JSON. The JSON returned from the HTTP API of the ArcadeDB Server.
![studio json](./images/studio-json.png)
Press the Copy to clipboard
to copy the entire content into the clipboard.
Database Panel
The Database Panel shows the information about the selected database and its schema and allows to execute the most common operations.
![studio database](./images/studio-database.png)
The main parts of the Database Panel are:
Server Version, report the version you are using when you open an issue
User, the user logged into the server. The list of available databases is filtered by the current user. User the
user to access to all the databases. See Users. -
Selected Database, the selected database. Click to select a different database from the available on the server for the current user.
Database Commands:
Create to create a new database. Enter the database name in the popup and the new database will be ready to be used
Drop to drop the current database. NOTE: This operation cannot be undone.
Backup to execute a backup of the selected database. The backup will be available under the directory
where ArcadeDB server is installed. The generated backup filename is in the formatbackups/<db-name>/<db-name>-backup-<timestamp>.tgz
, where the timestamp is expresses from the year to the millisecond. Example of backup file namebackups/TheMatrix/TheMatrix-backup-20210921-172750767.zip
. For more information look at Backup.
Types, with a vertical tab you can select the type you’re interested in. One a type is selected, its information are displayed, such as configured indexes and properties.
Actions is a list of quick actions you can execute against the selected type. The most common actions are:
Display tge first 30 records of the selected type
Display tge first 30 records with all the vertices connected to display a graph of the first 30 records. The graph will have the 30 records and their direct neighbors.
API Panel
This panel contains the description of the public HTTP API exposed on the current server.
![studio api](./images/studio-api.png)
Information Panel
This panel contains a quick reference to the online documentation.
![studio info](./images/studio-info.png)
6. Tools
6.1. Console
Run the console by executing console.sh
under bin
directory from the arcadedb
$ bin/console.sh
ArcadeDB Console v.24.4.1 - Copyrights (c) 2021 Arcade Data Ltd (https://arcadedb.com)
The console supports these direct commands (not evaluated by the query engine):
Console |
HELP / ? |
Server |
User |
Database |
Schema |
Transaction |
Scripting |
for which you can retrieve the following help by typing HELP
or just ?
begin -> begins a new transaction
check database -> check database integrity
close |<path>|remote:<url> <user> <pw> -> closes the database
commit -> commits current transaction
connect <path>|local:<url>|remote:<url> <user> <pw> -> connects to a database
create database <path>|remote:<url> <user> <pw> -> creates a new database
create user <user> identified by <pw> [grant connect to <db>[:<group>]*] -> creates a user
drop database <path>|remote:<url> <user> <pw> -> deletes a database
drop user <user> -> deletes a user
help|? -> ask for this help
info types -> prints available types
info type <type> -> prints details about type
info transaction -> prints current transaction
list databases |remote:<url> <user> <pw> -> lists databases
load <path> -> runs local script
pwd -> returns current directory
rollback -> rolls back current transaction
set language = sql|sqlscript|cypher|gremlin|mongo -> sets console query language
-- <comment> -> comment (no operation)
quit|exit -> exits from the console
The close command can be used without path or url, then it closes the currently connected database.
The comment command -- is useful for scripts.
The multi-line comment syntax /* … */ is not supported in the console.
It can be useful to wrap longer scripts called via LOAD myscript.sql in a transaction via BEGIN; LOAD myscript.sql; COMMIT; to ensure completion of write operations.
6.1.1. Tutorial
Let’s create our first database, located in our local filesystem. To identify the database you specify in a connection string. It could be either absolute, or relative to the database directory. The database directory can be explicitely set, when you start the console, like
$ ./bin/console.sh -Darcadedb.server.databaseDirectory=/databases
If no database directory is given at startup, it is the databases
directory under the root path of the arcadedb server by default.
To create a new database under the database directory, you would run the following command in the console
If you want to create your database somewhere else in the local filesystem, you can specify a different path to the database:
Once the database has been created, you can simply connect to it:
> CONNECT mydb
Or if on a different path, specify the path where the database is located:
> CONNECT data/mydb
If you’re using the ArcadeDB Server, you can create the database through the server:
> CREATE DATABASE remote:localhost/mydb root arcadedb-password
Once created, you can always connect to the server with the following command:
> CONNECT remote:localhost/mydb root arcadedb-password
Let’s also create a user with access to "mydb":
Now let’s create a "Profile" type:
|operation|create document type|
|typeName |Profile |
Command executed in 99ms
Check your new type is there:
{mydb}> INFO TYPES
|Profile|Document|0[] |8[Profile_0,...,Profile_7]|0[] |round-robin| |
You can also query the defined types by executing the following SQL query: select from schema:types
Finally, let’s create a document of type "Profile":
{mydb}> INSERT INTO Profile SET name = 'Jay', lastName = 'Miner'
DOCUMENT @type:Profile @rid:#1:0
|name |Jay |
Command executed in 17ms
You can see your brand new record with RID #1:0
Now let’s query the database to see if our new document can be found:
{mydb}> SELECT FROM Profile
DOCUMENT @type:Profile @rid:#1:0
|name |Jay |
Command executed in 37ms
Here we go: our document is there.
Remember that a transaction is automatically started. In order to make changes persistent, execute a COMMIT
When the console exists (exit
or quit
command), the pending transaction is committed automatically.
6.1.2. Scripting
The console can also run local SQL scripts by passing the file (path):
$ bin/console.sh myscript.sql
or using the LOAD
$ bin/console.sh "LOAD myscript.sql"
or passing the commands as string argument:
Make sure to create database or connect to a database first in the script before using SQL commands.
All commands (of a script) are executed, disregarding if a previous command failed. |
6.1.3. Console-Server Interaction
The console cannot access a database via local connection when a server is running. |
When the server is running it locks all (opened) databases,
hence the console cannot access these databases via local connection which utilizes the file system.
Nonetheless, the console can still connect to these databases via a remote connection,
particularly, using localhost
if the console is running on the same machine as the server:
> CONNECT remote:localhost/mydb root arcadedb-password
6.2. Backup of a Database
ArcadeDB allows to execute a non-stop backup of a database while it is used without blocking writes or affecting performance. You can execute the backup of a database from SQL.
Look at Backup Database SQL command for more information.
6.2.1. Cloud Backups
In a container setting it may become necessary to send backups to an S3 bucket instead of a mounted volume. Currently, ArcadeDB does not support writing a backup to S3 directly, but there are two ways of achieving this:
Using an intermediary container which forwards a volume’s contents to an S3 bucket. The project docker-s3-volume makes this easy.
Mounting an S3 bucket inside the ArcadeDB container directly with the S3 file system via filesystem in userspace.
6.3. Restore a Database
ArcadeDB allows to restore a database previously backed up.
If a server is running, it must be restarted in order to access to the restored database. |
Example for restoring the database "mydb" from the backup located in backups/mysb/mydb-backup-20210921-172750767.zip
$ bin/restore.sh -f backups/mysb/mydb-backup-20210921-172750767.zip -d databases/mydb
6.3.1. Configuration
-f <backup-file>
(string) path to the backup file to restore. -
-d <database-path>
(string) path on local filesystem where to create the ArcadeDB database. -
(boolean) true to overwrite the database if already exists. If false and thedatabase-path
already exists, an error is thrown. Default is false.
6.4. Importer
ArcadeDB provides some basic ETL capabilities for automatically importing datasets in any of the following formats:
From file of types:
Plain text
Compressed with ZIP (only the first file is read)
Compressed with GZip
Located on:
local file system (just provide the path or use
in the URL) -
remote, by specifying
in the URL -
classpath, by using
as a prefix
The easiest way is to use the console and the SQL IMPORT DATABASE
command. You can also use directly the Java API located in com.arcadedb.integration.importer.Importer
To start importing it’s super easy as providing the URL where the source file to import is located.
URLs can be local paths (use file://
) or from the Internet by using http://
and https://
Example of loading the Freebase RDF dataset:
{FreeBase}> IMPORT DATABASE http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/freebase-public/rdf/freebase-rdf-latest.gz
Analyzing url: http://commondatastorage.googleapis.com/freebase-public/rdf/freebase-rdf-latest.gz... [SourceDiscovery]
Recognized format RDF (limitBytes=9.54MB limitEntries=0) [SourceDiscovery]
Creating type 'Node' of type VERTEX [Importer]
Creating type 'Relationship' of type EDGE [Importer]
Parsed 144951 (28990/sec) - 0 documents (0/sec) - 143055 vertices (28611/sec) - 144951 edges (28990/sec) [Importer]
Parsed 362000 (54256/sec) - 0 documents (0/sec) - 164118 vertices (5260/sec) - 362000 edges (54256/sec) [Importer]
Example of loading the Discogs dataset in the database on path "/temp/discogs":
> IMPORT DATABASE https://discogs-data.s3-us-west-2.amazonaws.com/data/2018/discogs_20180901_releases.xml.gz
Note that in this case the URL is https
and the file is compressed with GZip
Example of importing New York Taxi dataset in CSV format. The first line of the CSV file set the property names:
> IMPORT DATABASE file:///personal/Downloads/data-society-uber-pickups-in-nyc/original/uber-raw-data-april-15.csv/uber-raw-data-april-15.csv
See also:
6.4.1. Additional Settings
The Importer takes additional settings as pairs of setting name and value. With the SQL IMPORT DATABASE
command, this is the syntax:
IMPORT DATABASE <url> [ WITH ( <setting-name> = <setting-value> [,] )* ]
> IMPORT DATABASE file:///import/file.csv WITH forceDatabaseCreate = true, commitEvery = 100
Below you can find all the supported settings for the Importer.
Setting | Default | Description |
url |
url of the file to import |
database |
./databases/imported |
Path of the final imported database |
forceDatabaseCreate |
false |
If true, the database is created brand new at every import |
wal |
false |
Use the WAL (journal) for the importing. If the WAL is enabled the importing process will be much slower and will require much more RAM |
commitEvery |
5000 |
Create transactions that commit every X records |
parallel |
Half of the available cores - 1. If you have 8 cores, the default is 3 |
The number of concurrent threads used |
typeIdProperty |
Property that represents the ID of the vertex |
typeIdUnique |
false |
True creates a unique index on the type id property, otherwise a non unique index |
typeIdType |
String |
Type of the id property |
trimText |
true |
True if the imported text is trimmed from heading and tailing spaces |
analysisLimitBytes |
100,000 |
Maximum number of bytes parsed from the source to determine the source file type |
analysisLimitEntries |
10,000 |
Maximum number of entries (if applicable) parsed from the source to determine the source file type |
parsingLimitBytes |
Maximum number of bytes parsed from the source to be imported |
parsingLimitEntries |
Maximum number of entries imported |
mapping |
null |
probeOnly |
false |
Only probe if url is requestable or file path is readable |
documents |
url of the file to import containing documents only. This is useful when the database is split in separate files |
documentsFileType |
The format of the file containing documents (csv, graphml, graphson) |
documentsDelimiter |
Delimiter used to separate documents |
documentsHeader |
Header containing the properties in the CSV document. One property per column. If not defined it is parsed from the first line |
documentsSkipEntries |
0 |
Number of rows to skip from the documents file |
documentPropertiesInclude |
List of property to import from documents. |
documentType |
Document |
Name of the type defined in the schema when importing documents |
vertices |
url of the file to import containing vertices only. This is useful when the database is split in separate files |
verticesFileType |
The format of the file containing vertices (csv, graphml, graphson) |
verticesDelimiter |
Delimiter used to separate vertices |
verticesHeader |
Header containing the properties in the CSV vertices. One property per column. If not defined it is parsed from the first line |
verticesSkipEntries |
0 |
Number of rows to skip from the vertices file |
expectedVertices |
0 |
Number of vertices expected. This is useful to determine the ETA of the importing process of vertices. 0 means unknown |
vertexType |
Vertex |
Name of the type defined in the schema when importing vertices |
vertexPropertiesInclude |
List of property to import from vertices. |
edges |
url of the file to import containing edges only. This is useful when the database is split in separate files |
edgesFileType |
The format of the file containing edges (csv, graphml, graphson) |
edgesDelimiter |
Delimiter used to separate edges |
edgesHeader |
Header containing the properties in the CSV edges. One property per column. If not defined it is parsed from the first line |
edgesSkipEntries |
0 |
Number of rows to skip from the edges file |
expectedEdges |
0 |
Number of edges expected. This is useful to determine the ETA of the importing process of edges. 0 means unknown |
maxRAMIncomingEdges |
256MB |
Maximum RAM used to create edges. The more RAM, the faster. |
edgeType |
Edge |
Name of the type defined in the schema when importing edges |
edgePropertiesInclude |
List of property to import from edges. |
edgeFromField |
Name of the property containing the starting vertex |
edgeToField |
Name of the property containing the ending vertex |
edgeBidirectional |
true |
When creating edges, create bidirectional edges if true, otherwise unidirectional |
distanceFunction |
Type of distance measure, see similarity measures. |
efConstruction |
256 |
Size of dynamic neighbor candidate list of (during insert). |
ef |
256 |
Number of nearest neighbors to return (in layer search). |
m |
16 |
vectorType |
The data type of a vector element, for example 'float'. |
idProperty |
The probeOnly setting can also be used to send a GET request to another service or HTTP API, for example to report a previous import is finished.
6.4.2. JSON Importer
ArcadeDB is able to import data from JSON format. Thanks to the flexible mapping, it’s possible to define the rules of conversion between the input json file and the graph.
Let’s start from this simple JSON file to import as an example. The file contains a flat structure of records with a relationship of employee and manager:
First, create a new database "employees" by using the console:
Then execute the following command (assuming the file above is saved in the local directory as employees.json
{employees}> IMPORT DATABASE employees.json WITH mapping = {
"Users": [{
"@cat": "v",
"@type": "User",
"@id": "id",
"@idType": "string",
"@strategy": "merge",
"EmployeeID": "@ignore",
"ManagerID": {
"@cat": "e",
"@type": "HAS_MANAGER",
"@cardinality": "no-duplicates",
"@in": {
"@cat": "v",
"@type": "User",
"@id": "id",
"@idType": "string",
"@strategy": "merge",
"EmployeeID": "@ignore",
"id": "<../ManagerID>"
The mapping file is a JSON snippet with directives about what to import, what to ignore and how to map edges with JSON objects. Below all the supported tags:
: is the category of record to use between "v" for vertex, "e" for edge and "d" for document -
: is the type name to use on record creation. If the type doesn’t exist, it’s implicitly created during the import -
: is the property that works as primary key. if not already defined, a unique index is created on the configured@id
property -
: is the type of the primary key in the@id
property. If not defined, the type is taken from the first value found. In case of numbers, the JSON parser always uses DOUBLE as a type. You can, for example, use LONG to force using LONG instead of DOUBLE -
: if "no-duplicates", the edges are not created if there is an edge of the same type between the two vertices -
: represents the strategy to use when the record with the configured@id
already exists By default the existent record is used, but the "merge" strategy allows to merge the current record with the existent one. The current properties will overwrite the existent ones -
: used for edges and represents the destination vertex for the edge -
: ignore the property, do not import into the database
Note the "id" property in the manager is taken by using "<../ManagerID>"
that means get the property "ManagerID" from the parent (../
How to import a JSON file with a hierarchical structure? Let’s look at the second example coming from the JSON export of food and nutrients from the U.S. DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE website (USDA). USDA provides updated files to download in both CSV and JSON format.
First, create a new database "food" by using the console:
Then execute the following command:
{food}> IMPORT DATABASE https://fdc.nal.usda.gov/fdc-datasets/FoodData_Central_foundation_food_json_2022-10-28.zip WITH mapping = {
"FoundationFoods": [{
"@cat": "v",
"@type": "<foodClass>",
"foodNutrients": [{
"@cat": "e",
"@type": "HAS_NUTRIENT",
"@in": "nutrient",
"@cardinality": "no-duplicates",
"nutrient": {
"@cat": "v",
"@type": "Nutrient",
"@id": "id",
"@idType": "long",
"@strategy": "merge"
"foodNutrientDerivation": "@ignore"
"inputFoods": [{
"@cat": "e",
"@type": "INPUT",
"@in": "inputFood",
"@cardinality": "no-duplicates",
"inputFood": {
"@cat": "v",
"@type": "<foodClass>",
"@id": "fdcId",
"@idType": "long",
"@strategy": "merge",
"foodCategory": {
"@cat": "e",
"@type": "HAS_CATEGORY",
"@cardinality": "no-duplicates",
"@in": {
"@cat": "v",
"@type": "FoodCategory",
"@id": "id",
"@idType": "long",
"@strategy": "merge"
![json import](./images/json-import.png)
This command downloads the zip file from the USDA website and uses the mapping to create the graph from the JSON file.
The mapping file is a JSON snippet with directives about what to import, what to ignore and how to map edges with JSON objects. Below all the supported tags:
: is the category of record to use between "v" for vertex, "e" for edge and "d" for document -
: is the type name to use on record creation. If the type doesn’t exist, it’s implicitly created during the import -
: is the property that works as primary key. if not already defined, a unique index is created on the configured@id
property -
: is the type of the primary key in the@id
property. If not defined, the type is taken from the first value found. In case of numbers, the JSON parser always uses DOUBLE as a type. You can, for example, use LONG to force using LONG instead of DOUBLE -
: if "no-duplicates", the edges are not created if there is an edge of the same type between the two vertices -
: represents the strategy to use when the record with the configured@id
already exists By default the existent record is used, but the "merge" strategy allows to merge the current record with the existent one. The current properties will overwrite the existent ones -
: used for edges and represents the destination vertex for the edge -
: ignore the property, do not import into the database
6.4.3. OrientDB Importer
ArcadeDB is able to import a database exported from OrientDB in JSON format.
For more information about how to export a database from OrientDB, look at Export Database.
To import a database use the Import Database command from API, Studio or Console. Below you can find an example of importing a OrientDB database by using ArcadeDB Console.
{MyDatabase}> IMPORT DATABASE file:///temp/orientdb-export.tgz
6.4.4. Neo4j Importer
ArcadeDB is able to import a database exported from Neo4j in JSONL format (one json per line).
To export a Neo4j database follow the instructions in Export in JSON. The resulting file contains one json per line.
Neo4j supports multiple labels per node, while in ArcadeDB a node (vertex) must have only one type.
The Neo4j importer will simulate multiple labels by creating new types with the following name: <label1>[_<labelN>]*
{"type":"node","id":"1","labels":["User", "Administrator"],"properties":{"name":"Jim","age":42}}
This vertex will be created in ArcadeDB with type "Administrator_User" (the labels are always sorted alphabetically) that extends both "Administrator" and "User" types.
In this way you can use the polymorphism of ArcadeDB to retrieve all the nodes of type "User" and the record of User and all its subtypes will be returned.
Example of importing the following mini graph exported from Neo4j. This is the example taken from Neo4j documentation about Export to JSON.
As you can see, the file contains one json per line. First all the nodes (vertices), then the relationships (edges).
To import a database use the Import Database command from API, Studio or Console. Below you can find an example of importing the Neo4j’s PanamaPapers database by using ArcadeDB Console.
{PanamaPapers}> IMPORT DATABASE file:///temp/panama-papers-neo4j.jsonl
ArcadeDB 24.4.1 - Neo4j Importer
Importing Neo4j database from file 'panama-papers-neo4j.jsonl' to 'databases/PanamaPapers'
Creation of the schema: types, properties and indexes
- Creation of vertices started
- Creation of vertices completed: created 3 vertices, skipped 1 edges (0 vertices/sec elapsed=0 secs)
- Creation of edges started: creating edges between vertices
- Creation of edged completed: created 1 edges, (0 edges/sec elapsed=0 secs)
Import of Neo4j database completed in 0 secs with 0 errors and 0 warnings.
- Vertices.............: 0
-- User : 3
- Edges................: 0
-- KNOWS : 1
- Total attributes.....: 9
- you can find your new ArcadeDB database in 'databases/PanamaPapers'
6.5. Upgrade ArcadeDB
ArcadeDB is able to automatically upgrade a database when a newer version of ArcadeDB is used. The migration is completely automatic and transparent.
6.5.1. Steps
Download and extract a newer version of ArcadeDB in the local file system
Stop any ArcadeDB running servers (or close manually the database by using the HTTP command "close database").
Copy the databases directory from the old server to the new one
Start the new server
6.6. Downgrade ArcadeDB
In the case you need to downgrade to an older version of ArcadeDB, check the binary compatibility between the versions. ArcadeDB uses the semantic versioning with 100% compatibility for migration of databases up or down between patch version (the Z in X.Y.Z). To downgrade to a minor or major, the safest way is to export the database with the newest version and re-import the database with the older version.
7. API
The power of a Multi-Model database is also in the way you can interact with it. ArcadeDB supports multiple languages, so it’s easier to use it coming from other DBMS.
JVM Embedded API | SQL | Apache Gremlin | Cypher | GraphQL | MongoDB Query | Redis | |
Speed |
* * * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
Flexibility |
* * * |
* |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
* |
Support for Documents |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Support for Graph |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
No |
Embedded mode |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
No |
Remote mode |
No |
Yes via HTTP/JSON and Postgres Driver |
Yes via Gremlin Server, HTTP/JSON and Postgres Driver |
Yes via Gremlin Server, HTTP/JSON and Postgres Driver |
Yes via HTTP/JSON and Postgres Driver |
Yes via MongoDB Protocol plugin, HTTP/JSON and Postgres Driver |
Yes via Redis Protocol plugin |
7.1. Drivers
ArcadeDB provides HTTP API to interface to the server from a remote application. You can use any programming language that supports HTTP calls (pretty much any language) or use a driver to have a little abstraction over HTTP API.
Language | Project URL | License |
Java |
Bundled with the project. Look at |
Apache 2 |
CHICKEN Scheme |
zlib-acknowledgement |
.NET |
Apache 2 |
Python |
Apache 2 |
Ruby |
Apache 2 |
7.2. Java API (Local)
Add the following dependency in your Maven pom.xml file under the tag <dependencies>
ArcadeDB works in both synchronous and asynchronous modes. By using the asynchronous API you let to ArcadeDB to use all the resources of your hw/sw configuration without managing multiple threads. |
Synchronous API | Asynchronous API |
The Synchronous API executes the operation immediately, by the current thread, and returns when it’s finished. If you use a procedural approach, using the synchronous API is the easiest way to use ArcadeDB. In order to use all the resource of your machine, you might use multi-threading in your application. |
The Asynchronous API schedules jobs to be executed as soon as possible by a pool of threads. ArcadeDB optimizes the usage of asynchronous threads pool to be equals to the number of cores found in the machine (you can modify it via API). Use Asynchronous API if the response of the operation can be managed in asynchronous way. Thanks to the asynchronous API, your application doesn’t need to be multi-threads to use all the available cores. |
7.2.1. 10-Minute Tutorial
You can create a new database from scratch or open an existent one.
Most of the API works in both synchronous and asynchronous modes.
The asynchronous API are available from the <db>.async()
To start from scratch, let’s create a new database.
The entry point it’s the DatabaseFactory
class that allows to create and open a database.
DatabaseFactory arcade = new DatabaseFactory("/databases/mydb");
Pass the path in the file system where you want the database to be stored.
In this case a new directory 'mydb' will be created under the path /databases/
of your file system.
You can also use a relative path like databases/mydb
A DatabaseFactory object doesn’t hold the Database instances.
It’s up to you to close them once you have finished.
Create a new database
To create a new database from scratch, use the .create()
method in DatabaseFactory
If the database already exists, an exception is thrown.
DatabaseFactory databaseFactory = new DatabaseFactory("/databases/mydb");
try( Database db = databaseFactory.create(); ){
The database instance db
is ready to be used inside the try block.
The Database
instance extends Java7 AutoClosable
interface, that means the database is closed automatically when the Database variable reaches out of the scope.
Open an existent database
If you want to open an existent database, use the open()
method instead:
DatabaseFactory databaseFactory = new DatabaseFactory("/databases/mydb");
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
By default a database is open in READ_WRITE
mode, but you can open it in READ_ONLY
in this way:
denys any changes to the database.
This is the suggested method if you’re going to execute reads and queries only.
Or if you are opening a database from a read-only file system like a DVD or a shared read-only directory.
By letting know to ArcadeDB that you’re not changing the database, a lot of optimizations will be used, like in a distributed high-available configuration a REPLICA server could be used instead of the busy MASTER.
If you open a database in READ_ONLY mode, no lock file is created, so the same database could be opened in READ_ONLY mode by another process at the same time.
Write your first transaction
Either if you create or open a database, in order to use it, you have to execute your code inside a transaction, in this way:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( (tx) -> {
Using the database’s auto-close and the transaction()
method allows to forget to manage begin/commit/rollback/close operations like you would do with a normal DBMS.
Anyway, you can control the transaction with explicit methods if you prefer.
This code block is equivalent to the previous one:
Database db = databaseFactory.open();
try {
} catch (Exception e) {
} finally {
Remember that every change in the database must be executed inside a transaction.
ArcadeDB is a fully transactional DBMS, ACID compliant.
The usage of transactions is like with a Relational DBMS: .begin()
starts a new transaction and .commit()
commits all the changes in the database unless there is an error (like a conflict on updating the same record), then the entire transaction will be automatically rollbacked and none of your changes will be in the database.
In case you want to manually rollback the transaction at a certain point (like when you have an error in your application code), you can call .rollback()
Once you have your database instance (in this tutorial the variable db
is used), you can create/update/delete records and execute queries.
Write your first document object
Let’s start now populating the database by creating our first document of type "Customer". What is a document? A Document is like a map of entries. They can be nested and entries can have different types of values, such as Strings, Integers, Floats, etc. You can think to a document like a JSON Document but it’s stored in a binary form in the database. By the way, if you use JSON in your application, ArcadeDB provides easy API to convert a document to and from JSON.
In ArcadeDB it’s mandatory to specify a type when you want tot create a document, a vertex or an edge.
Let’s create the new document type "Customer" without any properties:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
Once the "Customer" type has been created, we can create our first document:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
MutableDocument customer = db.newDocument("Customer");
customer.set("name", "Jay");
customer.set("surname", "Miner");
You can create types and records in the same transaction.
Execute a Query
Once we have our database populated, how to extract data from it? Simple, with a query. Example of executing a prepared query:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
ResultSet result = db.query("SQL", "select from V where age > ? and city = ?", 18, "Melbourne");
while (result.hasNext()) {
Result record = result.next();
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + record.getProperty("name"));
The first parameter of the query method is the language to be used. In this case the common "SQL" is used. You can also use Gremlin or other language that will be supported in the future.
The prepared statement is cached in the database, so further executions will be faster than the first one.
With prepared statements, the parameters can be passed in positional way, like in this case, or with a Map<String,Object>
where the keys are the parameter names and the values the parameter values.
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put( "age", 18 );
parameters.put( "city", "Melbourne" );
ResultSet result = db.query("SQL", "select from V where age > :age and city = :city", parameters);
while (result.hasNext()) {
Result record = result.next();
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + record.getProperty("name"));
By using a map, parameters are referenced by name (:age
and :city
in this example).
Create a Graph
Now that we’re familiar with the most basic operations, let’s see how to work with graphs. Before creating our vertices and edges, we have to create both vertex and edge types beforehand. In our example, we’re going to create a minimal social network with "User" type for vertices and "IsFriendOf" to map the friendship relationship:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
Now let’s create two "Profile" vertices and let’s connect them with the friendship relationship "IsFriendOf", like in the chart below:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
MutableVertex elon = db.newVertex("User", "name", "Elon", "lastName", "Musk").save();
MutableVertex steve = db.newVertex("User", "name", "Steve", "lastName", "Jobs").save();
elon.newEdge("IsFriendOf", steve, true, "since", 2010);
In the code snipped above, we have just created our first graph, made of 2 vertices and one edge that connects them.
Vertices and documents are not persistent until you call the save()
Note the 3rd parameter in the newEdge()
It’s telling to the Graph engine that we want a bidirectional edge.
In this way, even if the direction is still from the "Elon" vertex to the "Steve" vertex, we can traverse the edge from both sides.
Use always bidirectional unless you want to avoid creating super-nodes when it’s necessary to traverse only from one side.
Note also that we stored a property "since = 2010" in the edge.
That’s right, edges can have properties like vertices.
Traverse the Graph
What do you do with a brand new graph? Traversing, of course!
You have basically three ways to do that (Java API, SQL, Apache Gremlin and Open Cypher) each one with its pros/cons:
Speed |
* * * |
* * |
* * |
* * |
Flexibility |
* * * |
* |
* * |
* * |
Embedded mode |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Yes |
Remote mode |
No |
Yes |
Yes (through the Gremlin Server plugin) |
Yes (through the Gremlin Server plugin) |
When using the API, when the SQL and Apache Gremlin? The API is the very code based. You have total control on the query/traversal. With the SQL, you can combine the SELECT with the MATCH statement to create powerful traversals in a just few lines. You could use Apache Gremlin if you’re coming from another GraphDB that supports this language.
Traverse via API
In order to start traversing a graph, you need your root vertex (in some cases you want to start from multiple root vertices). You can load your root vertex by its RID (Record ID), via the indexes properties or via a SQL query.
Loading a record by its RID it’s the fastest way and the execution time remains constants with the growing of the database (algorithm complexity: O(1)
Example of lookup by RID:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
// #10:232 in our example is Elon Musk's RID
Vertex elon = db.lookupByRID( new RID(db, "#10:232"), true );
In order to have a quick lookup, it’s always suggested to create an index against one or multiple properties.
In our case, we could index the properties "name" and "lastName" with 2 separate indexes, or indeed, creating a composite index with both properties.
In this case the algorithm complexity is O(LogN)
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
db.getSchema().createTypeIndex(SchemaImpl.INDEX_TYPE.LSM_TREE, false, "Profile", new String[] { "name", "lastName" });
Now we’re able to load Steve’s vertex in a flash by using this:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
Vertex steve = db.lookupByKey( "Profile", new String[]{"name", "lastName"}, new String[]{"Steve", "Jobs"} );
Remember that loading a record by its RID is always faster than looking up from an index. What about the query approach? ArcadeDB supports SQL, so try this:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
ResultSet result = db.query( "SQL", "select from Profile where name = ? and lastName = ?", "Steve", "Jobs" );
Vertex steve = result.next();
With the query approach, if an existent index is available, then it’s automatically used, otherwise a scan is executed.
Now that we have loaded the root vertex in memory, we’re ready to do some traversal. Before looking at the API, it’s important to understand every edge has a direction: from vertex A to vertex B. In the example above, the direction of the friendship is from "Elon" to "Steve". While in most of the cases the direction is important, sometimes, like with the friendship, it doesn’t really matter the direction because if A is friend with B, it’s true also the opposite.
In our example, the relationship is Elon ---Friend--→ Steve
This means that if I want to retrieve all Elon’s friends, I could start from the vertex "Elon" and traverse all the outgoing edges of type "IsFriendOf".
Instead, if I want to retrieve all Steve’s friends, I could start from Steve as root vertex and traverse all the incoming edges.
In case the direction doesn’t really matters (like with friendship), I could consider both outgoing and incoming.
So the basic traversal operations from one or more vertices, are:
outgoing, expressed as
incoming, expressed as
both, expressed as
In order to load Steve’s friends, this is the example by using API:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
Iterable<Vertex> friends = steve.getVertices(DIRECTION.IN, "IsFriendOf" );
Instead, if I start from Elon’s vertex, it would be:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
Iterable<Vertex> friends = elon.getVertices(DIRECTION.OUT, "IsFriendOf");
Traverse via SQL
By using SQL, you can do the traversal by using SELECT:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
ResultSet friends = db.query( "SQL", "SELECT expand( out('IsFriendOf') ) FROM Profile WHERE name = ? AND lastName = ?", "Steve", "Jobs" );
Or with the more powerful MATCH statement:
try( Database db = databaseFactory.open(); ){
db.transaction( () -> {
ResultSet friends = db.query( "SQL", "MATCH {type: Profile, as: Profile, where: (name = ? and lastName = ?)}.out('IsFriendOf') {as: Friend} RETURN Friend", "Steve", "Jobs" );
Traverse via Apache Gremlin
Since ArcadeDB is 100% compliant with Gremlin 3.6.x, you can run this query against the Apache Gremlin Server configured with ArcadeDB:
For more information about Apache Gremlin see: Gremlin API support
Traverse via Open Cypher
ArcadeDB supports also Open Cypher. The same query would be the following:
MATCH (me)-[:IsFriendOf]-(friend)
WHERE me.name = 'Steve' and me.lastName = 'Jobs'
RETURN friend.name, friend.lastName
For more information about Cypher see: Cypher support
7.2.2. Schema
ArcadeDB can work in schema-less mode (like most of NoSQL DBMS), schema-full (like with RDBMS) or hybrid.
The main API to manage the schema is the Schema interface you can obtain by calling the API db.getSchema()
Schema schema = db.getSchema();
Before creating any record it’s mandatory to define a type. If you’re going to create a new Document, then you need a Document Type. The same applies for Vertex → Vertex Type and Edge → Edge Type.
The specific API to manage document types in the Schema interface are:
DocumentType createDocumentType(String typeName);
DocumentType createDocumentType(String typeName, int buckets);
DocumentType createDocumentType(String typeName, int buckets, int pageSize);
is the name of the type -
is the number of buckets to create. A bucket is like a file. If not specified, the number of available cores is used -
is the page size for the file. If not specified is 65K. Pay attention to this value. In case of large objects to store, you need to increase the page size or the record won’t be stored, throwing an exception.
To manage vertex types, the API are similar as for the document types:
VertexType createVertexType(String typeName);
VertexType createVertexType(String typeName, int buckets);
VertexType createVertexType(String typeName, int buckets, int pageSize);
And the same for edge types:
EdgeType createEdgeType(String typeName);
EdgeType createEdgeType(String typeName, int buckets);
EdgeType createEdgeType(String typeName, int buckets, int pageSize);
In order to retrieve and removing a type, API common to any record type are provided:
Collection<DocumentType> getTypes();
DocumentType getType(String typeName);
void dropType(String typeName);
String getTypeNameByBucketId(int bucketId);
DocumentType getTypeByBucketId(int bucketId);
boolean existsType(String typeName);
7.2.3. Working with buckets
A bucket is like a file. A type can rely on one or multiple buckets. Why using multiple buckets? Because ArcadeDB could lock a bucket for certain operations. Having multiple buckets allows to go in parallel with a multi-cpus and multi-cores architecture.
The specific API to manage buckets are:
Bucket createBucket(String bucketName);
boolean existsBucket(String bucketName);
Bucket getBucketById(int id);
Bucket getBucketByName(String name);
Collection<Bucket> getBuckets();
7.2.4. Working with indexes
Like any other DBMS, ArcadeDB has indexes. Even if indexes are not used to manage relationships (because ArcadeDB has a native GraphDB engine based on links), indexes are fundamental for a quick lookup of records by one or multiple properties.
By default null values are not indexed, so any query that is looking for null values will not use the index but instead result in a full scan. |
ArcadeDB provides automatic and manual indexes:
that are updated automatically when you work with records -
are detached from a type and the user is totally responsible to insert and remove entries into and from the index
The Schema
API to manage indexes are:
TypeIndex createTypeIndex(SchemaImpl.INDEX_TYPE indexType, boolean unique, String typeName, String[] propertyNames);
TypeIndex createTypeIndex(SchemaImpl.INDEX_TYPE indexType, boolean unique, String typeName, String[] propertyNames, int pageSize);
TypeIndex createTypeIndex(EmbeddedSchema.INDEX_TYPE indexType, boolean unique, String typeName, String[] propertyNames, int pageSize, Index.BuildIndexCallback callback);
TypeIndex createTypeIndex(EmbeddedSchema.INDEX_TYPE indexType, boolean unique, String typeName, String[] propertyNames, int pageSize, LSMTreeIndexAbstract.NULL_STRATEGY nullStrategy, Index.BuildIndexCallback callback);
boolean existsIndex(String indexName);
Index[] getIndexes();
Index getIndexByName(String indexName);
is the name of the index -
can be:-
, implemented as a Log Structured Merge tree -
, that uses Lucene’s Analyzers for tokenizing, stemming and categorize words inside a text. Internally it’s managed as a LSM_TREE
tells if the entries in the index must be unique or they can be repeated -
is the name of the type (document, vertex or edge) where the index must be applied -
is the array of property names to index. In case of more than one property is used, the index is composed. Property names may also reference a document type’s polymorphic properties -
is the page size. If not specified, the default of 2MB is used -
can be:-
ignores all null values when creating and reading an index, this is the default. -
throws an exception when creating or reading a null value indexed property.
is a 2 argument Functional interface called when eachDocument
is added to this index. This is most likely only useful for internal use cases. The callback receives theDocument
just indexed, and a running count of the total number of documents indexed in the bucket.
The API above sometimes returns TypeIndex
vs Index
. The more general getIndexes
and getIndexByName
methods return Index
because the index migh be a bucket index or a type index. The TypeIndex
should be useful in most cases, but sometimes it may be useful to work at the bucket level.
In addition to the createTypeIndex
methods above, for each overload there is a matching getOrCreateTypeIndex
method which returns an existing index rather than thowing an exception if a matching index is found. There are also matching index API creation methods available via the DocumentType
for creating an index directly from a document type, rather than against the general Schema
object. When using the DocumentType
convenience variants typeName
is provided automatically.
An index is unique to a set of property names per document type. Any attempt to create a second index on a non-unique set of [typeName , propertyNames ] will throw an exception using the createTypeIndex method variants.
A special mention goes for the method createManualIndex()
that creates indexes not attached to any type (manual):
Index createManualIndex(SchemaImpl.INDEX_TYPE indexType, boolean unique, String indexName, com.arcadedb.schema.Type[] keyTypes, int pageSize);
While by default indexes are updated automatically when you work with records, in this case, the user is totally responsible to insert and remove entries into and from the index.
Indexing Edges
Like any other document type, indexes may be defined for Edge
types as well. If the property name for the index is either @out
or @in
, the index property will be a LINK
type on the adjacently referenced Vertex
type represents @RIDs (like #13:222). Usually creating LINK
indexes is meant for indexing incoming/outgoing edges in order to prevent multigraphs (i.e. duplicates edges between the same vertex pairs).
7.2.5. Database Configuration
ArcadeDB stores the database configuration into the schema and allows to change things like the timezone, the format of dates and the encoding:
TimeZone getTimeZone();
void setTimeZone(TimeZone timeZone);
String getDateFormat();
void setDateFormat(String dateFormat);
String getDateTimeFormat();
void setDateTimeFormat(String dateTimeFormat);
String getEncoding();
7.2.6. Embedded Documents
ArcadeDB is a Multi-Model database with a full support for documents. The nice thing about documents (and Document Databases) is that they can have embedded documents. This feature is very powerful. In some cases is preferable to embed documents instead of connect them by using a graph.
"firstName": "Jay",
"lastName": "Miner",
"worksAt": {
"companyName": "Commodore",
"since": "1982"
Below you can find the code to create such document by using the Java API. Note the creation of the types at the beginning:
db.transaction( (tx) -> {
DocumentType employee = db.getSchema().createDocumentType("Employee");
DocumentType company = db.getSchema().createDocumentType("Company");
MutableDocument jay = db.newDocument("Employee", "firstName", "Jay", "lastName", "Miner");
EmbeddedDocument commodore = jay.newEmbeddedDocument("Company", "worksAt").set("compamyName", "Commodore", "since", 2010);
Modeling with a graph it would be something like this:
And this woud be the code to create the types and the graph.
db.transaction( (tx) -> {
VertexType employee = db.getSchema().createVertexType("Employee");
VertexType company = db.getSchema().createVertexType("Company");
EdgeType worksAt = db.getSchema().createEdgeType("WorksAt");
MutableVertex jay = db.newVertex("Employee", "firstName", "Jay", "lastName", "Miner").save();
MutableVertex commodore = db.newVertex("Company", "name", "Commodore").save();
jay.newEdge("WorksAt", commodore, "since", 2010);
With ArcadeDB Multi-Model DBMS you can have vertices with embedded documents linked to other vertices through edges. Check out this example that uses a graph to connect Employee with Company, but keeps the addresses as embedded documents.
db.transaction( (tx) -> {
VertexType employee = db.getSchema().createVertexType("Employee");
VertexType company = db.getSchema().createVertexType("Company");
EdgeType worksAt = db.getSchema().createEdgeType("WorksAt");
DocumentType address = db.getSchema().createDocumentType("Address");
MutableVertex jay = db.newVertex("Employee", "firstName", "Jay", "lastName", "Miner").save();
jay.newEmbeddedDocument("Address", "residenceAddress", "city", "San Francisco", "state": "CA", "country": "USA");
MutableVertex commodore = db.newVertex("Company", "name", "Commodore").save();
commodore.newEmbeddedDocument("Address", "hqAddress", "city", "Palo Alto", "state": "CA", "country": "USA");
commodore.newEmbeddedDocument("Address", "ukAddress", "city", "London", "state": "London", "country": "UK");
jay.newEdge("WorksAt", commodore, "since", 2010);
To retrieve embedded documents, you can retrieve as any other properties. Example:
db.transaction( (tx) -> {
ResultSet result = db.query( "SQL", "select from Employee where firstName = ? and lastName = ?", "Jay", "Miner" );
Vertex jay = result.next();
EmbeddedDocument residenceAddress = (EmbeddedDocument) jay.get("residenceAddress");
System.out.println( "Jay's lives in " + residenceAddress.getString("city") );
7.2.7. Using Vector Embeddings from Java API
Using the Embedded Java API is the fastest way to insert vector embeddings into the database. At the beginning it’s much faster to pass through the HnswVectorIndexRAM
implementation and then generate the persistent index after loaded.
Schema types are created automatically, but you could create them in advance if you want special settings, like a specific numbe rof buckets, or a custom page size.
Example of inserting embeddings in RAM first, and then create the persistent HNSW index.
if (!database.getSchema().existsIndex(indexName)) {
final HnswVectorIndexRAM<Object, float[], Item<Object, float[]>, Float> hnswIndex = HnswVectorIndexRAM.newBuilder(
embeddingService.getDimensions(), distanceFunction, 100_000).withM(m).withEf(ef).withEfConstruction(efConstruction)
hnswIndex.addAll((Collection<Item<Object, float[]>>) embeddings, Runtime.getRuntime().availableProcessors(), null;
final String statementTypeName = getStatementTypeName(vertexLibrary);
Once the persistent index is created, you can just add new entries into the HNSW index:
if (database.getSchema().existsIndex(indexName)) {
final HnswVectorIndex index = (HnswVectorIndex) database.getSchema().getIndexByName(indexName);
index.addAll(embeddings, (statement, item, total) -> {
The callback in the addAll()
method is useful when you have a graph/tree connected to the vertices created by the index. For example, if you are indexing a book, probably you calculate a vector of embeddings per statement, and then you group the statements in paragraphs.
7.2.8. Events
ArcadeDB allows hooking listener to the following events on records (vertices, edges, documents):
before is created, by registering the interface
after is created, by registering the interface
before is read, by registering the interface
after is read, by registering the interface
before is updates, by registering the interface
after is updated, by registering the interface
before is deleted, by registering the interface
after is deleted, by registering the interface
The listeners above can be installed and removed at database by using:
And at specific type level by using:
All the interface listeners that work before a record is created, read, updated or deleted, require to return a boolean value.
If the callback returns true
, the listener chain continues and all the following listeners are invoked.
If false
, the chain of calls is interrupted and the operation is skipped with no errors.
In case an error is requested, the callback can throw an exception instead of returning false.
The typical use cases for the listeners are:
listen before a create or update to enhance the record with additional properties
listen before a create or update to validate properties and in case the record is not valid, returning false or an exception to avoid the operation is executed
execute cascade operations. This is the typical use case for
where a cascade deletion of multiple connected records can be executed -
listen to after create, read, update and delete operations to propagate changes to the external or the webapp via web-socket. This allows to have a reactive application that doesn’t poll the database for changes, but rather listens and receives updates as soon as they occur
implement custom profiling on changes to the database (by implementing "before" listeners)
Example of before-record-create
listener where vertices with "validated" field equal to false cannot be saved (callback returns false):
record -> record instanceof Vertex && record.asVertex().getBoolean("validated"));
The same by only for vertex type "Client":
record -> record.asVertex().getBoolean("validated"));
7.3. Java API (Remote)
ArcadeDB comes with a convenient Java library to work with a remote database.
Add the following dependencies in your Maven pom.xml file under the tag <dependencies>
7.3.1. 10-Minute Tutorial
Connect to a remote database
There are 2 main classes that handle the connection to the remote database by translating the Java API into http-calls:
, to create new database on a remote server -
, to work with a remote database instance
We start by creating a RemoteServer:
RemoteServer server = new RemoteServer("localhost", 5432, "root", "playwithdata");
Next, let’s create a RemoteDatabase instance pointing to the database "mydb" on ArcadeDB Server located on "localhost", port 5432. User and passwords are respectively "root" and "playwithdata":
RemoteDatabase database = new RemoteDatabase("localhost", 5432, "mydb", "root", "playwithdata");
The RemoteDatabase is not thread-safe. It holds a backend session. If a thread closes a transaction, it also closes the session, so that any request performed by a concurrent thread using the same RemoteDatabase instance leads to unexpected behavior. To avoid concurrency problems you should not hold RemoteDatabase instances as fields on the heap, but rather create a new instance in method scope as a variable on the stack.
The database, which name you have given as the third parameter in the constructor is not automatically created nor is it checked whether it exists. Before you use the RemoteDatabase
make sure that the database exists, or, if it doesn’t, create it:
if (!server.exists("mydb"))
For a list of all databases hosted by the server use:
List<String> databases = server.databases();
Now that we have the database created we may create the schema (but we may also work without):
String schema =
create vertex type Customer if not exists;
create property Customer.name if not exists string;
create property Customer.surname if not exists string;
create index if not exists on Customer (name, surname) unique;
database.command("sqlscript", schema);
As language we have used sqlscript
, which has the advantage that all the statements in the script are executed within one single transaction. Of course you can also send these requests line by line with sql
as language. If you go line by line it is important to enclose the requests in a common transaction:
database.command("sql", "create vertex type Customer if not exists");
database.command("sql", "create property Customer.name if not exists string");
database.command("sql", "create property Customer.surname if not exists string");
database.command("sql", "create index if not exists on Customer (name, surname) unique");
database.transaction(() -> {
The transaction
method encloses the lambda function with a begin
- commit
, or a rollback
in case of any exception.
Now that the schema is in place, we will insert some data:
database.command("sql", "insert into Customer(name, surname) values(?, ?)", "Jay", "Miner");
"update Customer set lastcall = :lastcall where name = :name and surname = :surname",
Map.of("lastcall", Date.from(Instant.now()), "name", "Jay", "surname", "Miner"));
The first command creates a new vertex of type 'Customer'. The second command updates this vertex by adding a new value for the property 'lastcall'. The first command uses unnamed parameters where the values are mapped by their order in the parameter list. Whereas the second command uses named parameters, which are mapped by the parameter names.
We can now query some customer data from our database:
ResultSet resultSet = database.query("sql", "select from Customer where name = :name",
Map.of("name", "Jay"));
Map<String, Object> customer = resultSet.stream().findFirst().map(Result::toMap).orElse(Map.of());
The query returns a ResultSet
, which holds an arry of objects of type Result
, which can be read as Map:
{name=Jay, @cat=d, @rid=#1:0, lastcall=1675961747290, surname=Miner, @type=Customer}
7.4. Java Reference
7.4.1. DatabaseFactory
It’s the entry point class that allows to create and open a database.
A DatabaseFactory
object doesn’t keep any state and its only goal is creating a Database instance.
DatabaseFactory factory = new DatabaseFactory("/databases/mydb");
Close a database factory. This method frees some resources, but it’s not necessary to call it to unlock te databases.
void close()
Database create()
Creates a new database. If the database already exists, an exception is thrown.
DatabaseFactory arcade = new DatabaseFactory("/databases/mydb");
Database db = arcade.create();
Database open()
Opens an existent database in READ_WRITE mode. If the database does not exist, an exception is thrown.
DatabaseFactory arcade = new DatabaseFactory("/databases/mydb");
try( Database db = arcade.open(); ) {
Database open(MODE mode)
Opens an existent database by specifying a mode between READ_WRITE and READ_ONLY mode. If the database does not exist, an exception is thrown. In READ_ONLY mode, any attempt to modify the database throws an exception.
DatabaseFactory arcade = new DatabaseFactory("/databases/mydb");
Database db = arcade.open(MODE.READ_ONLY);
try {
} finally {
7.4.2. Database
It’s the main class to operate with ArcadeDB.
To obtain an instance of Database, use the class DatabaseFactory
Methods (By category)
Transaction | Lifecycle | Query | Records | Misc |
It returns an instance of DatabaseAsyncExecutor
to execute asynchronous calls.
DatabaseAsyncExecutor async()
Execute an asynchronous query:
db.async().query("sql", "select from User", new AsyncResultsetCallback() {
public boolean onNext(Result result) {
System.out.println( "Name = " + result.getProperty("name"));
return true;
public void onError(Exception exception) {
System.err.println("Error on executing the query: " + exception );
Starts a transaction on the current thread.
Each thread can have only one active transaction.
All the modification to the database become persistent only at pending changes in the transaction are made persistent only when the commit()
method is called.
ArcadeDB supports ACID transactions.
Before the commit, no other thread/client can see any of the changes contained in the current transaction.
} catch( Exception e ){
Closes a database.
This method should be called at the end of the application.
By using Java7+ AutoClosed statement, the close()
method is executed automatically at the end of the scope of the database variable.
void close()
Database db = new DatabaseFactory("/temp/mydb").open();
} finally {
The suggested method is using Java7+ AutoClosed statement, to avoid the explicit close()
try( Database db = new DatabaseFactory("/temp/mydb").open(); ) {
Drops a database. The database will be completely removed from the filesystem.
void drop()
new DatabaseFactory("/temp/mydb").open().drop();
Returns the Schema instance for the database.
Schema getSchema()
Returns true
if the database is open, otherwise false
boolean isOpen()
if( db.isOpen() ){
query( language, command, positionalParameters )
Executes a query, with optional positional parameters.
This method only executes idempotent statements, namely SELECT
, that cannot change the database.
The execution of any other commands will throw a IllegalArgumentException
Resultset query( String language, String command, Object... positionalParameters )
is the language to use. Only "SQL" language is supported for now, but in the future multiple languages could be used -
is the command to execute. If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by using?
for positional replacement -
optional variable array of parameters to execute with the query
It returns a Resultset
object where the result can be iterated.
Simple query:
ResultSet resultset = db.query("sql", "select from V");
while (resultset.hasNext()) {
Result record = resultset.next();
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + record.getProperty("name"));
Query passing positional parameters:
ResultSet resultset = db.query("sql", "select from V where age > ? and city = ?", 18, "Melbourne");
while (resultset.hasNext()) {
Result record = resultset.next();
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + record.getProperty("name"));
query( language, command, parameterMap )
Executes a query taking a map for parameters.
This method only executes idempotent statements, namely SELECT
, that cannot change the database.
The execution of any other commands will throw a IllegalArgumentException
Resultset query( String language, String command, Map<String,Object> parameterMap )
is the language to use. Only "SQL" language is supported for now, but in the future multiple languages could be used -
is the command to execute. If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by name by using:<arg-name>
this map is used to extract the named parameters
It returns a Resultset
object where the result can be iterated.
Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("age", 18);
parameters.put("city", "Melbourne");
ResultSet resultset = db.query("sql", "select from V where age > :age and city = :city", parameters);
while (resultset.hasNext()) {
Result record = resultset.next();
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + record.getProperty("name"));
command( language, command, positionalParameters )
Executes a command that could change the database.
This is the equivalent to query()
, but allows the command to modify the database.
Only "SQL" language is supported, but in the future multiple languages could be used.
Resultset command( String language, String command, Object... positionalParameters )
is the language to use. Only "SQL" is supported -
is the command to execute. If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by using?
for positional replacement or by name by using:<arg-name>
optional variable array of parameters to execute with the query
It returns a Resultset
object where the result can be iterated.
Create a new record:
db.command("sql", insert into V set name = 'Jay', surname = 'Miner'");
Create a new record by passing position parameters:
db.command("sql", insert into V set name = ?, surname = ?", "Jay", "Miner");
command( language, command, parameterMap )
Executes a command that could change the database.
This is the equivalent to query()
, but allows the command to modify the database.
Only "SQL" language is supported, but in the future multiple languages could be used.
Resultset command( String language, String command, Map<String,Object> parameterMap )
is the language to use. Only "SQL" is supported -
is the command to execute. If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by using?
for positional replacement or by name by using:<arg-name>
this map is used to extract the named parameters
It returns a Resultset
object where the result can be iterated.
Create a new record by passing a map of parameters:
Map<String,Object> parameters = new HashMap<>();
parameters.put("name", "Jay");
parameters.put("surname", "Miner");
db.command("sql", insert into V set name = :name, surname = :surname", parameters);
Commits the thread’s active transaction.
All the pending changes in the transaction are made persistent.
A transaction must be begun by calling the begin()
Rolled back transactions cannot be committed.
ArcadeDB supports ACID transactions.
Before the commit, no other thread/client can see any of the changes contained in the current transaction.
ArcadeDB uses a WAL (Write Ahead Log) as journal in case a crash happens at commit time.
In this way, at the next restart, the database can be rollbacked at the previous state.
If the commit operation succeed, the changes are immediately visible to the other threads/clients and further transactions of the current thread.
} catch( Exception e ){
deleteRecord( record )
Deleted a record. The record will be persistently deleted only at commit time.
void deleteRecord( Record record )
db.deleteRecord( customer );
iterateBucket( bucketName )
Iterates all the records contained in a bucket.
To scan a type (with all its buckets), use the method iterateType() instead.
The result are not accumulated in RAM, but tather this method returns an Iterator<Record>
that fetches the records only when .next()
is called.
Iterator<Record> iterateBucket( String bucketName )
Aggregate the records by age. This is equivalent to a SQL query with a "group by age":
Map<String, AtomicInteger> aggregate = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<Record> result = db.iterateType("V", true );
while( result.hasNext() ){
Record record = result.next();
String age = (String) record.get("age");
AtomicInteger counter = aggregate.get(age);
if (counter == null) {
counter = new AtomicInteger(1);
aggregate.put(age, counter);
} else
Prints all the records in the bucket "Customer" with age major or equals to 21.
Iterator<Record> result = db.iterateBucket("Customer");
while( result.hasNext() ){
Record record = result.next();
Integer age = (Integer) record.get("age");
if (age =! null && age >= 21 )
System.out.println("Found customer: " + record.get("name") );
iterateType( className, polymorphic )
Iterates all the records contained in the buckets relative to a type.
If polymorphic
is true
, then also the sub-types buckets are considered.
To iterate one bucket only check out the iterateBucket() method.
The result are not accumulated in RAM, but tather this method returns an Iterator<Record>
that fetches the records only when .next()
is called.
Iterator<Record> iterateType( String typeName, boolean polymorphic )
Aggregate the records by age. This is equivalent to a SQL query with a "group by age":
Map<String, AtomicInteger> aggregate = new HashMap<>();
Iterator<Record> result = db.iterateType("V", true );
while( result.hasNext() ){
Record record = result.next();
String age = (String) record.get("age");
AtomicInteger counter = aggregate.get(age);
if (counter == null) {
counter = new AtomicInteger(1);
aggregate.put(age, counter);
} else
lookupByKey( type, properties, keys )
Look ups for one or more records (document, vertex or edge) that match one or more indexed keys.
Cursor<RID> lookupByKey( String type, String[] properties, Object[] keys )
type name -
array of property names to match -
array of keys
It returns a Cursor<RID>
(like an iterator).
Look up for an author with name "Jay" and surname "Miner". This requires an index on the type "Author", properties "name" and "surname".
Cursor<RID> jayMiner = database.lookupByKey("Author", new String[] { "name", "surname" }, new Object[] { "Jay", "Miner" });
while( jayMiner.hasNext() ){
System.out.println( "Found Jay! " + jayMiner.next().getProperty("name"));
lookupByRID( rid, loadContent )
Look ups for a record (document, vertex or edge) by its RID (Record Identifier).
Record lookupByRID( RID rid, boolean loadContent )
is the record identifier -
forces the load of the content too. If the content is not loaded will be lazy loaded at the first access. Usetrue
if you are going to access to the record content for sure, otherwise, usefalse
It returns a Record
implementation (document, vertex or edge).
Load the vertex by RID and its content:
Vertex v = (Vertex) db.lookupByRID(new RID(db, "#3:47"));
newDocument( typeName )
Creates a new document of a certain type.
The type must be of type "document" and must be created beforehand.
In order to be saved, the method MutableDocument.save()
must be called.
MutableDocument newDocument( typeName )
type name
It returns a MutableDocument
Create a new document of type "Customer":
MutableDocument doc = db.newDocument("Customer");
doc.set("name", "Jay");
doc.set("surname", "Miner");
newVertex( typeName )
Creates a new vertex of a certain type.
The type must be of type "vertex" and must be created beforehand.
In order to be saved, the method MutableVertex.save()
must be called.
MutableVertex newVertex( typeName )
type name
It returns a MutableVertex
Create a new document of type "Customer":
MutableVertex v = db.newVertex("Customer");
v.set("name", "Jay");
v.set("surname", "Miner");
newEdgeByKeys( sourceVertexType, sourceVertexKey, sourceVertexValue, destinationVertexType, destinationVertexKey, destinationVertexValue, createVertexIfNotExist, edgeType, bidirectional, properties )
Creates a new edge between two vertices found by their keys.
Edge newEdgeByKeys( String sourceVertexType, String[] sourceVertexKey,
Object[] sourceVertexValue,
String destinationVertexType, String[] destinationVertexKey,
Object[] destinationVertexValue,
boolean createVertexIfNotExist, String edgeType, boolean bidirectional,
Object... properties )
source vertex type name -
source vertex key properties -
source vertex key values -
destination vertex type name -
destination vertex key properties -
destination vertex key values -
creates source and/or destination vertices if not exist -
edge type name -
if the edge must be bidirectional, otherwisefalse
optional property array with pairs of name (as string) and value
It returns a MutableEdge
Create a new document of type "Customer":
Edge likes = db.newEdgeByKeys( "Account",
new String[] {"id"}, new Object[] {322323},
new String[] {"title"},
new Object[] {"Chasing Cars"},
false, "Likes", true);
Aborts the thread’s active transaction by rolling back all the pending changes.
Usually the transaction rollback is executed in case of errors.
If an exception happens during the call commit()
, the transaction is roll backed automatically.
Once rolled backed, the transaction cannot be committed anymore but it has to be re-started by calling the begin()
} catch( Exception e ){
db.rollback(); // <--- ROLLBACK IN CASE OF EXCEPTION
scanBucket( bucketName, callback )
Scans all the records contained in a buckets.
For each record found, the callback is called passing the current record.
To scan a type (with all its buckets), use the method scanType() instead.
The callback method must return true
to continue the scan, otherwise false
Look also at the iterateBucket() method if you want to use an iterator approach instead of callback.
void scanBucket(String bucketName, RecordCallback callback);
Prints all the records in the bucket "Customer" with age major or equals to 21.
db.scanBucket("Customer", (record) -> {
Integer age = (Integer) record.get("age");
if (age =! null && age >= 21 )
System.out.println("Found customer: " + record.get("name") );
return true;
scanType( className, polymorphic, callback )
Scans all the records contained in all the buckets relative to a type.
If polymorphic
is true
, then also the sub-types buckets are considered.
For each record found, the callback is called passing the current record.
To scan one bucket only check out the scanBucket() method.
The callback method must return true
to continue the scan, otherwise false
Look also at the iterateType() method if you want to use an iterator approach instead of callback.
scanType( String className, boolean polymorphic, DocumentCallback callback )
Aggregate the records by age. This is equivalent to a SQL query with a "group by age":
Map<String, AtomicInteger> aggregate = new HashMap<>();
db.scanType("V", true, (record) -> {
String age = (String) record.get("age");
AtomicInteger counter = aggregate.get(age);
if (counter == null) {
counter = new AtomicInteger(1);
aggregate.put(age, counter);
} else
return true;
transaction( txBlock )
This methods wraps a call to the method transaction with retries by using the default retries specified in the database setting arcadedb.mvccRetries
transaction( txBlock, retries )
Executes a transaction block as a callback or a clojure.
Before calling the callback in TransactionScope
, the transaction is begun and after the end of the callback, the transaction is committed.
In case of any exceptions, the transaction is rolled back.
In case a NeedRetryException
exceptions is thrown, the transaction is repeated up to retries
void transaction( TransactionScope txBlock )
Example by using Java8+ syntax:
db.transaction( () -> {
final MutableVertex v = database.newVertex("Author");
v.set("name", "Jay");
v.set("surname", "Miner");
Example by using Java7 syntax:
db.transaction( new Database.TransactionScope() {
public void execute(Database database) {
final MutableVertex v = database.newVertex("Author");
v.set("name", "Jay");
v.set("surname", "Miner");
This is the class to manage asynchronous operations.
To obtain an instance of DatabaseAsyncExecutor, use the method .async()
in Database
The Asynchronous API schedule the operation to be executed as soon as possible, but by a different thread. ArcadeDB optimizes the usage of asynchronous threads to be equals to the number of cores found in the machine (but it is still configurable). Use Asynchronous API if the response of the operation can be managed in asynchronous way and if you want to avoid developing Multi-Threads application by yourself.
query( language, command, callback, positionalParameters )
Executes a query in asynchronous way, with optional positional parameters.
This method returns immediately.
This method only executes idempotent statements, namely SELECT
, that cannot change the database.
The execution of any other commands will throw a IllegalArgumentException
void query( String language, String command, AsyncResultsetCallback callback,
Object... positionalParameters )
is the language to use -
is the command to execute If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by using?
for positional replacement If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by name by using:<arg-name>
optional, is the callback that will be used for the whole lifecycle of the result set:-
executed when the query is parsed and the first result ready -
executed foreach result in the result set Returntrue
to continue browsing the result set, otherwisefalse
to interrupt fetching the result set -
executed when the entire result set is browsed, or theonNext()
returned false to interrupt the browsing -
in case of any exception while executing the query
optional variable array of parameters to execute with the query
To iterate the result, use the callback.
Simple query:
db.async().query("sql", "select from V", new AsyncResultsetCallback() {
public boolean onNext(Result result) {
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + result.getProperty("name"));
return true;
public void onError(Exception exception) {
System.err.println("Error on executing query: " + exception );
Query passing positional parameters:
db.async().query("sql", "select from V where age > ? and city = ?", new AsyncResultsetCallback(){
public boolean onNext(Result result) {
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + result.getProperty("name"));
return true;
}, 18, "Melbourne");
When you have multiple independent queries that could be executed in parallel, you could use the asynchronous interface and a CountDownLatch
. The following example
executes 3 queries in parallel and wait for all of them to have finished.
CountDownLatch counter = new CountDownLatch(3);
final ResultSet[] resultSets = new ResultSet[3];
database.async().query("sql", "select from X", resultset -> { resultSets[0] = resultset; counter.countDown(); });
database.async().query("sql", "select from Y", resultset -> { resultSets[1] = resultset; counter.countDown(); });
database.async().query("sql", "select from Z", resultset -> { resultSets[2] = resultset; counter.countDown(); });
// counter.await(10, TimeUnit.SECONDS);
query( language, command, callback, parameterMap )
Executes a query taking a map for parameters.
This method returns immediately.
This method only executes idempotent statements, namely SELECT
, that cannot change the database.
The execution of any other commands will throw a IllegalArgumentException
void query( String language, String command, AsyncResultsetCallback callback,
Map<String,Object> parameterMap )
is the language to use -
is the command to execute If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by name by using:<arg-name>
optional, is the callback that will be used for the whole lifecycle of the result set:-
executed when the query is parsed and the first result ready -
executed foreach result in the result set Returntrue
to continue browsing the result set, otherwisefalse
to interrupt fetching the result set -
executed when the entire result set is browsed, or theonNext()
returned false to interrupt the browsing -
in case of any exception while executing the query
this map is used to extract the named parameters
To iterate the result, use the callback.
Map<String,Object> parameters = Map.of("age", 18, "city", "Melbourne");
db.async().query("sql", "select from V where age > :age and city = :city", new AsyncResultsetCallback(){
public boolean onNext(Result result) {
System.out.println( "Found record, name = " + result.getProperty("name"));
return true;
}, parameters);
command( language, command, callback, positionalParameters )
Executes a command that could change the database.
This method returns immediately.
This is the equivalent to query()
, but allows the command to modify the database.
void command( String language, String command, AsyncResultsetCallback callback,
Object... positionalParameters )
is the language to use -
is the command to execute If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by using?
for positional replacement or by name by using:<arg-name>
If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by name by using:<arg-name>
optional, is the callback that will be used for the whole lifecycle of the result set:-
executed when the query is parsed and the first result ready -
executed foreach result in the result set Returntrue
to continue browsing the result set, otherwisefalse
to interrupt fetching the result set -
executed when the entire result set is browsed, or theonNext()
returned false to interrupt the browsing -
in case of any exception while executing the query
optional variable array of parameters to execute with the query
To iterate the result, use the callback.
Create a new record:
db.async().command("sql", "insert into V set name = 'Jay', surname = 'Miner'", new AsyncResultsetCallback() {
public boolean onNext(Result result) {
System.out.println("Created new record: " + result.toJSON() );
return true;
public void onError(Exception exception) {
System.err.println("Error on creating new record: " + exception );
Create a new record by passing position parameters:
db.async().command("sql", "insert into V set name = ? surname = ?", new AsyncResultsetCallback() {
public boolean onNext(Result result) {
System.out.println("Created new record: " + result.toJSON() );
return true;
}, "Jay", "Miner");
command( language, command, callback, parameterMap )
Executes a command that could change the database.
This method returns immediately.
This is the equivalent to query()
, but allows non-idempotent commands to modify the database.
void command( String language, String command, AsyncResultsetCallback callback,
Map<String,Object> parameterMap )
is the language to use -
is the command to execute If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by using?
for positional replacement or by name by using:<arg-name>
If the language supports prepared statements (SQL does), you can specify parameters by name by using:<arg-name>
optional, is the callback that will be used for the whole lifecycle of the result set:-
executed when the query is parsed and the first result ready -
executed foreach result in the result set Returntrue
to continue browsing the result set, otherwisefalse
to interrupt fetching the result set -
executed when the entire result set is browsed, or theonNext()
returned false to interrupt the browsing -
in case of any exception while executing the query
this map is used to extract the named parameters
To iterate the result, use the callback.
Create a new record by passing a map of parameters:
Map<String,Object> parameters = Map.of("name", "Jay", "surname", "Miner");
db.async().command("sql", "insert into V set name = :name, surname = :surname", new AsyncResultsetCallback() {
public boolean onNext(Result result) {
System.out.println("Created new record: " + result.toJSON() );
return true;
public void onError(Exception exception) {
System.err.println("Error on creating new record: " + exception );
}, parameters);
createRecord(record, newRecordCallback [,errorCallback])
Creates a record (document or vertex) asynchronously. This method returns immediately. The result can be managed in the NewRecordCallback callback and errors in ErrorCallback callback.
void createRecord(final MutableDocument record, final NewRecordCallback newRecordCallback,
final ErrorCallback errorCallback)
is the mutable record to insert -
is the callback to handle the result after the record has been inserted -
(optional) is the callback to handle any error raised during insertion
Example on inserting a vertex asynchronously.
final MutableVertex vertex = database.newVertex("Customer").set("name", "Elon");
v -> { System.out.println("Record " + v.toJSON() + " created") });
updateRecord(record, updateRecordCallback [,errorCallback])
Updates a record (document or vertex) asynchronously. This method returns immediately. The result can be managed in the UpdatedRecordCallback callback and errors in ErrorCallback callback.
void updateRecord(final MutableDocument record, final UpdatedRecordCallback updateRecordCallback,
final ErrorCallback errorCallback)
is the mutable record to update -
is the callback to handle the result after the record has been updated -
(optional) is the callback to handle any error raised during update]
Example on inserting a vertex asynchronously.
v -> { System.out.println("Record " + v.toJSON() + " updated") });
deleteRecord(record, deleteRecordCallback [,errorCallback])
Deletes a record (document or vertex) asynchronously. This method returns immediately. The result can be managed in the DeletedRecordCallback callback and errors in ErrorCallback callback.
void deleteRecord(final Record record, final DeletedRecordCallback deleteRecordCallback,
final ErrorCallback errorCallback)
is the record to delete -
is the callback to handle the result after the record has been deleted -
(optional) is the callback to handle any error raised during deletion
Example on inserting a vertex asynchronously.
v -> { System.out.println("Record " + v.toJSON() + " updated") });
7.5. Native-Select
The native-select API is an alternative approach to query a database from Java. This API combines an object-oriented syntax with SQL semantics and enables faster query processing than SQL.
Compare the following SQL and native-select queries:
SELECT FROM mytype WHERE age > 20 AND name != 'Joe' ORDER BY age LIMIT 10;
Note that the projections happen after the query is compiled.
An important part of the query is the filtering.
Filtering in native-select is done by chaining compatible objects.
A filter is composed of a SelectWhereLeftBlock
, SelectWhereOperatorBlock
, and SelectWhereRightBlock
Filters are chained or filtering is completed by the SelectWhereAfterBlock
In the following tables are listed which group methods belonging to objects related to a native select query. The columns of these tables list the method signature, consisting of name, arguments and return type, a comment on its effect, and a corresponding SQL element.
Signature | Comment | SQL |
Initializes a "native select" query. |
Signature | Comment | SQL |
Inserts a property by its name. |
- |
Inserts a literal value. |
- |
Inserts a named placeholder to be specified in the compiled query. |
- |
Sets type to select from. |
Sets bucket(s) to select from by name. |
Sets bucket(s) to select from by number. |
Allow or disallow polymorphic queries. |
- |
Set a timeout for the query. |
- |
paste native-select query as JSON object. |
- |
Initializes a filter. |
Signature | Comment | SQL |
Inserts a property by its name. |
- |
Inserts an explicit value. |
- |
Inserts a named placeholder to be specified in the compiled query. |
- |
Signature | Comment | SQL |
Tests if |
Tests if |
Tests if |
Tests if |
Tests if |
Tests if |
Tests if |
Tests if |
Signature | Comment | SQL |
Inserts a property by its name. |
- |
Inserts an explicit value. |
- |
Inserts a named placeholder to be specified in the compiled query. |
- |
and() → SelectWhereLeftBlock |
Combines two filters using the "and" relation. | AND |
Combines two filters using the "or" relation. |
and SelectWhereAfterBlock
Signature | Comment | SQL |
Orders projections by argument. |
Limits the number of results. |
Skips a number of results. |
Compiles select query. |
- |
Signature | Comment | SQL |
Inserts a value at a named placeholder. |
- |
Return document iterator. |
- |
Return vertex iterator. |
- |
Return edge iterator. |
- |
- |
7.7. HTTP/JSON Protocol
Overview Endpoints
Action | Method | Endpoint |
Overview Query & Command Parameters
Parameters | Type | Values |
language |
Required |
"sql", "sqlscript", "graphql", "cypher", "gremlin", "mongo", and others |
command |
Required |
encoded command string |
awaitResponse |
Optional |
set synchronous (true, default) or asynchronous (false) command |
limit |
Optional |
maximum number of results |
params |
Optional |
map of parameters |
serializer |
Optional |
"graph", "record" |
The ArcadeDB Server is accessible from the remote through the HTTP/JSON protocol. The protocol is very simple. For this reason, you don’t need a driver, because every modern programming language provides an easy way to execute HTTP requests and parse JSON.
For the examples in this chapter we’re going to use curl
Every request must be authenticated by passing user and password as HTTP basic authentication (in HTTP Headers).
In the examples below we’re going to always use "root" user with password "arcadedb-password".
Under Windows (Powershell) single and double quotes inside a single or double quoted string need to be replaced with their Unicode entity representations \u0022 (double quote) and
\u0027 (single quote).
This is for example the case in the data argument (-d ) of POST requests.
Server-Side Transactions
ArcadeDB implements server-side transaction over HTTP stateless protocol by using sessions.
A session is created with the /begin request and returns a session id in the response header (example arcadedb-session-id: AS-ee056170-dc9b-4956-8d71-d7cfa01900d4
Use the session id in the request header of further commands you want to execute in the same transaction and request /commit to commit the server side transaction or /rollback to rollback the changes.
After a period of inactivity (default is 30 seconds, see server.httpTxExpireTimeout
), the server automatically rolls back and purges expired transactions.
Transaction Scripts
In case SQL (sql
) is supposed to be used as language for a transactions, the language variant SQL Script (sqlscript
) is also available.
A sqlscript
can consist of one or multiple SQL statements, which is collectively treated as a transaction.
Hence, for such a batch of SQL statements, no begin
and commit
commands are necessary, since begin
and commit
implicitly enclose any sqlscript
Streaming Change Events
This feature only works on the server where changes are executed. In a replicated environment, the changes executed on other servers would not fire events on all the servers in the cluster, but only on the local server. The cluster support is coming soon. |
The Java API supports real-time change notifications, which the HTTP API implements via a websocket. You can opt into notifications for all changes that occur on a database, or filter by the operation (i.e. create, update, delete) or underlying entity type.
To connect, point your favorite WebSocket client to the ws://SERVER:PORT/ws
You will need to authenticate with HTTP Basic, which for some clients (like most browsers) is only possible via the URI, like this: ws://USERNAME:PASSWORD@SERVER:PORT/ws
Others will require that you set the Authorization header directly.
Check the documentation for your client of choice for details.
To subscribe/unsubscribe to change events, send JSON messages using the following structure:
Property | Required | Description |
action |
Required |
database |
Required |
The database name. |
type |
Optional |
The entity type to filter by. |
changeTypes |
Optional |
Array of change types you’d like to receive. Must be |
Example: to subscribe to all changes (create, update, delete) for the type Movie
in the database movies
, use:
{"action": "subscribe", "database": "movies", "type": "Movie"}
If instead, you only want updates, send:
{"action": "subscribe", "database": "movies", "type": "Movie", "changeTypes": ["update"]}
If you want every change on the database (use with caution!):
{"action": "subscribe", "database": "movies"}
Once subscribed, you will get JSON messages for any matching changes with the following properties:
Property | Description |
database |
The source database. |
changeType |
create, update or delete. |
record |
The full record that generated the change event. |
The server answers a HTTP request with a response.
This response can have a body, which will always be in the JSON format.
Generally, a successful response (HTTP status codes 2xx) contains a result
while an erroneous request (HTTP status code 4xx) has an error
and a server error (HTTP status code 5xx), in addition to the error
field, provides a detail
and an exception
Let’s first create an empty database "school" on the server:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "create database school" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Now let’s create the type "Class":
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/command/school \
-d '{ "language": "sql", "command": "create document type Class"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
We could insert our first Class by using SQL:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/command/school \
-d '{ "language": "sql", "command": "insert into Class set name = '\''English'\'', location = '\''3rd floor'\''"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Or better, using parameters with SQL:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/command/school \
-d '{ "language": "sql", "command": "insert into Class set name = :name, location = :location", "params": { "name": "English", "location": "3rd floor" }}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Check if server is ready (GET)
Returns a header-only (no content) status about if the ArcadeDB server is ready.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/ready
This endpoint accepts (GET) requests without authentication, and is useful for remote monitoring of server readiness.
$ curl -I -X GET "http://localhost:2480/api/v1/ready"
HTTP/1.1 204 OK
Get server information (GET)
Returns the current configuration.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/server
The following mode
query parameter values are available:
returns minimal server information. -
returns full server configuration (default value when no parameter is given). -
returns cluster layout.
$ curl -X GET "http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server?mode=basic" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{"user":"root", "version":"24.4.1", "serverName":"ArcadeDB_0"}
Send server command (POST)
Sends control commands to server.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/server
The following commands are available:
list databases
returns the list of databases installed in the server -
create database <dbname>
creates database with namedbname
drop database <dbname>
deletes database with namedbname
open database <dbname>
opens database with namedbname
close database <dbname>
closes database with namedbname
create user { "name": "<username>", "password": "<password>", "databases": { "<dbname>": "admin", "<dbname>": "admin" } }
creates user credentialsusername
and admin access to databasesdbname
. -
drop user <username>
deletes userusername
get server events [<filename>]
returns a list of server events, optionally a filename of the formserver-event-log-yyyymmdd-HHMMSS.INDEX.jsonl
is a integer, i.e.0
) can be given to retrieve older event logs -
kills the server gracefully. -
set server setting <key> <value>
sets the server setting withkey
, see the list of server-level settings -
set database setting <dbname> <key> <value>
sets the database’s <dbname> withkey
, see the list of database-level settings -
connect cluster <address>
connects this server to a cluster withaddress
disconnect cluster
disconnects this server from a cluster -
align database <dbname>
aligns database<dbname>
, see the associated SQL command
Only root users can run these command, except the list databases command, which every user can run, and this user’s accessible databases are listed.
List databases
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "list databases" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result" : ["school","mydatabase"]}
Create database
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "create database mydatabase" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": "ok"}
Drop database
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "drop database mydatabase" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": "ok"}
Open database
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "open database mydatabase" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": "ok"}
Close database
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "close database mydatabase" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": "ok"}
Create user
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "create user { \"name\": \"myuser\", \"password\": \"mypassword\", \"databases\": { \"mydatabase\": \"admin\" } }" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": "ok"}
Drop user
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "drop user myuser" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": "ok"}
Shutdown server
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "shutdown" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": "ok"}
Get server events
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "get server events" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result": [{"time":"2023-06-18 15:37:40.378","type":"INFO","component":"Server","message":"ArcadeDB Server started in \u0027development\u0027 mode (CPUs\u003d8 MAXRAM\u003d4,00GB)"}]}
Set server setting
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "set server setting arcadedb.server.name player0" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result" : "ok"}
Set database setting
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "set database setting mydb arcadedb.flushOnlyAtClose true" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result" : "ok"}
Connect cluster
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "connect cluster" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result" : "ok"}
Disconnect cluster
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "disconnect cluster" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result" : "ok"}
Align database
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/server \
-d '{ "command": "align database mydb" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
{ "result" : "ok"}
List Databases (GET)
Returns a list of available databases for the requesting user.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/databases
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:2480/api/v1/databases \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Does database exist (GET)
Returns boolean answering if database exists.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/exists/{database}
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:2480/api/v1/exists/school \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Execute a query (GET|POST)
This command allows executing idempotent commands, like SELECT
URL Syntax GET: /api/v1/query/{database}/{language}/{command}
URL Syntax POST: /api/v1/query/{database}
is the database name -
is the query language used. is the query language used, between "sql", "sqlscript", "graphql", "cypher", "gremlin", "mongo" and any other language supported by ArcadeDB and available at runtime. -
the command to execute in encoded format -
(optional), is the map of parameters to pass to the query engine via the POST body, where parameters are introduced with a colon:
When using the GET
variant the query needs to be URL encoded.
Due to security reasons (encoded) slashes / (%2F ) which are used for divisions or block comments, cannot be used in queries via the GET method with the query/ endpoint.
Question marks (? ) cause the server to stop reading the query string when sent via GET.
To use question marks (inside strings) one can use format('%c',63) ; in this case make sure to replace all percent symbols (% ) in the format string with %% .
These restrictions do not apply to the POST
variant, where the language
and command
are send in the body.
Even though a POST method is used, the query in command has to be idempotent.
$ curl -X GET http://localhost:2480/api/v1/query/school/sql/select%20from%20Class \
--user root:arcadedb-password
The query
endpoint may also be used via the POST method, which has no character restrictions such as /
or ?
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/query/school \
-d '{ "language": "sql", "command": "select from Class" }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Execute database command (POST)
Executes a non-idempotent command.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/command/{database}
is the database name
Example to create the new document type "Class":
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/command/school \
-d '{ "language": "sql", "command": "create document type Class"}' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
The payload, as a JSON, accepts the following parameters:
is the query language used, between "sql", "sqlscript", "graphql", "cypher", "gremlin", "mongo" and any other language supported by ArcadeDB and available at runtime. -
the command to execute in encoded format -
(optional) a boolean which is by default "true", if set to "false" the command will be executed asynchronously and only acknowledgement of receiving the command is responded. The completion of the command is noted in the log, yet no results of the command can be returned. -
(optional) is the maximum number of results to return -
(optional), is the map of parameters to pass to the query engine, where parameters are introduced with a colon:
. -
(optional) specify the serializer used for the result:-
: returns as a graph separating vertices from edges -
: returns everything as records -
by default it’s like record but with additional metadata for vertex records, such as the number of outgoing edges in
property and total incoming edges in@in
property. This serializer is used by Studio.
Example of insertion of a new Client by using parameters:
$ curl -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/command/company \
-d '{ "language": "sql", "command": "create vertex Client set firstName = :firstName, lastName = :lastName", params: { "firstName": "Jay", "lastName": "Miner" } }' \
-H "Content-Type: application/json" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Begin a transaction (POST)
Begins a transaction on the server managed as a session. The response header contains the session id. Set this id in the following requests to execute them in the same transaction scope. See also /commit and /rollback.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/begin/{database}
is the database name
The payload, optional as a JSON, accepts the following parameters:
is the isolation level for the current transaction, eitherREAD_COMMITTED
$ curl -I -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/begin/school \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Returns the Session Id in the response header, example:
arcadedb-session-id: AS-ee056170-dc9b-4956-8d71-d7cfa01900d4
Use the session id in the request header of further commands you want to execute in the same transaction and execute /commit to commit the server side transaction or /rollback to rollback the changes. After a period of inactivity (default is 30 seconds), the server automatically rollback and purge expired transactions.
Commit a transaction (POST)
Commits a transaction on the server. Set the session id obtained with the /begin command as a header of the request. See also /begin and /rollback.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/commit/{database}
is the database name
Set the session id returned from the /begin command in the request header. If the session (and therefore the server side transaction) is expired, then an internal server error is returned.
$ curl -I -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/commit/school \
-H "arcadedb-session-id: AS-ee056170-dc9b-4956-8d71-d7cfa01900d4" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
Rollback a transaction (POST)
Rollbacks a transaction on the server. Set the session id obtained with the /begin command as a header of the request. See also /begin and /commit.
URL Syntax: /api/v1/rollback/{database}
is the database name
Set the session id returned from the /begin command in the request header. If the session (and therefore the server side transaction) is expired, then an internal server error is returned.
$ curl -I -X POST http://localhost:2480/api/v1/rollback/school \
-H "arcadedb-session-id: AS-ee056170-dc9b-4956-8d71-d7cfa01900d4" \
--user root:arcadedb-password
7.8. C#/.NET (HTTP/JSON)
Sample Code
In C#/.NET 7.0/8.0, HTTP/JSON requests can be made using the HTTPClient
class inside an async function.
In real situations, the HTTPClient
object should not be created or discarded on each request. HTTPClient
should be typically created once in the lifespan of an application, stored in a Singleton Instance or static reference/class, and reused for each request. Here it is created in the function just for simplicity.
The following example demonstrates a simple function which will add a record of the type Profile
to a database named mydb
with the name Alexander
public async void addProfileName(){
HttpClient httpClient = new(); //typically instantiate this only once over course of application, then reuse
HttpRequestMessage msg = new();
msg.Method = HttpMethod.Post;
string authString = "root:arcadedb-password"; //add your password here
string base64AuthString = Convert.ToBase64String(System.Text.ASCIIEncoding.ASCII.GetBytes(authString));
msg.Headers.Authorization = new("Basic", base64AuthString);
msg.RequestUri = new Uri("http://serveraddress:2480/api/v1/command/mydb"); //add your server address (or localhost) and db name
HttpContent httpContent = new StringContent("{ \"language\": \"sql\", \"command\": \"INSERT into Profile set name = \'Alexander\'\" }", Encoding.UTF8, "application/json"); //customize command here
msg.Content = httpContent;
HttpResponseMessage response = await httpClient.SendAsync(msg);
string responseString = await response.Content.ReadAsStringAsync();
Debug.WriteLine("SENT REQUEST, RESPONSE: " + responseString);
7.9. NodeJS/JavaScript (HTTP/JSON)
Sample Code
In NodeJS Javascript, HTTP/JSON requests can be made by installing the Axios HTTP package.
Ensure NodeJS and Node Package Manager are installed and accessible from the command prompt. If installed,
node -v
andnpm -v
will report their version numbers for confirmation. -
Create a folder to contain a NodeJS project and a file in this folder called
. -
From this folder, run
npm install axios
to add the Axios HTTP package to the folder/project. -
and add the needed code to be run. -
Run the script from the command line with
node test.js
The following demonstrates a simple function which can be added to the javascript file. It will return records of the type Profile
from a database named mydb
and debug them to the command line.
const axios = require('axios')
// Make request
const userPass = 'root:arcadedb-password';
const authString = 'Basic ' + btoa(userPass);
axios.post('http://serveraddress:2480/api/v1/command/mydb', //customize with your server address (or local host) and db name
{ "language": "sql", "command": "SELECT from Profile" }, //customize with your required command
{ headers : { 'Authorization' : authString, 'Content-Type': 'application/json' }}
// Show response data
.then(res => console.log(res.data))
.catch(err => console.log(err))
7.10. Elixir (HTTP/JSON)
Ensure the Phoenix Elixir framework is installed as per official instructions.
A test project named testproject
can then be created in a given folder by running mix phx.new testproject
. Various options during project creation are available.
A package such as HTTPoison must next be added to perform HTTP Requests.
Open the newly created mix.exs
file and add the line {:httpoison, "~> 2.2"}
(check current version of the package as indicated on the HTTPoison Package site):
defp deps do
{:phoenix, "~> 1.7.10"},
# ... other packages
{:httpoison, "~> 2.2"}
Save and close mix.exs
. Run mix deps.get
to update the project and download HTTPoison
into this project.
To start an interactive prompt enter cd testserver
and then iex -S mix phx.server
. This will begin an Interactive Elixir command prompt as indicated by iex()>
Sample Code
A simple HTTP request can then be performed by running the following commands sequentially:
userPass = "root:arcadedb-password"
base64UserPass = Base.encode64(userPass)
authString = "Basic " <> base64UserPass
url = "http://serveraddress:2480/api/v1/command/mydb"
body = Jason.encode!(%{language: "sql", command: "SELECT from Profile"})
headers = [{"Authorization", authString}, {"Content-Type", "application/json"}]
HTTPoison.post(url, body, headers)
To process returned data, one can use the following approach:
case HTTPoison.post(url, body, headers) do
{:ok, %{status_code: 200, body: body}} ->
# do something with the body
{:ok, %{status_code: 404}} ->
# do something with a 404
{:error, %{reason: reason}} ->
# do something with an error
7.11. Postgres Protocol Plugin
ArcadeDB Server supports a subset of the Postgres wire protocol, such as connection and queries.
If you’re using ArcadeDB as embedded, please add the dependency to the arcadedb-postgresw
If you’re using Maven include this dependency in your pom.xml
To start the Postgres plugin, enlist it in the server.plugins
To specify multiple plugins, use the comma ,
as separator.
~/arcadedb $ bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.server.plugins="Postgres:com.arcadedb.postgres.PostgresProtocolPlugin"
If you’re using MS Windows OS, replace server.sh
with server.bat
In case of an incompatibility, restart the server with the additional option -Darcadedb.postgres.debug=true , repeat the connection attempt, and add the debug output to the issue report.
In case you’re running ArcadeDB with Docker, use -e
to pass settings and open the Postgres default port 5432
docker run --rm -p 2480:2480 -p 2424:2424 -p 5432:5432 \
--env JAVA_OPTS="-Darcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata \
-Darcadedb.server.plugins=Postgres:com.arcadedb.postgres.PostgresProtocolPlugin " \
The Server output will contain this line:
2021-07-08 19:05:06.081 INFO [ArcadeDBServer] <ArcadeDB_0> - Postgres Protocol plugin started
Once you have enabled the Postgres Protocol, you can interact with ArcadeDB server by using any Postgres drivers. The driver sends the queries to the ArcadeDB server without parsing or checking the syntax. For this reason, even if ArcadeDB SQL is different from Postgres SQL, you’re still able to execute any ArcadeDB SQL command through the Postgres driver. Check out the following list with the official drivers for the most popular programming languages:
For the complete list, please check Postgres website.
7.11.1. Other query languages
By default the Postgres driver interprets all the commands as SQL. To use another supported language, like Cypher, Gremlin, GraphQL or MongoDB, prefix the command with the language to use between curly brackets.
Example to execute a query by using GraphQL:
{graphql}{ bookById(id: "book-1"){ id name authors { firstName, lastName } }
Example to use Cypher:
{cypher}MATCH (m:Movie)<-[a:ACTED_IN]-(p:Person) WHERE id(m) = '#1:0' RETURN *
Example of using Gremlin:
7.11.2. Current limitations
The documentation about Postgres wire protocol is not exhaustive to build a bullet proof protocol. In particular the state machine. For this reason this plugin was created by reading the available documentation online (official and not official) and looking into Postgres drivers or implementations.
Particularly, ArcadeDB does only support "simple" query mode and does not support SSL! |
7.11.3. Transactions
Enabling auto commit to false is not 100% supported. With JDBC, leave the default settings or set:
7.11.4. Postgres Tools Known to Work
Some tools compatible with Postgres may execute queries on internal Postgres tables to retrieve the schema. Those tables are not present in ArcadeDB, so it may return errors at startup. See tested compatible tools below. If the tool that you use to work with Postgres is not compatible with ArcadeDB, please open an issue. |
PostgreSQL Client psql
Postgres’s psql
tool works out of the box, just like with an actual Postgres server.
To install this Postgres client, see here.
Connect from a terminal or console like this:
psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d mydatabase -U root
After authenticating, you can run SQL queries as normal. One can also submit the password via the environment:
PGPASSWORD=password psql -h localhost -p 5432 -d mydatabase -U root
or use the postgres
protocol address:
psql postgres://username:password@host:port/database
In case the password contains special characters (like /
, \
, @
, ?
, !
, &
it needs to be URL encoded (also known as "percent encoding").
Note, that in the psql
console queries or commands need to be terminated with a semi-colon ;
to be submitted.
7.12. Connect with JDBC Driver
If you’re using Java you can use the Postgres JDBC driver.
Properties props = new Properties();
props.setProperty("user", "user");
props.setProperty("password", "password");
props.setProperty("ssl", "false");
try (Connection conn = DriverManager.getConnection("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/mydb", props) ) {
try (Statement st = conn.createStatement()) {
st.executeQuery("create vertex type Hero");
st.executeQuery("create vertex Hero set name = 'Jay', lastName = 'Miner'");
PreparedStatement pst = conn.prepareStatement("create vertex Hero set name = ?, lastName = ?");
pst.setString(1, "Rocky");
pst.setString(2, "Balboa");
try( ResultSet rs = st.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM Hero") ) { // Type and property names are case sensitive!
while (rs.next()) {
System.out.println("First Name: " + rs.getString(1) + " - Last Name: " + rs.getString(2));
7.13. Open Cypher
ArcadeDB partially supports Open Cypher as query engine. It uses Cypher for Gremlin under-the-hood which has stopped being supported a few years ago. There are a lot of things that work and a lot of nuances which don’t.
ArcadeDB also doesn’t support Neo4j’s BOLT protocol. This means you can’t use a Neo4J driver with ArcadeDB server.
To use Cypher queries you can do directly from the Java API, by using HTTP Api or the Postgres driver.
Consider that Cypher queries are translated into Gremlin. As much as ArcadeDB’s Gremlin implementation is optimized, queries run slower than using native SQL or Java API. Based on some internal benchmarks, ArcadeDB’s native SQL (SELECT or MATCH) is much faster than Cypher (even 2,000% faster!). The difference is larger with complex queries that work on many records. A simple Cypher MATCH with a lookup with a simple condition will be closer to native SQL performance, but a scan or huge traversal will be much slower with Cypher, because of the underlying usage of Gremlin is not optimized for extreme performance. |
Cypher from Java API
In order to execute a Cypher query, you need to include the relevant jars in your class path. To execute a Cypher query, use "cypher" as first parameter in the query method. Example:
ResultSet result = database.query("cypher", "MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.age >= $p1 RETURN p.name, p.age ORDER BY p.age", "p1", 25);
You can use ArcadeDB’s RecordIDs (RID) in a cypher query to start from a specific vertex.
RIDs in Cypher are always strings, therefore they must always be contained between single or double quotes.
Example of returning the graph connected to the vertex with RID #1:0
MATCH (m:Movie)<-[a:ACTED_IN]-(p:Person) WHERE id(m) = '#1:0' RETURN *
Cypher through Postgres Driver
You can execute a Cypher query against ArcadeDB server by using the Postgres driver and prefixing the query with {cypher}
"{cypher} MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.age >= 25 RETURN p.name, p.age ORDER BY p.age"
ArcadeDB server will execute the query MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.age >= 25 RETURN p.name, p.age ORDER BY p.age
using the Cypher query language.
Cypher through HTTP/JSON
You can execute a Cypher query against ArcadeDB server by using HTTP/JSON API. Example of executing an idempotent query with HTTP GET command:
curl "http://localhost:2480/query/graph/cypher/MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.age >= 25 RETURN p.name, p.age ORDER BY p.age"
Example of executing a non-idempotent query (updates the database):
curl -X POST "http://localhost:2480/command/graph" -d "{'language': 'cypher', 'command': 'MATCH (p:Person) WHERE p.age >= 25 RETURN p.name, p.age ORDER BY p.age'}"
Known Limitations with the Cypher Implementation
ArcadeDB automatically handles the conversion between compatible types, such as strings and numbers when possible. Cypher does not. So if you define a schema with the ArcadeDB API and then you use Cypher for a traversal, ensure you’re using the same type you defined in the schema. For example, if you define a property "id" to be a string, and then you’re executing traversal by using integers for the ids, the result could be unpredictable.
ArcadeDB’s Cypher implementation is based on the Cypher For Gremlin Open Source transpiler. This project is not actively maintained by Open Cypher anymore, so issues in the transpiler are hard to fix. Please bear this in mind if you’re moving a large project in Cypher into ArcadeDB. The best way to address such issues is to rewrite the faulty cypher query into ArcadeDB SELECT or MATCH statement.
For more information about Cypher:
7.14. Gremlin API
ArcadeDB supports Gremlin 3.7.x as query engine and in the Gremlin Server. You can execute a gremlin query from pretty much everywhere.
If you’re using ArcadeDB as embedded, please add the dependency to the arcadedb-gremlin
If you’re using Maven include this dependency in your pom.xml
Gremlin from Java API
In order to execute a Gremlin query, you need to include the relevant jars, i.e. the apache-tinkerpop-gremlin-server
libraries, plus gremlin-groovy
, plus opencypher-util-9.0
, in your class path.
To execute a Gremlin query, use "gremlin" as first parameter in the query method.
ResultSet result = database.query("gremlin", "g.V().has('name','Steve').has('lastName','Jobs').out('IsFriendOf')");
If you’re application is mostly based on Gremlin, the best way is to use the ArcadeGraph class as an entrypoint. Example:
try (final ArcadeGraph graph = ArcadeGraph.open("./databases/graph")) {
Vertex steveFriend = graph.traversal().V().has("name","Steve").has("lastName","Jobs").out("IsFriendOf").next();
You can also work with a remote ArcadeDB Server:
try( RemoteDatabase database = new RemoteDatabase("", 2480, "graph", "root", "playwithdata") ){
try (final ArcadeGraph graph = ArcadeGraph.open(database)) {
Vertex steveFriend = graph.traversal().V().has("name","Steve").has("lastName","Jobs").out("IsFriendOf").next();
Since a RemoteDatabase
instance cannot be shared between threads, if your application is multi-threads, you can use the ArcadeGraphFactory
to acquire ArcadeGraph
instances from a pool. Example:
try (ArcadeGraphFactory pool = ArcadeGraphFactory.withRemote("", 2480, "mydb", "root", "playwithdata")) {
try( ArcadeGraph graph = pool.get() ){
Remember to call ArcadeGraph.close() to release the ArcadeGraph instance back into the pool. ArcadeGraph implements Closable , so you can just use it in a try block like in the example above.
Gremlin through Postgres Driver
You can execute a Gremlin query against ArcadeDB server by using the Postgres driver and prefixing the query with {gremlin}
"{gremlin} g.V().has('name','Steve').has('lastName','Jobs').out('IsFriendOf')"
ArcadeDB server will execute the query g.V().has('name','Steve').has('lastName','Jobs').out('IsFriendOf')
using the Gremlin query language.
Gremlin through HTTP/JSON
You can execute a Gremlin query against ArcadeDB server by using HTTP/JSON API. Example of executing an idempotent query with HTTP GET command:
curl "http://localhost:2480/query/graph/gremlin/g.V().has('name','Steve').has('lastName','Jobs').out('IsFriendOf')"
Example of executing a non-idempotent query (updates the database):
curl -X POST "http://localhost:2480/command/graph" -d "{'language': 'gremlin', 'command': 'g.V().has(\"name\",\"Steve\").has(\"lastName\",\"Jobs\").out(\"IsFriendOf\")'}"
Use the Gremlin Server
Apache TinkerPop Gremlin provides a standalone server to allow remote access with a Gremlin client. In order to use the Gremlin Server with ArcadeDB, you have to enable it from ArcadeDB’s server plugin system:
~/arcadedb $ bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.server.plugins="GremlinServer:com.arcadedb.server.gremlin.GremlinServerPlugin"
If you’re using MS Windows OS, replace bin/server.sh
with bin\server.bat
At startup, the Gremlin Server plugin looks for the file config/gremlin-server.yaml
under ArcadeDB path.
If the file is present, the Gremlin Server will be configured with the settings contained in the YAML file, otherwise the default configuration will be used.
You can also override single configuration settings by using ArcadeDB’s settings and prefixing the configuration key with gremlin.
All the configuration settings with such a prefix will be passed to the Gremlin Server plugin.
By default, the database "graph" will be available through the Gremlin Server.
You can edit the database name or add more databases under the Gremlin Server by editing the file config/gremlin-server.groovy
If you’re importing a database, use "graph" as the name of the database to be available through the Gremlin Server |
Start the Gremlin Server with OpenBeer
as imported database with name graph
, so it can be used through the Gremlin Server.
docker run -d --name arcadeDb -p 2424:2424 -p 2480:2480 -p 8182:8182 \
--env JAVA_OPTS="-Darcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata \
-Darcadedb.server.defaultDatabases=Imported[root]{import:https://github.com/ArcadeData/arcadedb-datasets/raw/main/orientdb/OpenBeer.gz} \
-Darcadedb.server.plugins=GremlinServer:com.arcadedb.server.gremlin.GremlinServerPlugin " \
In case you’re running ArcadeDB with Docker, open the port 8182 and use -e to pass the settings
To connect to a remote GremlinServer use this:
var cluster = Cluster.build()
.credentials("root", "password")
var connection = DriverRemoteConnection.using(cluster);
var g = new GraphTraversalSource(connection);
Known Limitations with the Gremlin Implementation
ArcadeDB automatically handles the conversion between compatible types, such as strings and numbers when possible. Gremlin does not. So if you define a schema with the ArcadeDB API and then you use Gremlin for a traversal, ensure you’re using the same type you defined in the schema. For example, if you define a property "id" to be a string, and then you’re executing traversal by using integers for the ids, the result could be unpredictable.
ArcadeDB’s Gremlin implementation always tries to optimize the Gremlin traversal by using ArcadeDB’s internal query. While this is easy with simple traversal using
, it is unable to optimize more complex traversal withselect()
. Instead of executing an optimized query, it could result in a full scan of the type, leaving to Gremlin the filtering. While the result of the traversal is still correct, the performance would be heavily impacted. Please consider using ArcadeDB’s SQL or Native Select for the best performance with complex traversals.
For more information about Gremlin:
7.14.1. Recommended Tools with Gremlin
If you’re using Gremlin with ArcadeDB, check out G.V() graphic tool. It is compatible with ArcadeDB and provides a powerful visual debugger, advanced graph analytics, and much more.
7.15. GraphQL
ArcadeDB Server supports a subset of the GraphQL specification. Please open an issue or a discussion on GitHub to increase the support for GraphQL.
If you’re using ArcadeDB as embedded, please add the dependency to the arcadedb-graphql
If you’re using Maven include this dependency in your pom.xml
GraphQL is supported in ArcadeDB as a query language engine. This means you can execute a GraphQL command from:
Java API by using the non-idempotent
and the idempotent.query()
API by using"graphql"
as language. Example:Resultset resultset = db.query("graphql", "{ bookById(id: "book-1"){ id name authors { firstName, lastName } }");
HTTP API by using
commands and"graphql"
as language -
Postgres Driver by prefixing with
your query to execute. Example:{graphql}{ bookById(id: "book-1"){ id name authors { firstName, lastName } }
Type definition
GraphQL requires to define the types used. If you’re using the Document Model and links to connect documents, then you can map 1-1 the GraphQL type to ArcadeDB type. Example:
type Book {
id: ID
name: String
pageCount: Int
authors: [Author]
If you’re using a Graph Model for your domain, then you need to declare with a GraphQL directive how the relationship is translated on the graph model.
In the example below, the authors
is a collection of Author retrieved by looking at the incoming (direction: IN
) edges of type "IS_AUTHOR_OF" (type: "IS_AUTHOR_OF"
type Book {
id: ID
name: String
pageCount: Int
authors: [Author] @relationship(type: "IS_AUTHOR_OF", direction: IN)
Directives can be defined on both types and queries. Directives defined in queries override any directives defined in types, only for the query execution context. |
You can define your model incrementally and apply it to the current database instance by executing a command containing the type definition. Example by using Java API (but the same by using HTTP Command API):
String types = "type Query {" +
" bookById(id: ID): Book" +
"}" +
"type Book {" +
" id: ID" +
" name: String" +
" pageCount: Int" +
" authors: [Author] @relationship(type: \"IS_AUTHOR_OF\", direction: IN)" +
"}" +
"type Author {" +
" id: ID" +
" firstName: String" +
" lastName: String" +
database.command("graphql", types);
With this example the types Book
and Author
are defined together with the query bookById
You can add new types or replace existing types by just submitting the type(s) again.
The GraphQL module will update the current definition of types.
This definition is not saved in the database and must be declared after the database is open, before executing any GraphQL queries. |
Supported directives
Directives can be defined on both types and queries. Directives defined in queries override any directives defined in types, only for the query execution context.
Applies to: Query Field
and Field Definition
Syntax: @relationship([type: "<type-name>"] [, direction: <OUT|IN|BOTH>])
is the edge type, optional. If not specified, then all the types are considered -
is the direction of the edge, optional. If not specified, then BOTH is used
friends: [Account] @relationship(type: "FRIEND", direction: BOTH)
Applies to: Query Field
and Field Definition
Syntax: @sql( statement: <sql-statement> )
Executes a SQL query. The query can use parameters passed at invocation time.
Example of definition of a query using SQL in GraphQL:
bookByName(bookNameParameter: String): Book @sql(statement: "select from Book where name = :bookNameParameter")
Invoke the query defined above passing the book name as parameter:
ResultSet resultSet = database.query("graphql", "{ bookByName(bookNameParameter: \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\")}"));
Applies to: Query Field
and Field Definition
Syntax: @gremlin( statement: <gremlin-statement> )
Executes a Gremlin query. The query can use parameters passed at invocation time.
Example of definition of a query using Gremlin in GraphQL:
bookByName(bookNameParameter: String): Book @gremlin(statement: "g.V().has('name', bookNameParameter)")
Invoke the query defined above passing the book name as parameter:
ResultSet resultSet = database.query("graphql", "{ bookByName(bookNameParameter: \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\")}"));
Applies to: Query Field
and Field Definition
Syntax: @cypher( statement: <cypher-statement> )
Executes a Cypher query. The query can use parameters passed at invocation time.
Example of definition of a query using Cypher in GraphQL:
bookByName(bookNameParameter: String): Book @cypher(statement: "MATCH (b:Book {name: $bookNameParameter}) RETURN b")
Invoke the query defined above passing the book name as parameter:
ResultSet resultSet = database.query("graphql", "{ bookByName(bookNameParameter: \"Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone\")}"));
Applies to: Query Field
and Field Definition
Syntax: @rid
Mark the field as the record identity or Record ID.
{ bookById(id: "book-1")
rid @rid
authors {
7.16. MongoDB API
ArcadeDB provides support for both MongoDB Query Language and MongoDB protocol.
If you’re using ArcadeDB as embedded, please add the dependency to the arcadedb-mongodbw
If you’re using Maven include this dependency in your pom.xml
7.16.1. MongoDB Query Language
If you want to use MongoDB Query Language from Java API, you can simply keep the relevant jars in your classpath and execute a query or a command with "mongo" as language.
Database database = new DatabaseFactory("heroes").create();
database.transaction((tx) -> {
database.newDocument("Heros").set("name", "Jay").set("lastName", "Miner").set("id", i).save();
for (ResultSet resultset = database.query("mongo", // <-- USE 'mongo' INSTEAD OF 'sql'
"{ collection: 'Heros', query: { $and: [ { name: { $eq: 'Jay' } }, { lastName: { $exists: true } }, { lastName: { $eq: 'Miner' } }, { lastName: { $ne: 'Miner22' } } ], $orderBy: { id: 1 } } }"); resultset.hasNext(); ++i) {
Result doc = resultset.next();
For more information on the MongoDB query language see: MongoDB CRUD Operations
Mongo queries through Postgres Driver
You can execute a Mongo query against ArcadeDB server by using the Postgres driver and prefixing the query with {mongo}
"{mongo} { collection: 'Heros', query: { $and: [ { name: { $eq: 'Jay' } }, { lastName: { $exists: true } }, { lastName: { $eq: 'Miner' } } ] } }"
ArcadeDB server will execute the query { collection: 'Heros', query: { $and: [ { name: { $eq: 'Jay' } }, { lastName: { $exists: true } }, { lastName: { $eq: 'Miner' } } ] } }
using the Mongo query language.
Mongo queries through HTTP/JSON
You can execute a Mongo query against ArcadeDB server by using HTTP/JSON API. Example of executing an idempotent query with HTTP GET command:
curl "http://localhost:2480/query/graph/mongo/{ collection: 'Heros', query: { $and: [ { name: { $eq: 'Jay' } }, { lastName: { $exists: true } }, { lastName: { $eq: 'Miner' } } ]} }"
You can also execute the same query in HTTP POST, passing the language and query in payload:
curl -X POST "http://localhost:2480/query/graph" -d "{'language': 'mongo', 'command': '{ collection: \"Heros\", query: { $and: [ { name: { $eq: \"Jay\" } }, { lastName: { $exists: true } }, { lastName: { $eq: \"Miner\" } } ] } }\"}"
7.16.2. MongoDB Protocol Plugin
If your application is written for MongoDB and you’d like to run it with ArcadeDB instead, you can simply replace the MongoDB server with ArcadeDB server with the MongoDB Plugin installed. This plugin supports MongoDB BSON Network protocol. In this way you can use any MongoDB driver for any supported programming language.
ArcadeDB Server supports a subset of the MongoDB protocol, like CRUD operations and queries.
To start the MongoDB plugin, enlist it in the server.plugins
To specify multiple plugins, use the comma ,
as separator.
Example to start ArcadeDB with the MongoDB Plugin:
~/arcadedb $ bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.server.plugins="MongoDB:com.arcadedb.mongo.MongoDBProtocolPlugin"
If you’re using MS Windows OS, replace server.sh
with server.bat
In case you’re running ArcadeDB with Docker, use -e
to pass settings (Port 27017 is the default MongoDB binary port):
docker run --rm -p 2480:2480 -p 2424:2424 -p27017:27017 \
--env JAVA_OPTS="-Darcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata \
-Darcadedb.server.plugins=MongoDB:com.arcadedb.mongo.MongoDBProtocolPlugin " \
The Server output will contain this line:
2018-10-09 18:47:01:692 INFO <ArcadeDB_0> - MongoDB Protocol plugin started [ArcadeDBServer]
7.17. Redis API
ArcadeDB Server supports a subset of the Redis protocol. Please open an issue or a discussion on GitHub to support more commands.
If you’re using ArcadeDB as embedded, please add the dependency to the arcadedb-redisw
If you’re using Maven include this dependency in your pom.xml
ArcadeDB Redis plugin works in 2 ways:
Manage transient (non-persistent) entries in the server. This is useful to manage user sessions and other records you don’t need to store in the database.
Manage persistent entries in the database. You can save and read any documents, vertices and edges from the underlying database.
7.17.1. Installation
To start the Redis plugin, enlist it in the server.plugins
To specify multiple plugins, use the comma ,
as separator.
~/arcadedb $ bin/server.sh -Darcadedb.server.plugins="Redis:com.arcadedb.redis.RedisProtocolPlugin"
If you’re using MS Windows OS, replace server.sh
with server.bat
In case you’re running ArcadeDB with Docker, open the port 6379
and use -e
to pass settings:
docker run --rm -p 2480:2480 -p 2424:2424 -p 6379:6379 \
--env JAVA_OPTS="-Darcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata \
-Darcadedb.server.plugins=Redis:com.arcadedb.redis.RedisProtocolPlugin " \
The Server output will contain this line:
2018-10-09 18:47:58:395 INFO <ArcadeDB_0> - Redis Protocol plugin started [ArcadeDBServer]
7.17.2. How it works
ArcadeDB works in 2 ways with the Redis protocol:
Transient commands, key/value pairs saved will be not saved in the database. This is perfect to store transient data, like user sessions.
Persistent commands, key/value pairs allows to store and retrieve ArcadeDB documents, vertices and edges
![redis api](./images/redis-api.png)
Transient (RAM Only) Commands
Below you can find the supported commands. The link takes you to the official Redis documentation. Please open an issue or a discussion on GitHub to support more commands.
The following commands do not take the bucket as a parameter because they work only in RAM on a shared (thread-safe) hashmap. This means all the stored values are reset when the server restarts.
Available transient commands (in alphabetic order):
DECR, Decrement a value by 1
DECRBY, Decrement a value by a specific amount (64-bit precision)
EXISTS, Check if key exists
GET, Return the value associated with a key
GETDEL, Remove and return the value associated with a key
INCR, Increment a value by 1
INCRBY, Increment a value by a specific amount (64-bit precision)
INCRBYFLOAT, Increment a value by a specific amount expresses as a float (64-bit precision)
SET, Set a value associated with a key
Persistent Commands
The following commands act on persistent buckets in the database.
Records (documents, vertices and edges) are always in form of JSON embedded in strings.
The bucket name is mapped as the database name first, then type, the index or the record’s RID
based on the use case.
An index must exist on the property you used to retrieve the document, otherwise an error is returned.
For the sake of this tutorial, in a database MyDatabase
, we’re going to create the account document type totally schemaless but for some indexed properties:
as a unique long, email
as a unique string and the pair firstName
and lastName
both strings and indexed with a composite key:
CREATE INDEX ON Account (firstName,lastName) UNIQUE
You can run the following Redis commands, for example, using the redis-cli tool.
Now you can create a new document with Redis protocol and the HSET Redis command:
HSET MyDatabase.Account "{'id':123,'email':'jay.miner@commodore.com','firstName':'Jay','lastName':'Miner'}"
To retrieve the document inserted above by id
(O(logN) complexity), you can use the HGET Redis command:
HGET MyDatabase.Account[id] 123
To retrieve the same document by email
(O(logN) complexity), you can use the HGET Redis command:
HGET MyDatabase.Account[email] "jay.miner@commodore.com"
To retrieve the same document by the pair firstName
and lastName
(O(logN) complexity), we are going to use the composite key we created before:
HGET MyDatabase.Account[firstName,lastName] "[\"Jay\",\"Miner\"]"
To retrieve the document inserted above by it RID
(O(1) complexity), you can use the HGET Redis command:
HGET MyDatabase "#1:0"
You can also get multiple record in one call by using the HMGET Redis command:
HMGET MyDatabase "#1:0" "#1:1" "#1:2"
Or the same, but by a key:
HMGET MyDatabase.Account[id] 123 232 12
To delete the document inserted above by email
, you can use the HDEL Redis command:
HDEL MyDatabase.Account[email] "jay.miner@commodore.com"
The returning JSON could have a different ordering of the properties from the one you have inserted.
This is because JSON doesn’t maintain the order of properties, but only of arrays ([] ).
Available persistent commands (in alphabetic order):
HDEL, Delete one or more records by a key, a composite key or record’s id
HEXISTS, Check if a key exists
HGET, Retrieve a record by a key, a composite key or record’s id
HMGET, Retrieve multiple records by a key, a composite key or record’s id
HSET, Create and update one or more records by a key, a composite key or record’s id
Available miscellaneous commands:
PING, Returns its argument (for testing server readiness or latency)
To change the host where the Redis protocol is listening, set the setting arcadedb.redis.host
By default, is
which means listen to all the configured network interfaces.
To change the default port (6379) set arcadedb.redis.port
7.18. Compatible Tools
7.18.1. G.V() [gdotv]
ArcadeDB is fully compatible to G.V(), thus no particular configurations need to be made. The only requirement is loading the Gremlin plugin via the server setting:
On the title screen, create a new connection:
![gdotv title](./images/gdotv-title.png)
enter the host name of the ArcadeDB server:
![gdotv connect](./images/gdotv-connect.png)
and enter username and password:
![gdotv credentials](./images/gdotv-credentials.png)
In case of non-standard configurations of the server, under "Advanced Settings" more fine-grained settings can be made.
7.18.2. JetBrains DataGrip/Database Plugin
Connecting via JetBrains DataGrip database plugin is relatively straightforward. The introspection features aren’t working yet, but the basics seem to work well.
To connect, create a new Postgres datasource and point it to the IP/port of your ArcadeDb server. ( by default) You will need to fill out the database field, or you’ll get an error on connection. At present, changing the current database requires editing the datasource.
![jetbrains connection](./images/jetbrains-connection.png)
Next, you’ll need to set preferQueryMode
to simple on the Advanced tab, like this:
![jetbrains querymode](./images/jetbrains-querymode.png)
You can then run queries via a console. Even non-SQL queries will work, though expect squigglies!
![jetbrains queries](./images/jetbrains-queries.png)
7.18.3. DBeaver
The universal database tool DBeaver has basic compatibility via the legacy Postgres connector.
Create a new connection with the "PostgreSQL (Old)" driver:
![dbeaver driver](./images/dbeaver-driver.png)
Add your host, port, database, username and password to the general connection settings:
![dbeaver settings](./images/dbeaver-settings.png)
Set the preferQueryMode
option to simple
on "Driver Properties" tab:
![dbeaver option1](./images/dbeaver-option1.png)
Set the sslmode
option to disable
![dbeaver option2](./images/dbeaver-option2.png)
The "Finish" the connection wizard and double click the created connection to connect. Then with a right-click the SQL console can be started:
![dbeaver console](./images/dbeaver-console.png)
Now the SQL console can be used to communicate via DBeaver with ArcadeDB.
Note that this is only a basic support using a generic relational driver for a NoSQL database, so various functionalities can result in errors.
7.18.4. DbVisualizer
The database client DbVisualizer can also be used via its PostgreSQL driver.
Create a new connection and select "PostgreSQL":
![dbvisualizer create](./images/dbvisualizer-create.png)
Enter server, port, database, userid, and password:
![dbvisualizer connection](./images/dbvisualizer-connection.png)
Go to the "Properties" tab and set preferQueryMode
to simple
![dbvisualizer settings1](./images/dbvisualizer-settings1.png)
Also set sslmode
to disable
![dbvisualizer settings2](./images/dbvisualizer-settings2.png)
After applying the changes and connecting the SQL commander is available:
![dbvisualizer sqlcommander](./images/dbvisualizer-sqlcommander.png)
7.18.5. DbGate
The SQL+noSQL database client DbGate is compatible via the PostgreSQL driver.
Add a new connection of type PostgreSQL:
![dbgate newconnection](./images/dbgate-newconnection.png)
Enter host, port, user, password, database, make sure to check "Use only database <db>", and connect:
![dbgate settings](./images/dbgate-settings.png)
It seems the reported error can be ignored, so now new queries can be composed by:
![dbgate newquery](./images/dbgate-newquery.png)
7.18.6. LibreOffice Base
There is minimal support for ArcadeDB in LibreOffice Base via a PostgreSQL connection:
Select "Connect to existing database" and choose "PostgreSQL"
![libreoffice select](./images/libreoffice-select.png)
Enter the postgres protocol connection string (without username and password), for example:
![libreoffice settings](./images/libreoffice-settings.png)
Enter the user name and check that a password is required (try with the "Test Connection" button)
![libreoffice authentication](./images/libreoffice-authentication.png)
Choose if you want to register the database in LibreOffice, select to open for editing, and "Finish" the wizard.
![libreoffice proceed](./images/libreoffice-proceed.png)
Now, in the menu under "Tools" → "SQL…" queries and commands can be send to ArcadeDB.
![libreoffice execute](./images/libreoffice-execute.png)
Make sure that "Run SQL command directly" is selected, and to view results check "Show output …"
8. SQL
Overview Commands
CRUD & Graph | Schema & Buckets | Database & Indexes | Planning & System |
ALTER BUCKET (not implemented) |
Overview Functions
Graph | Math | Collections | Geometric | Vector | Misc |
Overview Methods
Conversions | String manipulation | Collections | Geometric | Misc |
When it comes to query languages, SQL is the most widely recognized standard. The majority of developers have experience and are comfortable with SQL. For this reason ArcadeDB uses SQL as its query language and adds some extensions to enable graph functionality. There are a few differences between the standard SQL syntax and that supported by ArcadeDB, but for the most part, it should feel very natural. The differences are covered in the ArcadeDB SQL dialect section of this page.
If you are looking for the most efficient way to traverse a graph, we suggest using MATCH instead.
Many SQL commands share the WHERE condition. Keywords are case insensitive, but type names, property names and values are case sensitive. In the following examples keywords are in uppercase but this is not strictly required.
For example, if you have a type MyType
with a field named id
, then the following SQL statements are equivalent:
select from MyType where id = 1
The following is NOT equivalent. Notice that the field name 'ID' is not the same as 'id'.
Also the following query is NOT equivalent because of the type 'mytype ' is not the same as 'MyType'.
SELECT FROM mytype WHERE id = 1
Automatic usage of indexes
ArcadeDB allows you to execute queries against any field, indexed or not-indexed. The SQL engine automatically recognizes if any
indexes can be used to speed up execution. You can also query any indexes directly by using INDEX:<index-name>
as a target.
Extra resources
Match for traversing graphs
ArcadeDB SQL dialect
ArcadeDB supports SQL as a query language with some differences compared with SQL. The ArcadeDB team decided to avoid creating Yet-Another-Query-Language. Instead we started from familiar SQL with extensions to work with graphs. We prefer to focus on standards.
Learning SQL
If you want to learn SQL, there are many online courses such as:
alternatively, order a book such as:
or any of these.
For details on ArcadeDB’s dialect, see ArcadeDB SQL Syntax. You can also download a SQL Command Cheat Sheet (pdf).
The simplest SQL query just returns a constant, and is given by:
and could have practical use, for example, as a connection test. Furthermore, such constant queries can be used as a calculator:
SELECT sqrt(6.0 * 7.0)
A typical ArcadeDB SQL query has the following components:
SELECT projections
FROM type
WHERE predicate
GROUP BY property
ORDER BY projection
SKIP number
LIMIT number
for further components or details, see the SELECT command. As for classic SQL the execution order in ArcadeDB SQL is:
The most important difference between ArcadeDB and a Relational Database is that relationships are represented by LINKS
instead of
For this reason, the typical JOIN syntax of relational databases is not supported. ArcadeDB uses the "dot (.
) notation" to
navigate LINKS
. Example 1 :
In SQL you might create a join such as:
FROM Employee A, City B
WHERE A.city = B.id
AND B.name = 'Rome'
In ArcadeDB, an equivalent operation would be:
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE city.name = 'Rome'
This is much more straight forward and powerful! If you use multiple JOINs, the ArcadeDB SQL equivalent will be an even larger benefit. Example 2: In SQL you might create a join such as:
FROM Employee A, City B, Country C,
WHERE A.city = B.id
AND B.country = C.id
AND C.name = 'Italy'
In ArcadeDB, an equivalent operation would be:
SELECT * FROM Employee WHERE city.country.name = 'Italy'
Furthermore, RIDs can be resolved by nested projections.
In SQL, projections are mandatory and you can use the star character *
to include all of the fields. With ArcadeDB this type of
projection is optional. Example: In SQL to select all of the columns of Customer you would write:
SELECT * FROM Customer
In ArcadeDB, the *
is optional:
See Projections.
System Types
To retrieve information about the schema, indexes and the database, there a three special types from which one can "select":
these can be treated such as any other types, so projections and filters apply as for any other types.
SELECT FROM schema:types
You can use DISTINCT keyword exactly as in a relational database:
ArcadeDB does not support the HAVING
keyword, but with a nested query it’s easy to obtain the same result. Example in SQL:
SELECT city, sum(salary) AS salary
FROM Employee
HAVING salary > 1000
This groups all of the salaries by city and extracts the result of aggregates with the total salary greater than 1,000 dollars. In
ArcadeDB the HAVING
conditions go in a select statement in the predicate:
FROM ( SELECT city, SUM(salary) AS salary FROM Employee GROUP BY city )
WHERE salary > 1000
Multiple targets
ArcadeDB allows only one type (types are equivalent to tables in this discussion) as opposed to SQL, which allows for many tables
as the target. If you want to select from 2 types, you have to execute 2 sub queries and join them with the UNIONALL
In ArcadeDB, you can accomplish this with a few variable definitions and by using the expand
function to the union:
SELECT expand( $c ) LET $a = ( SELECT FROM E ), $b = ( SELECT FROM V ), $c = unionall( $a, $b )
SQL Differences
Following are some basic differences between ArcadeDB and PostgreSQL.
Postgres | ArcadeDB |
A projection is a value that is returned by a query statement (SELECT, MATCH).
Eg. the following query
SELECT name AS firstName, age * 12 AS ageInMonths, out("Friend")
FROM Person
WHERE surname = 'Smith'
has three projections:
name as firstName
age * 12 as ageInMonths
A projection has the following syntax:
<expression> [<nestedProjection>] [ AS <alias> ]
is an expression (see SQL Syntax) that represents the way to calculate the value of the single projection -
is the Identifier (see SQL Syntax) representing the field name used to return the value in the result set
A projection block has the following syntax:
[DISTINCT] <projection> [, <projection> ]*
: removes duplicates from the result-set
Query result
By default, a query returns a different result-set based on the projections it has:
alone: The result set is made of records as they arrive from the target, with the original@rid
attributes (if any) -
plus other projections: records of the original target, merged with the other projection values, with@rid
of the original record. -
no projections: same behavior as
: The result set is made of the records returned by the projection, expanded (if the projection result is a link or a collection of links) and unwinded (if the projection result is a collection). Nothing in all the other cases. -
one or more projections: temporary records (with temporary
and no@type
). Projections that represent links are returned as simple @rid values, unless differently specified in the fetch plan.
Projection values can be overwritten in the final result, the overwrite happens from left to right. |
SELECT 1 AS a, 2 AS a
will return [{"a":2}]
Having the record {"@type":"Foo", "name":"bar", "@rid":"#12:0"}
SELECT *, "hey" AS name FROM Foo
will return [{"@type":"Foo", "@rid":"#12:0", "name":"hey"}]
SELECT "hey" AS name, * FROM Foo
will return [{"@type":"Foo", "@rid":"#12:0", "name":"bar"}]
When saving back a record with a valid rid, you will overwrite the existing record!
So pay attention when using * together with other projections.
The result of the query can be further unwound using the UNWIND operator.
expand() cannot be used together with GROUP BY .
The alias is the field name that a projection will have in the result-set.
An alias can be implicit, if declared with the AS
keyword, eg.
SELECT name + " " + surname AS full_name FROM Person
Result: [{"full_name":"John Smith"}]
An alias can be implicit, when no AS
is defined, eg.
SELECT name FROM Person
Result: [{"name":"John"}]
An implicit alias is calculated based on how the projection is written. By default, ArcadeDB uses the plain string representation of the projection as alias.
SELECT 1+2 AS sum
Result: [{"sum": 3}]
SELECT parent.name+" "+parent.surname AS full_name FROM Node
Result: [{"full_name": "John Smith"}]
The string representation of a projection is the exact representation of the projection string, without spaces before and after dots and brackets, no spaces before commands, a single space before and after operators.
Result: [{"1 + 2": 3}]
Note the space before and after the plus symbol.
SELECT parent.name+" "+parent.surname FROM Node
Result: [{"parent.name + \" \" + parent.nurname": "John Smith"}]
SELECT items[4] from Node
Result: [{"items[4]": "John Smith"}]
Nested projections
":{" ( * | (["!"] <identifier> ["*"] (<comma> ["!"] <identifier> ["*"])* ) ) "}"
A projection can refer to a link or to a collection of links, eg. a LIST or MAP. In some cases you can be interested in the expanded object instead of the RID.
Let’s clarify this with an example. This is our dataset:
@rid | name | surname | parent |
#12:0 |
foo |
fooz |
#12:1 |
bar |
barz |
#12:0 |
#12:2 |
baz |
bazz |
#12:1 |
Given this query:
SELECT name, parent FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
The result is
"name": "baz",
"parent": #12:1
Now suppose you want to expand the link and retrieve some properties of the linked object. You can do it explicitly do it with other projections:
SELECT name, parent.name FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent.name": "bar"
but this will force you to list them one by one, and it’s not always possible, especially when you don’t know all their names.
Another alternative is to use nested projections, eg.
SELECT name, parent:{name} FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent": {
"name": "bar"
or with multiple attributes
SELECT name, parent:{name, surname} FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent": {
"name": "bar"
"surname": "barz"
or using a wildcard
SELECT name, parent:{*} FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent": {
"name": "bar"
"surname": "barz"
"parent": #12:0
You can also use the !
exclude syntax to define which attributes you want to exclude from the nested projection:
SELECT name, parent:{!surname} FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent": {
"name": "bar"
"parent": #12:0
You can also use a wildcard on the right of property names, to specify the inclusion of attributes that start with a prefix, eg.
SELECT name, parent:{surna*} FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent": {
"surname": "barz"
or their exclusion
SELECT name, parent:{!surna*} FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent": {
"name": "bar",
"parent": #12:0
Nested projection syntax allows for multiple level depth expressions, eg. you can go three levels deep as follows:
SELECT name, parent:{name, surname, parent:{name, surname}} FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"parent": {
"name": "bar"
"surname": "barz"
"parent": {
"name": "foo"
"surname": "fooz"
You can also use expressions and aliases in nested projections:
SELECT name, parent.parent:{name, surname} as grandparent FROM TheType WHERE name = 'baz'
"name": "baz",
"grandparent": {
"name": "foo"
"surname": "fooz"
ArcadeDB supports pagination natively. Pagination doesn’t consume server side resources because no cursors are used. Only Record ID’s are used as pointers to the physical position in the bucket.
There are 2 ways to achieve pagination:
The first and simpler way to do pagination is to use the SKIP
approach. This is the slower way because ArcadeDB repeats the query and just skips the first X records from the result.
SELECT FROM <target> [WHERE ...] SKIP <records-to-skip> LIMIT <max-records>
Where: - records-to-skip is the number of records to skip before starting to collect them as the result set - max-records is the maximum number of records returned by the query
This method is faster than the SKIP
because ArcadeDB will begin the scan from the starting RID. ArcadeDB can seek the first record in about O(1) time. The downside is that it’s more complex to use.
The trick here is to execute the query multiple times setting the LIMIT
as the page size and using the greater than >
operator against @rid
. The lower-rid is the starting point to search, for example #10:300
SELECT FROM <target> WHERE @rid > <lower-rid> ... [LIMIT <max-records>]
Where: - lower-rid is the exclusive lower bound of the range as RID - max-records is the maximum number of records returned by the query
In this way, ArcadeDB will start to scan the bucket from the given position lower-rid + 1. After the first call, the lower-rid will be the rid of the last record returned by the previous call. To scan the cluster from the beginning, use #-1:-1
as lower-rid .
8.1. Filtering
The Where condition is shared among many SQL commands.
[<item>] <operator> <item>
And item
can be:
What | Description | Example |
field |
Document field |
field<indexes> |
Document field part. To know more about field part look at the full syntax: Document-API-Property |
record attribute |
Record attribute name with |
Any Function between the defined ones |
Context variable prefixed with |
Record attributes
Name | Description | Example |
returns the record itself |
returns the RID in the form |
returns the record size in bytes |
returns the record type between: 'document', 'column', 'flat', 'bytes' |
Conditional Operators
Apply to | Operator | Description | Example |
any |
Equals |
any |
Null-safe-equals, is also true if left and right operands are |
string |
Similar to equals, but allows the wildcards ‘%’ that means "any characters" and ‘?’ that means "any single character". |
string |
Similar to |
any |
Less than |
any |
Less or equal to |
any |
Greater than |
any |
Greater or equal to |
any |
Not equal to |
any |
The value is between a range. It’s equivalent to |
any |
Used to test if a value is |
any |
Used to test if a value is not |
record, string (as type name) |
Used to check if the record extends a type |
collection |
contains any of the elements listed |
collection |
contains all of the elements not listed |
collection |
true if the collection contains at least one element that satisfy the next condition. Use |
collection |
true if all the elements of the left collection are contained in the right collection |
collection |
true if any the elements of the left collection is contained in the right collection |
map |
true if the map contains at least one key equals to the requested. You can also use |
map |
true if the map contains at least one value equals to the requested. You can also use |
string |
When used against an indexed field, a lookup in the index will be performed with the text specified as key. When there is no index a simple Java |
string |
Matches the string using a Regular Expression |
Logical Operators
Operator | Description | Example |
true if both the conditions are true |
OR |
true if at least one of the condition is true |
true if the condition is false. |
Mathematics Operators
Apply to | Operator | Description | Example |
Numbers |
+ |
Plus |
Numbers |
- |
Minus |
Numbers |
* |
Multiply |
Numbers |
/ |
Divide |
Numbers |
% |
Mod |
Also called "Field Operators", are SQL-Methods.
ArcadeDB supports variables managed in the context of the command/query. By default, some variables are created. Below the table with the available variables:
Name | Description | Command(s) |
Get the parent context from a sub-query. Example: |
Current record to use in sub-queries to refer from the parent’s variable |
The current depth of nesting |
The string representation of the current path. Example: |
The List of operation in the stack. Use it to access to the history of the traversal |
The set of all the records traversed as a |
To set custom variable use the LET keyword.
Symbol | Description | Example |
Matches all strings that contain an unknown substring of any length at the position of |
"%DB" "A%DB" "Arcade%" all match "ArcadeDB" |
Matches all strings that contain an unknown character at the position of |
"N?SQL" matches "NoSQL" but not "NewSQL" |
Filtering for strings containing wildcards characters can be done by escaping with backslash, i.e. \%
, \?
8.2. Commands
Executes a distributed alignment of the database. It must be executed on the Leader server. The alignment computes a checksum of each file and sends them to the replica nodes. Each replica node will compute the checksum on its own files. The files that are mismatching are requested by the replica to the leader. In the future single pages could be transferred instead of the entire file.
Align Database command is available only when the server is running with the HA module active. |
The command returns which page have been aligned on each server.
Align the current database.
Change a database setting. You can find the available settings in Settings appendix. The update is persistent.
ALTER DATABASE <setting-name> <setting-value>
Check the available settings in Settings appendix. Since the setting name contains.
characters, surround the setting name with`
. -
The new value to set
Set the date time format to support milliseconds (the default is 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss').
ArcadeDB> ALTER DATABASE `arcadedb.dateTimeFormat` 'yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss.SSS'
Set the default page size for buckets to 262,144 bytes. This is useful when importing database with records bigger than the default page.
ArcadeDB> ALTER DATABASE `arcadedb.bucketDefaultPageSize` 262144
Change a property defined in the schema. The change is persistent.
ALTER PROPERTY <type-name>.<property-name> <attribute-name> <attribute-value> [CUSTOM <custom-key> = <custom-value>]
Defines the type where the property is defined -
Defines the property in thetype-name
you want to change -
Defines the attribute you want to change. For a list of supported attributes, see the table below -
Defines the value you want to set-
mandatory <true|false>
If true, the property must be present. Default is false -
notnull <true|false>
If true, the property, if present, cannot be null. Default is false -
readonly <true|false>
If true, the property cannot be changed after the creation of the record. Default is false -
min <number|string>
Defines the minimum value for this property. For number types it is the minimum number as a value. For strings, it represents the minimum number of characters. For dates is the minimum date (uses the database date format). For collections (lists, sets, maps) this attribute determines the minimally required number of elements. -
max <number|string>
Defines the maximum value for this property. For number types it is the maximum number as a value. For strings, it represents the maximum number of characters. For dates is the maximum date (uses the database date format). For collections (lists, sets, maps) this attribute determines the maximally allowed number of elements. -
regexp <string>
Defines the mask to validate the input as a Regular Expression -
default <any>
Defines default value if not present. Default isnull
Name of the custom property to set -
Value for the custom property. All data types are supported as values.
Set the property 'subscribedOn' as mandatory:
ArcadeDB> ALTER PROPERTY User.subscribedOn MANDATORY true
Set the property 'createdOn' as read-only
ArcadeDB> ALTER PROPERTY User.createdOn READONLY true
Set the custom value with key 'description':
ArcadeDB> ALTER PROPERTY Account.signedOn CUSTOM description = 'First Sign In'
For more information, see:
Change a type defined in the schema. The change is persistent.
ALTER TYPE <type> [<attribute-name> <attribute-value>] [CUSTOM <custom-key> = <custom-value>]
Defines the type you want to change -
Defines the attribute you want to change. For a list of supported attributes, see the table below -
Defines the value you want to set -
Name of the custom property to set -
Value for the custom property. All data types are supported as values.
to the super types:
ArcadeDB> ALTER TYPE Employee SUPERTYPE +Person
Remove a super-type:
ArcadeDB> ALTER TYPE Employee SUPERTYPE -Person
Add the "account2" bucket to the type
ArcadeDB> ALTER TYPE Account BUCKET +account2
In the event that the bucket does not exist, it automatically creates it.
Remove a bucket from the type
with the ID34
ArcadeDB> ALTER TYPE Account BUCKET -34
Modify the bucket selection strategy to
selecting the property id as partition key:
ArcadeDB> ALTER TYPE Account BucketSelectionStrategy `partitioned('id')`
Set the custom value with key 'description':
ArcadeDB> ALTER TYPE Account CUSTOM description = 'All users'
Set the custom nested value with key 'meta':
ArcadeDB> ALTER TYPE Account CUSTOM meta = { abool: true, alist: [1,2,3,4,5]};
For more information, see:
Supported Attributes
Attribute | Type | Support | Description |
Identifier |
Changes the type name. |
Identifier |
Defines a super-type for the type. Use |
Identifier or Integer |
Identifier |
Change the selection of the bucket when new records are created. Using |
Executes a backup of the current database. The resulting file is a compressed archive using ZIP as algorithm. The archive contains the database directory without the transaction logs. The backup is executed taking a snapshot of the database at the time the command is executed. Any pending transaction will not be in the backup archive. ArcadeDB allows to execute a non-stop backup of a database while it is used without blocking writes or affecting performance.
BACKUP DATABASE [ <backup-file-url> ]
Optional, defines the location for the backup archive. If not specified, the backup file will bebackups/<db-name>/<db-name>-backup-<timestamp>.tgz
, where the timestamp is expresses from the year to the millisecond. Example of backup file namebackups/TheMatrix/TheMatrix-backup-20210921-172750767.zip
Execute the backup of the current database with the default filename.
Executes an integrity check and in case of a repair of the database. This command analyzes the following things:
buckets: all the pages and records are scanned and checked if can be loaded (no physical corruption)
vertices: all the vertices are loaded and all the connected edges are checked. In case some edges point to records that have been deleted they can be fixed automatically if the
option is enabled. -
edges: scan all the edges and check the incoming and outgoing links are consistent in the relative vertices. If not, the edges can be automatically removed if the
option is enabled.
CHECK DATABASE [ TYPE <type-name>[,]* ] [ BUCKET <bucket-name>[,]* ] [ FIX ]
Optional, if specified limit the check (and the fix) only to the specific types -
Optional, if specified limit the check (and the fix) only to the specific buckets -
Optional, if defined auto fix the issue found with the check
The command returns the integrity check report in one record with the fields:
Field | Description |
average space used in a page.
This is a percentage value, where 100% means all the pages are full.
If a record is too big, a page is split into multiple pages and multiple reads are necessary.
Sometimes it helps to create buckets with larger pages to accommodate large records,
see the |
set of warning messages. |
number of records that have been moved between pages. This happens when a record is updated and doesn’t fit the original page, so a surrogate (placeholder) is set to point to the new page/position or it’s a piece of a record stored on multiple pages. Internal, can be ignored. |
see above. Internal, can be ignored. |
internal, can be ignored. |
number of records deleted in the database (allocated minus active). When a record is deleted, it’s RID is not recycled! |
total number of records created in the database. A record can be of type document, vertex or edge. |
see above, but only documents records. |
see above, but only vertex records. |
see above, but only edge records. |
total number of records that are "active" (not deleted). A record can be of type document, vertex or edge. |
see above, but only vertex document. |
see above, but only vertex records. |
see above, but only edge records. |
internal, can be ignored. |
holds the list of RIDs deleted after a fix. |
all the records not found in the database. This could happen with broken edges (edges pointing to deleted vertices). This should be zero; if not, it means there is a bug in the graph operations that doesn’t keep operations 100% transactional. Please report this. |
total number of pages in the database. |
list of indexes that have been rebuilt automatically if corrupted records were found. |
can be ignored, set by the console. |
similar to corrupted records; should be zero. |
counter of errors encountered while checking the database. It should be zero. |
counter of autofix operations executed by the check database under the hood when corrupted records have been encountered. Some operations, like broken edges, can be fixed and restored automatically. |
Execute the integrity check of the entire database without fixing any issue found.
Execute the integrity check of the types 'Account' and 'Bill' without fixing any issue found.
Execute the integrity check only on the bucket 'Account_Europe' without fixing any issue found.
Execute the integrity check of the entire database and auto fix any issues found.
Writes a string message of given log-level to the log. Log-levels are:
(none) -
) -
) -
) -
This command is useful for SQL scripts. |
CONSOLE.logLevel <expression>
The command returns which page have been aligned on each server.
Write a message of level
to the log.
CONSOLE.log map('Hello','World')
Creates a new bucket in the database. Once created, you can use the bucket to save records by specifying its name during saves. If you want to add the new bucket to a type, follow its creation with the ALTER TYPE
CREATE BUCKET <bucket> [ID <bucket-id>]
Defines the name of the bucket you want to create. You must use a letter for the first character, for all other characters, you can use alphanumeric characters, underscores and dashes. -
Defines the numeric ID you want to use for the bucket.
Create the bucket
ArcadeDB> CREATE BUCKET account
For more information see:
Creates a new edge in the database.
CREATE EDGE <type> [BUCKET <bucket>] [UPSERT] FROM <rid>|(<query>)|[<rid>]* TO <rid>|(<query>)|[<rid>]*
[SET <field> = <expression>[,]*]|CONTENT {<JSON>}
[RETRY <retry> [WAIT <pauseBetweenRetriesInMs]] [BATCH <batch-size>]
defines the type name for the edge. -
defines the bucket in which you want to store the edge. -
creates a unidirectional edge; by default edges are bidirectional. -
skips the creation of the edge in another edge already exists with the same direction (same from/to) and same edge type. -
allows to skip the creation of edges that already exist between two vertices (ie. a unique edge for a couple of vertices). This works only if the edge type has a UNIQUE index onout, in
fields, otherwise the statement fails. -
provides JSON content to set as the record. Use this instead of entering data field by field. -
define the number of retries to attempt in the event of conflict, (optimistic approach). -
defines the time to delay between retries in milliseconds. -
defines whether it breaks the command down into smaller blocks and the size of the batches. This helps to avoid memory issues when the number of vertices is too high. By default, it is set to100
Edges and Vertices form the main components of a Graph database. ArcadeDB supports polymorphism on edges.
When no edges are created ArcadeDB throws a OCommandExecutionException
error. This makes it easier to integrate edge creation in transactions. In such cases, if the source or target vertices don’t exist, it rolls back the transaction.
Create a new edge type and an edge of the new type:
Create an edge in a specific bucket:
ArcadeDB> CREATE EDGE E1 BUCKET EuropeEdges FROM #10:3 TO #11:4
Create an edge and define its properties:
ArcadeDB> CREATE EDGE FROM #10:3 TO #11:4 SET brand = 'fiat'
Create an edge of the type
and define its properties:
ArcadeDB> CREATE EDGE E1 FROM #10:3 TO #11:4 SET brand = 'fiat', name = 'wow'
Create edges of the type
between all action movies in the database and the user Luca, using sub-queries:
ArcadeDB> CREATE EDGE Watched FROM (SELECT FROM account WHERE name = 'Luca') TO (SELECT FROM movies WHERE type.name = 'action')
Create an edge using JSON content:
ArcadeDB> CREATE EDGE E FROM #22:33 TO #22:55 CONTENT { "name": "Jay", "surname": "Miner" }
Create an edge only if not previously created:
ArcadeDB> CREATE INDEX Watched_out_in ON Watched (`@out`, `@in`) UNIQUE ArcadeDB> CREATE EDGE Watched FROM (SELECT FROM account WHERE name = 'Luca') TO (SELECT FROM movies WHERE type.name = 'action') IF NOT EXISTS
For more information, see:
Creates a new index. Indexes can be:
Unique Where they don’t allow duplicates.
Not Unique Where they allow duplicates.
Full Text Where they index any single word of text.
HNSW (Hierarchical Navigable Small World) vector index.
There are several index algorithms available to determine how ArcadeDB indexes your database. For more information on these, see Indexes.
CREATE INDEX [<manual-index-name>]
[ ON <type> (<property>*) ]
<index-type> [<key-type>]
Only for manual indexes, defines the logical name for the index. For automatic indexes, the index name is assigned automatically by ArcadeDB at creation as<type>[<property>[,]*]
. For example, the index created on type Friend, properties "firstName" and "lastName", it will be named "Friend[firstName,lastName]" -
IF NOT EXISTS Specifying this option, the index creation will just be ignored if the index already exists (instead of failing with an error)
Defines the type to create an automatic index for. The type must already exist. -
Defines the property you want to automatically index. The property must already exist. -
Defines the index type you want to use:-
does not allow duplicate keys, -
allows duplicate keys, -
based on any single word of text. -
vector index.
Defines the key type. With automatic indexes, the key type is automatically selected when the database reads the target schema property. For manual indexes, when not specified, it selects the key at run-time during the first insertion by reading the type of the type. In creating composite indexes, it uses a comma-separated list of types.
To create an automatic index bound to the schema property, use the ON
clause. In order to create an index, the schema must already exist in your database.
In the event that the ON
and <key-type>
clauses both exist, the database validates the specified property types. If the property types don’t equal those specified in the key type list, it throws an exception.
Null values are not indexed, so any query that is looking for null values will not use the index with a full scan. |
A unique index does not regard or derived types or embedded documents of the indexed type. |
Full-text indexes do not support multiple properties. |
You can use list key types when creating manual composite indexes, but bear in mind that such indexes are not yet fully supported.
Create an automatic index bound to the new property
in the typeUser
Create a series automatic indexes for the
property in the typeMovie
Create a series of properties and on them create a composite index:
ArcadeDB> CREATE PROPERTY Book.author STRING ArcadeDB> CREATE PROPERTY Book.title STRING ArcadeDB> CREATE PROPERTY Book.publicationYears LIST ArcadeDB> CREATE INDEX ON Book (author, title, publicationYears) UNIQUE
Create an index on an edge’s date range:
You can create indexes on edge types only if they contain the begin and end date range of validity. This is use case is very common with historical graphs, such as the example above. |
Using the above index, retrieve all the edges that existed in the year 2014:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Has WHERE started >= '2014-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND ended < '2015-01-01 00:00:00.000'
Using the above index, retrieve all edges that existed in 2014 and write them to the parent file:
ArcadeDB> SELECT outV() FROM Has WHERE started >= '2014-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND ended < '2015-01-01 00:00:00.000'
Using the above index, retrieve all the 2014 edges and connect them to children files:
ArcadeDB> SELECT inV() FROM Has WHERE started >= '2014-01-01 00:00:00.000' AND ended < '2015-01-01 00:00:00.000'
Create an index that includes null values.
By default, indexes ignore null values. Queries against null values that use an index returns no entries. To return an error in case of null values, append NULL_STRATEGY ERROR
when you create the index.
Also full text index can be set up:
ArcadeDB> CREATE INDEX ON Employee (address) FULL_TEXT
which can be searched with:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM `Employee[address]` WHERE address LIKE '%New York%'
Create a manual index to store dates:
ArcadeDB> CREATE INDEX `mostRecentRecords` UNIQUE DATE
For more information, see:
Creates a new property in the schema. It requires that the type for the property already exist on the database.
CREATE PROPERTY <type>.<property> [IF NOT EXISTS] <data-type> [OF <embd-type>] [<property-constraint>[,]*]
Defines the type for the new property. -
Defines the logical name for the property. -
Defines the property data type. For supported types, see the table below. -
Defines the property’s embedded type (only for embedding property typesEMBEDDED
, as well asLINK
). -
<attribute-name> * <attribute-value>
mandatory <true|false>
If true, the property must be present. Default is false -
notnull <true|false>
If true, the property, if present, cannot be null. Default is false -
readonly <true|false>
If true, the property cannot be changed after the creation of the record. Default is false -
min <number|string>
Defines the minimum value for this property. For number types it is the minimum number as a value. For strings it represents the minimum number of characters. For dates is the minimum date (uses the database date format). For collections (lists, sets, maps) this attribute determines the minimally required number of elements. -
max <number|string>
Defines the maximum value for this property. For number types it is the maximum number as a value. For strings it represents the maximum number of characters. For dates is the maximum date (uses the database date format). For collections (lists, sets, maps) this attribute determines the maximally allowed number of elements. -
regexp <string>
Defines the mask to validate the input as a Regular Expression -
default <any>
Defines default value if not present. Default isnull
. -
If specified, create the property only if not exists. If a property with the same name already exists in the type, then no error is returned
When you create a property, ArcadeDB checks the data for property and type. In the event that persistent data contains incompatible values for the specified type, the property creation fails. It applies no other constraints on the persistent data. |
When constraints are set, such as mandatory , read-only , etc., it’s not possible to use the Gremlin syntax to add vertices and edges without incurring in a Validation exception.
The issue is that Gremlin API sets the properties after the creation of the vertex and edge.
Properties of the type LINK may have the value NULL , furthermore accessing a
LINK property which is not set results also in a NULL value.
Create the property
of the string type in the typeUser
Create a property called
in the typeProfile
only allowing list members of type string:
Create the property
, as an embedded map:
ArcadeDB> CREATE PROPERTY Profile.friends MAP
Create the property
, as an embedded document:
Create the property
of type date with additional constraints:
ArcadeDB> CREATE PROPERTY Transaction.createdOn DATE (mandatory true, notnull true, readonly true, min "2010-01-01")
Create the property
only if it does not exist:
ArcadeDB> CREATE PROPERTY Employee.salary IF NOT EXISTS double
Create the property
with the time of creation being the default value:
ArcadeDB> CREATE PROPERTY Employee.hiredAt DATETIME (readonly, default sysdate('YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM:SS'))
For more information, see:
Supported Types
ArcadeDB supports the following data types for standard properties:
It supports the following data types for container properties:
Creates a new type in the schema.
[EXTENDS <super-type>] [BUCKET <bucket-id>[,]*] [BUCKETS <total-bucket-number>]
if you are creating respectively a document, vertex or edge type. -
Defines the name of the type you want to create. You must use a letter, underscore or dollar for the first character, for all other characters you can use alphanumeric characters, underscores and dollar. -
IF NOT EXISTS Specifying this option, the type creation will just be ignored if the type already exists (instead of failing with an error)
Defines the super-type you want to extend with this type. -
Defines in a comma-separated list the ID’s of the buckets you want this type to use. -
Defines the total number of buckets you want to create for this type. The default value is1
In the event that a bucket of the same name exists in the bucket, the new type uses this bucket by default. If you do not define a bucket in the command and a bucket of this name does not exist, ArcadeDB creates one. The new bucket has the same name as the type, but in lower-case.
When working with multiple cores, it is recommended that you use multiple buckets to improve concurrency during inserts. To change
the number of buckets created by default, ALTER DATABASE
command to update the minimumbuckets
You can also define the number of buckets you want to create using the BUCKETS
option when you create the type.
Create the document type
Create the vertex type
to extendVehicle
Create the vertex type
, using the bucket with name 'Car_classic' and 'Car_modern':
ArcadeDB> CREATE VERTEX TYPE Car BUCKET Car_classic,Car_modern
Bucket Selection Strategies
When you create a type, it inherits the bucket selection strategy defined at the database-level. By default, this is set to
. You can change the database default using the ALTER DATABASE
command and the selection
strategy for the type using the ALTER TYPE
Supported Strategies:
Strategy | Description |
Selects the next bucket in a circular order, restarting once complete. |
Selects the next bucket by using the partition (mod) from the current thread id. This strategy gives the best results in terms of performance if you are using multiple threads and multiple buckets. |
Uses the primary key to assign a partition to the record. This allows to speedup the lookup into the index avoiding to search for a key in all the sub-indexes. Use this if you have multiple buckets and you want fast lookup but slower insertions. |
For more information, see:
Creates a new vertex in the database.
The Vertex and Edge are the main components of a Graph database. ArcadeDB supports polymorphism on vertices.
CREATE VERTEX [<type>] [BUCKET <bucket>]
[SET <field> = <expression>[,]*]|
[CONTENT {<JSON>}|[{<JSON>}[,]*]]
Defines the type to which the vertex belongs. -
Defines the bucket in which it stores the vertex. -
Defines the field you want to set. -
Defines the express to set for the field.
When using a distributed database, you can create vertexes through two steps (creation and update). Doing so can break constraints defined at the type-level for vertices. To avoid these issues, disable constraints in the vertex type. |
Create a new vertex type, then create a vertex in that type:
Create a new vertex within a particular bucket:
ArcadeDB> <code type="userinput lang-sql">CREATE VERTEX V1 BUCKET recent
Create a new vertex, defining its properties:
ArcadeDB> CREATE VERTEX SET brand = 'fiat'
Create a new vertex of the type
, defining its properties:
ArcadeDB> CREATE VERTEX V1 SET brand = 'fiat', name = 'wow'
Create a vertex using JSON content:
ArcadeDB> CREATE VERTEX Employee CONTENT { "name" : "Jay", "surname" : "Miner" }
Create multiple vertices using JSON content:
ArcadeDB> CREATE VERTEX Employee CONTENT [{"name" : "Jay", "surname" : "Miner"}, {"name": "Frank", "surname": "Hermier"},{"name": "Emily", "surname": "Sout"}]
For more information, see:
Removes one or more records from the database.
You can refine the set of records that it removes using the WHERE
DELETE FROM <Type>|BUCKET:<bucket>|INDEX:<index> [RETURN <returning>]
[WHERE <Condition>*] [LIMIT <MaxRecords>] [TIMEOUT <MilliSeconds>] [UNSAFE]
Defines what values the database returns. It takes one of the following values: -
Returns the number of deleted records. This is the default option. -
Returns the number of records before the removal. -
Filters to the records you want to delete. -
Defines the maximum number of records to delete. -
Defines the time period to allow the operation to run, before it times out. -
no use, is kept only for compatibility with OrientDB SQL and it could be removed in the future versions of the SQL language.
Delete all records with the surname
, ignoring case:
ArcadeDB> DELETE FROM Profile WHERE surname.toLowerCase() = 'unknown'
Delete all records of the type
, due to an improper JSON import, or record creation command (note the use of the backticks):
ArcadeDB> DELETE FROM `Document`
Removes the bucket and all of its content. This operation is permanent and cannot be rolled back.
DROP BUCKET <bucket-name>|<bucket-id>
Defines the name of the bucket you want to remove. -
Defines the ID of the bucket you want to remove.
Remove the bucket
ArcadeDB> DROP BUCKET Account
For more information, see:
Removes an index from a property defined in the schema.
If the index does not exist, this call just returns with no errors.
DROP INDEX <index-name> [ IF EXISTS ]
Defines the name of the index.
Remove the index on the
property of theUsers
ArcadeDB> DROP INDEX `Users[Id]`
For more information, see:
Removes a property from the schema. Does not remove the property values in the records, it just changes the schema information. Records continue to have the property values, if any.
DROP PROPERTY <type>.<property> [FORCE]
Defines the type where the property exists. -
Defines the property you want to remove. -
FORCE In case one or more indexes are defined on the property, the command will throw an exception. Use FORCE to drop indexes together with the property
Remove the
property from the typeUser
ArcadeDB> DROP PROPERTY User.name
For more information, see:
Removes a type from the schema.
Defines the type you want to remove. -
Defines whether the command drops non-empty edge and vertex types. Note, this can disrupt data consistency. Be sure to create a backup before running it. -
Prevent errors if the type does not exits when attempting to drop it.
Bear in mind, that the schema must remain coherent. For instance, avoid removing types that are super-types to others. This operation won’t delete the associated bucket. |
Remove the type
ArcadeDB> DROP TYPE Account
For more information, see:
EXPLAIN SQL command returns information about query execution planning of a specific statement, without executing the statement itself.
EXPLAIN <command>
Defines the command that you want to profile, eg. a SELECT statement
Profile a query that executes on a type filtering based on an attribute:
ArcadeDB {db=foo}> explain select from v where name = 'a' Profiled command '[{ executionPlan:{...}, executionPlanAsString: + FETCH FROM TYPE v + FETCH FROM BUCKET 9 ASC + FETCH FROM BUCKET 10 ASC + FETCH FROM BUCKET 11 ASC + FETCH FROM BUCKET 12 ASC + FETCH FROM BUCKET 13 ASC + FETCH FROM BUCKET 14 ASC + FETCH FROM BUCKET 15 ASC + FETCH FROM BUCKET 16 ASC + FETCH NEW RECORDS FROM CURRENT TRANSACTION SCOPE (if any) + FILTER ITEMS WHERE name = 'a' }]' in 0,022000 sec(s):
For more information, see:
Exports a database in the exports
directory under the root directory where ArcadeDB is running.
Defines the location of the file to export. Use:-
as prefix for files located on the same file system where ArcadeDB is running. For security reasons, it is not possible to provide an absolute or relative path to the file -
By default the file name is set to
The format of the export as a quoted string-
JSONL exports in JSONL format - a newline-delimited JSON variant (this is the default format)
GraphML exports in the popular GraphML format. GraphML is supported by all the major Graph DBMS. This format does not support complex types, like collection of elements. Using GraphSON instead of GraphML is recommended
GraphSON database export. GraphSON is supported by all the major Graph DBMS
Overwrite the export file if exists. Default is false.
Export the current database under the
ArcadeDB> EXPORT DATABASE file://database.jsonl.tgz
Export the current database in GraphSON format, overwriting any existent file if present:
ArcadeDB> EXPORT DATABASE file://Movies.graphson.tgz FORMAT GraphSON OVERWRITE true
Executes an import of the database into the current one. Usually an import database is executed on an empty database, but it is possible to execute on any database. In case of conflict (unique index key already existent, etc.), the conflicting records will not be imported. The importer automatically recognize the file between the following formats:
OrientDB database export
Neo4J database export
GraphML database export. This format does not support complex types, like collection of elements. Using GraphSON instead of GraphML is recommended
GraphSON database export
JSON documents or responses
IMPORT DATABASE <url> [WITH ( <setting-name> = <setting-value> [,] )* ]
Defines the location of the file to import. Use:-
as prefix for files located on the same file system where ArcadeDB is running. -
as prefix for remote files.
Import the public OpenBeer database available as demo database for OrientDB and exported in TGZ file
IMPORT DATABASE https://github.com/ArcadeData/arcadedb-datasets/raw/main/orientdb/OpenBeer.gz
Import the Movie database used in Neo4j’s examples:
IMPORT DATABASE https://github.com/ArcadeData/arcadedb-datasets/raw/main/neo4j/movies.graphson.tgz
Import a JSON response into document type
IMPORT DATABASE http://echo.jsontest.com/key/value/one/two WITH documentType = 'mytype'
Test data source
IMPORT DATABASE http://echo.jsontest.com/key/value/one/two WITH probeOnly = true
Import a graph from CSV, with vertices in a
which contains a columnId
, and edges in aedges.csv
which contains columnsFrom
, both placed in the ArcadeDB base folder:
IMPORT DATABASE file://empty.csv WITH vertices="file://vertices.csv", verticesFileType=csv, typeIdProperty=Id, typeIdType=Long, edges="file://edges.csv", edgesFileType=csv, edgeFromField="From", edgeToField="To"
See also Importer
command creates a new record in the database. Records can be schema-less or follow rules specified in your model.
INSERT INTO [TYPE:]<type>|BUCKET:<bucket>|INDEX:<index>
[(<field>[,]*) VALUES (<expression>[,]*)[,]*]|
[SET <field> = <expression>|<sub-command>[,]*]|
[CONTENT {<JSON>}|[{<JSON>}[,]*]]
[RETURN <expression>]
[FROM <query>]
Abbreviated syntax to set field values. -
Defines JSON data as an option to set field values of one (object) or multiple (in an array of objects) records. -
Defines an expression to return instead of the number of inserted records. You can use any valid SQL expression. The most common use-cases,-
Returns the Record ID of the new record. -
Returns the entire new record.
Defines where you want to insert the result-set.
To insert only documents, vertices, or edges with a certain unique property, use a unique index. |
If multiple documents are inserted as JSON "CONTENT", and one document causes an error, for example due to a schema error, the remaining documents in the JSON array are not inserted. |
Inserts a new record with the name
and surnameMiner
As an example, in the SQL-92 standard, such as with a Relational database, you might use:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile (name, surname)
VALUES ('Jay', 'Miner')
Alternatively, in the ArcadeDB abbreviated syntax, the query would be written as,
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile SET name = 'Jay', surname = 'Miner'
In JSON content syntax, it would be written as this,
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile CONTENT {"name": "Jay", "surname": "Miner"}
Insert a new record of the type
, but in a different bucket from the default.
In SQL-92 syntax:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile BUCKET profile_recent (name, surname) VALUES
('Jay', 'Miner')
Alternative, in the ArcadeDB abbreviated syntax:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile BUCKET profile_recent SET name = 'Jay',
surname = 'Miner'
Insert several records at the same time:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile (name, surname) VALUES ('Jay', 'Miner'),
('Frank', 'Hermier'), ('Emily', 'Sout')
again in JSON content syntax, a JSON array of the to-be-inserted objects is passed:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile CONTENT [{"name": "Jay", "surname": "Miner"},
{"name": "Frank", "surname": "Hermier"},{"name": "Emily", "surname": "Sout"}]
Insert a new record, adding a relationship.
In SQL-93 syntax:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Employee (name, boss) VALUES ('jack', #11:09)
In the ArcadeDB abbreviated syntax:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Employee SET name = 'jack', boss = #11:99
Insert a new record, add a collection of relationships.
In SQL-93 syntax:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile (name, friends) VALUES ('Luca', [#10:3, #10:4])
In the ArcadeDB abbreviated syntax:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profiles SET name = 'Luca', friends = [#10:3, #10:4]
Inserts using
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Diver SET name = 'Luca', buddy = (SELECT FROM Diver
WHERE name = 'Marko')
Inserts using
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Diver SET name = 'Luca', buddy = (INSERT INTO Diver
SET name = 'Marko')
Inserting into a different bucket:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO BUCKET:asiaemployee (name) VALUES ('Matthew')
However, note that the document has no assigned type. To create a document of a certain type, but in a different bucket than the default, instead use:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO BUCKET:asiaemployee (@type, content) VALUES
('Employee', 'Matthew')
That inserts the document of the type Employee
into the bucket asiaemployee
Insert a new record, adding it as an embedded document:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile (name, address) VALUES ('Luca', { "@type": "d",
"street": "Melrose Avenue"})
Insert a record with a list property:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile SET friends = list("Joe","Jack","John")
Insert a record with a map property:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO Profile SET address = map("home","Avenue Lane")
Insert from a query.
To copy records from another type, use:
country = 'Germany'
This inserts all the records from the type Client
where the country is Germany, in the type GermanyClient
To copy records from one type into another, while adding a field:
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO GermanyClient FROM SELECT *, true AS copied FROM Client
WHERE country = 'Germany'
This inserts all records from the type Client
where the country is Germany into the type GermanClient
, with the addition field copied
to the value true
Insert a vertex.
Besides the specialized command CREATE VERTEX,
vertices and edges can be inserted via the INSERT
ArcadeDB> INSERT INTO MyVertexType SET name = 'John Doe'
However, edges have to be created with CREATE EDGE.
Queries the database in a declarative manner, using pattern matching (inspired by Cypher).
Let’s start with some examples.
The following examples are based on this sample data-set from the type People
Find all people with the name John:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: people, where: (name = 'John')} RETURN people --------- people --------- #12:0 #12:1 ---------
Find all people with the name John and the surname Smith:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: people, where: (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Smith')} RETURN people ------- people ------- #12:1 -------
Find people named John with their friends:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John')}.both('Friend') {as: friend} RETURN person, friend --------+--------- person | friend --------+--------- #12:0 | #12:1 #12:0 | #12:2 #12:0 | #12:3 #12:1 | #12:0 #12:1 | #12:2 --------+---------
Find friends of friends:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Doe')} .both('Friend').both('Friend') {as: friendOfFriend} RETURN person, friendOfFriend --------+---------------- person | friendOfFriend --------+---------------- #12:0 | #12:0 #12:0 | #12:1 #12:0 | #12:2 #12:0 | #12:3 #12:0 | #12:4 --------+----------------
Find people, excluding the current user:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Doe')}.both('Friend').both('Friend'){as: friendOfFriend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)} RETURN person, friendOfFriend --------+---------------- person | friendOfFriend --------+---------------- #12:0 | #12:1 #12:0 | #12:2 #12:0 | #12:3 #12:0 | #12:4 --------+----------------
Find friends of friends to the sixth degree of separation:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Doe')}.both('Friend'){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch) while: ($depth < 6)} RETURN person, friend --------+--------- person | friend --------+--------- #12:0 | #12:0 #12:0 | #12:1 #12:0 | #12:2 #12:0 | #12:3 #12:0 | #12:4 --------+---------
Finding friends of friends to six degrees of separation, since a particular date:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John')}.(bothE('Friend'){ where: (date < ?)}.bothV()){as: friend, while: ($depth < 6)} RETURN person, friend
In this case, the condition $depth < 6
refers to traversing the block bothE('Friend')
six times.
Find friends of my friends who are also my friends, using multiple paths:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Doe')}.both('Friend').both('Friend'){as: friend}, { as: person }.both('Friend'){ as: friend } RETURN person, friend --------+-------- person | friend --------+-------- #12:0 | #12:1 #12:0 | #12:2 --------+--------
In this case, the statement matches two expression: the first to friends of friends, the second to direct friends. Each expression shares the common aliases (person
and friend
). To match the whole statement, the result must match both expressions, where the alias values for the first expression are the same as that of the second.
Find common friends of John and Jenny:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Doe')}.both('Friend'){as: friend}.both('Friend') {type: Person, where: (name = 'Jenny')} RETURN friend -------- friend -------- #12:1 --------
The same, with two match expressions:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'John' AND
surname = 'Doe')}.both('Friend'){as: friend},
{type: Person, where: (name = 'Jenny')}.both('Friend')
{as: friend} RETURN friend
Simplified Syntax
MATCH { [type: <type>], [as: <alias>], [where: (<whereCondition>)] } .<functionName>(){ [type: <typeName>], [as: <alias>], [where: (<whereCondition>)], [while: (<whileCondition>)], [maxDepth: <number>], [depthAlias: <identifier> ], [pathAlias: <identifier> ], [optional: (true | false)] }* [, [NOT] { [as: <alias>], [type: <type>], [where: (<whereCondition>)] } .<functionName>(){ [type: <typeName>], [as: <alias>], [where: (<whereCondition>)], [while: (<whileCondition>)], [maxDepth: <number>], [depthAlias: <identifier> ], [pathAlias: <identifier> ], [optional: (true | false)] }* ]* RETURN [DISTINCT] <expression> [ AS <alias> ] [, <expression> [ AS <alias> ]]* [ GROUP BY <expression> [, <expression>]* ] [ ORDER BY <expression> [, <expression>]* ] [ UNWIND <Field>* ] [ SKIP <number> ] [ LIMIT <number> ]
Defines a valid target type. -
as: <alias>
Defines an alias for a node in the pattern. -
Defines a filter condition to match a node in the pattern. It supports the normal SQLWHERE
clause. You can also use the$currentMatch
context variables. -
Defines a graph function to represent the connection between two nodes. For instance,out()
, etc. For out(), in(), both() also a shortened arrow syntax is supported: -
can be written as{…}-->{…}
can be written as{…}-EdgeType->{…}
can be written as{…}<--{…}
can be written as{…}<-EdgeType-{…}
can be written as{…}--{…}
can be written as{…}-EdgeType-{…}
Defines a condition that the statement must meet to allow the traversal of this path. It supports the normal SQLWHERE
clause. You can also use the$currentMatch
context variables. For more information, see Deep Traversal While Condition, below. -
Defines the maximum depth for this single path. -
This is valid only if you have awhile
or amaxDepth
. It defines the alias to be used to store the depth of this traversal. This alias can be used in theRETURN
block to retrieve the depth of current traversal. -
This is valid only if you have awhile
or amaxDepth
. It defines the alias to be used to store the elements traversed to reach this alias. This alias can be used in theRETURN
block to retrieve the elements traversed to reach this alias. -
RETURN <expression> [ AS <alias> ]
Defines elements in the pattern that you want returned. It can use one of the following: -
Aliases defined in the
block. -
Indicating all defined aliases. -
Indicating the full traversed paths. -
Indicating that all the elements that would be returned by the $matches have to be returned flattened, without duplicates. -
Indicating that all the elements that would be returned by the $paths have to be returned flattened, without duplicates. -
if set to true, allows to evaluate and return a pattern even if that particular node does not match the pattern itself (ie. there is no value for that node in the pattern). In current version, optional nodes are allowed only on right terminal nodes, eg.{} --> {optional:true}
is allowed,{optional:true} <-- {}
is not. -
patterns Together with normal patterns, you can also define negative patterns. A result will be returned only if it also DOES NOT match any of the negative patterns, ie. if it matches at least one of the negative patterns it won’t be returned. -
Designates the field on which to unwind the collection.
Arrow notation
, in()
and both()
operators can be replaced with arrow notation -->
, <--
and --
Eg. the query
MATCH {type: V, as: a}.out(){}.out(){}.out(){as:b}
can be written as
MATCH {type: V, as: a}-->{}-->{}-->{as:b}
Eg. the query (things that belong to friends)
MATCH {type: Person, as: a}.out('Friend'){as:friend}.in('BelongsTo'){as:b}
can be written as
MATCH {type: Person, as: a}-Friend->{as:friend}<-BelongsTo-{as:b}
Using arrow notation the curly braces are mandatory on both sides. eg:
MATCH {type: Person, as: a}-->{}-->{as:b} RETURN a, b //is allowed
MATCH {type: Person, as: a}-->-->{as:b} RETURN a, b //is NOT allowed
MATCH {type: Person, as: a}.out().out(){as:b} RETURN a, b //is allowed
MATCH {type: Person, as: a}.out(){}.out(){as:b} RETURN a, b //is allowed
Negative (NOT) patterns
Together with normal patterns, you can also define negative patterns. A result will be returned only if it also DOES NOT match any of the negative patterns, ie. if the result matches at least one of the negative patterns it won’t be returned.
As an example, consider the following problem: given a social network, choose a single person and return all the people that are friends of their friends, but that are not their direct friends.
The pattern can be calculated as follows:
MATCH {type:Person, as:a, where:(name = "John")}-FriendOf->{as:b}-FriendOf-> {as:c}, NOT {as:a}-FriendOf->{as:c} RETURN c.name
The MATCH statement returns all the occurrences of a pattern, even if they are duplicated. To have unique, distinct records as a result, you have to specify the DISTINCT keyword in the RETURN statement.
Example: suppose you have a dataset made like following:
INSERT INTO V SET name = 'John', surname = 'Smith';
INSERT INTO V SET name = 'John', surname = 'Harris'
INSERT INTO V SET name = 'Jenny', surname = 'Rose'
This is the result of the query without a DISTINCT clause:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as:p} RETURN p.name as name
And this is the result of the query with a DISTINCT clause:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as:p} RETURN DISTINCT p.name as name
Context Variables
When running these queries, you can use any of the following context variables:
Variable | Description |
Gives the current matched record. You must explicitly define the attributes for this record in order to access them. You can use this in the |
Gives the current complete node during the match. |
Gives the traversal depth, following a single path item where a |
Use Cases
Expanding Attributes
You can run this statement as a sub-query inside of another statement. Doing this allows you to obtain details and aggregate data from the inner SELECT
ArcadeDB> SELECT person.name AS name, person.surname AS surname,
friend.name AS friendName, friend.surname AS friendSurname
FROM (MATCH {type: Person, as: person,
where: (name = 'John')}.both('Friend'){as: friend}
RETURN person, friend)
name | surname | friendName | friendSurname
John | Doe | John | Smith
John | Doe | Jenny | Smith
John | Doe | Frank | Bean
John | Smith | John | Doe
John | Smith | Jenny | Smith
As an alternative, you can use the following:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person,
where: (name = 'John')}.both('Friend'){as: friend}
person.name as name, person.surname as surname,
friend.name as friendName, friend.surname as friendSurname
name | surname | friendName | friendSurname
John | Doe | John | Smith
John | Doe | Jenny | Smith
John | Doe | Frank | Bean
John | Smith | John | Doe
John | Smith | Jenny | Smith
Incomplete Hierarchy
Consider building a database for a company that shows a hierarchy of departments within the company. For instance,
[manager] department
(employees in department)
/ \
/ \
/ \
[m1]1 [m2]2
(e2, e3) (e4, e5)
/ \ / \
3 4 5 6
(e6) (e7) (e8) (e9)
/ \
[m3]7 8
(e10) (e11)
(e12, e13)
This loosely shows that,
- Department 0
is the company itself, manager 0 (m0
) is the CEO
- e10
works at department 7
, his manager is m3
- e12
works at department 9
, this department has no direct manager, so e12’s manager is `m3
(the upper manager)
In this case, you would use the following query to find out who’s the manager to a particular employee:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type:Employee, where: (name = ?)}.out('WorksAt').out('ParentDepartment')
{while: (out('Manager').size() == 0),
where: (out('Manager').size() > 0)}.out('Manager')
{as: manager} RETURN expand(manager)
Deep Traversal
Match path items act in a different manners, depending on whether or not you use while:
conditions in the statement.
For instance, consider the following graph:
[name='a'] -FriendOf-> [name='b'] -FriendOf-> [name='c']
Running the following statement on this graph only returns b
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'a')}.out("FriendOf")
{as: friend} RETURN friend
What this means is that it traverses the path item out("FriendOf")
exactly once. It only returns the result of that traversal.
If you add a while
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'a')}.out("FriendOf")
{as: friend, while: ($depth < 2)} RETURN friend
Including a while:
condition on the match path item causes ArcadeDB to evaluate this item as zero to n times. That means that it returns the starting node, (a
, in this case), as the result of zero traversal.
To exclude the starting point, you need to add a where:
condition, such as:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'a')}.out("FriendOf")
{as: friend, while: ($depth < 2) where: ($depth > 0)}
RETURN friend
As a general rule,
Conditions: Define this if it must execute the next traversal, (it evaluates at level zero, on the origin node). -
Condition: Define this if the current element, (the origin node at the zero iteration the right node on the iteration is greater than zero), must be returned as a result of the traversal.
For instance, suppose that you have a genealogical tree. In the tree, you want to show a person, grandparent and the grandparent of that grandparent, and so on. The result: saying that the person is at level zero, parents at level one, grandparents at level two, etc., you would see all ancestors on even levels. That is, level % 2 == 0
To get this, you might use the following query:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'a')}.out("Parent")
{as: ancestor, while: (true) where: ($depth % 2 = 0)}
RETURN ancestor
Best practices
Queries can involve multiple operations, based on the domain model and use case. In some cases, like projection and aggregation, you can easily manage them with a SELECT
query. With others, such as pattern matching and deep traversal, MATCH
statements are more appropriate.
statements together (that is, through sub-queries), to give each statement the correct responsibilities. Here,
Filtering Record Attributes for a Single Type
Filtering based on record attributes for a single type is a trivial operation through both statements. That is, finding all people named John can be written as:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Person WHERE name = 'John'
You can also write it as,
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John')}
RETURN person
The efficiency remains the same. Both queries use an index. With SELECT
, you obtain expanded records, while with MATCH
, you only obtain the Record ID’s. If you want to return expanded records from the MATCH, use the expand()
function in the return statement:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person, where: (name = 'John')}
RETURN expand(person)
Filtering on Record Attributes of Connected Elements
Filtering based on the record attributes of connected elements, such as neighboring vertices, can grow trick when using SELECT
, while with MATCH
it is simple.
For instance, find all people living in Rome that have a friend called John. There are three different ways you can write this, using SELECT
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Person WHERE BOTH('Friend').name CONTAINS 'John' AND out('LivesIn').name CONTAINS 'Rome' ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM (SELECT BOTH('Friend') FROM Person WHERE name 'John') WHERE out('LivesIn').name CONTAINS 'Rome' ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM (SELECT in('LivesIn') FROM City WHERE name = 'Rome') WHERE BOTH('Friend').name CONTAINS 'John'
In the first version, the query is more readable, but it does not use indexes, so it is less optimal in terms of execution time. The second and third use indexes if they exist, (on Person.name
or City.name
, both in the sub-query), but they’re harder to read. Which index they use depends only on the way you write the query. That is, if you only have an index on City.name
and not Person.name
, the second version doesn’t use an index.
Using a MATCH
statement, the query becomes:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'John')}.both("Friend")
{as: result}.out('LivesIn'){type: City, where: (name = 'Rome')}
RETURN result
Here, the query executor optimizes the query for you, choosing indexes where they exist. Moreover, the query becomes more readable, especially in complex cases, such as multiple nested SELECT
There are similar limitations to using TRAVERSE
. You may benefit from using MATCH
as an alternative.
For instance, consider a simple TRAVERSE
statement, like:
ArcadeDB> TRAVERSE out('Friend') FROM (SELECT FROM Person WHERE name = 'John')
WHILE $depth < 3
Using a MATCH
statement, you can write the same query as:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'John')}.both("Friend")
{as: friend, while: ($depth < 3)} RETURN friend
Consider a case where you have a since
date property on the edge Friend
. You want to traverse the relationship only for edges where the since
value is greater than a given date. In a TRAVERSE
statement, you might write the query as:
ArcadeDB> TRAVERSE bothE('Friend')[since > date('2012-07-02', 'yyyy-MM-dd')].bothV()
FROM (SELECT FROM Person WHERE name = 'John') WHILE $depth < 3
Unfortunately, this statement DOESN’T WORK in the current release. However, you can get the results you want using a MATCH
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, where: (name = 'John')}.(bothE("Friend")
{where: (since > date('2012-07-02', 'yyyy-MM-dd'))}.bothV())
{as: friend, while: ($depth < 3)} RETURN friend
Projections and Grouping Operations
Projections and grouping operations are better expressed with a SELECT
query. If you need to filter and do projection or aggregation in the same query, you can use SELECT
in the same statement.
This is particular important when you expect a result that contains attributes from different connected records (cartesian product). For instance, to retrieve names, their friends and the date since they became friends:
ArcadeDB> SELECT person.name AS name, friendship.since AS since, friend.name
AS friend FROM (MATCH {type: Person, as: person}.bothE('Friend')
{as: friendship}.bothV(){as: friend,
where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN person, friendship, friend)
The same can be also achieved with the MATCH only:
ArcadeDB> MATCH {type: Person, as: person}.bothE('Friend')
{as: friendship}.bothV(){as: friend,
where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN person.name as name, friendship.since as since, friend.name as friend
RETURN expressions
In the RETURN section you can use:
multiple expressions, with or without an alias (if no alias is defined, ArcadeDB will generate a default alias for you), comma separated
{type: Person, as: person}
.bothE('Friend'){as: friendship}
.bothV(){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN person, friendship, friend
| person | friendship | friend |
| #12:0 | #13:0 | #12:2 |
| #12:0 | #13:1 | #12:3 |
| #12:1 | #13:2 | #12:3 |
{type: Person, as: person}
.bothE('Friend'){as: friendship}
.bothV(){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN person.name as name, friendship.since as since, friend.name as friend
| name | since | friend |
| John | 2015 | Frank |
| John | 2015 | Jenny |
| Joe | 2016 | Jenny |
{type: Person, as: person}
.bothE('Friend'){as: friendship}
.bothV(){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN person.name + " is a friend of " + friend.name as friends
| friends |
| John is a friend of Frank |
| John is a friend of Jenny |
| Joe is a friend of Jenny |
$matches, to return all the patterns that match current statement. Each row in the result set will be a single pattern, containing only nodes in the statement that have an as:
{type: Person, as: person}
.bothE('Friend'){} // no 'as:friendship' in this case
.bothV(){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN $matches
| person | friend |
| #12:0 | #12:2 |
| #12:0 | #12:3 |
| #12:1 | #12:3 |
$paths, to return all the patterns that match current statement. Each row in the result set will be a single pattern, containing all th nodes in the statement. For nodes that have an as:
, the alias will be returned, for the others a default alias is generated (automatically generated aliases start with $ORIENT_DEFAULT_ALIAS_
{type: Person, as: person}
.bothE('Friend'){} // no 'as:friendship' in this case
.bothV(){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN $paths
| person | friend | $ORIENT_DEFAULT_ALIAS_0 |
| #12:0 | #12:2 | #13:0 |
| #12:0 | #12:3 | #13:1 |
| #12:1 | #12:3 | #13:2 |
$elements the same as $matches
, but for each node present in the pattern, a single row is created in the result set (no duplicates)
{type: Person, as: person}
.bothE('Friend'){} // no 'as:friendship' in this case
.bothV(){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN $elements
| @rid | @type | name | ..... |
| #12:0 | Person | John | ..... |
| #12:1 | Person | Joe | ..... |
| #12:2 | Person | Frank | ..... |
| #12:3 | Person | Jenny | ..... |
$pathElements the same as $paths
, but for each node present in the pattern, a single row is created in the result set (no duplicates)
{type: Person, as: person}
.bothE('Friend'){} // no 'as:friendship' in this case
.bothV(){as: friend, where: ($matched.person != $currentMatch)}
RETURN $pathElements
| @rid | @type | name | since | ..... |
| #12:0 | Person | John | | ..... |
| #12:1 | Person | Joe | | ..... |
| #12:2 | Person | Frank | | ..... |
| #12:3 | Person | Jenny | | ..... |
| #13:0 | Friend | | 2015 | ..... |
| #13:1 | Friend | | 2015 | ..... |
| #13:2 | Friend | | 2016 | ..... |
NOTE: When using the MATCH statement in ArcadeDB Studio Graph panel you have to use $elements
or $pathElements
as return type, to let the Graph panel render the matched patterns correctly.
Moves one or more vertices into another type or bucket.
MOVE VERTEX <source> TO <TYPE|BUCKET>:<destination> [SET|REMOVE <field-name> = <field-value>[,]*]|[CONTENT|MERGE <JSON>] [BATCH <number>]
the vertex (RID) or vertices (Array of RIDs) to be moved. -
determines if a type or bucket is the target. -
the target type or bucket of the moved vertex or vertices. -
size of vertices moved at once. Using-1
moves all vertices at once.
This is command is similar to the UPDATE command. |
MOVE VERTEX #4:1 TO Type:MyType
MOVE VERTEX [#4:16,#4:20,#4:24] TO BUCKET:MyBucket
SQL command returns information about query execution planning and statistics for a specific statement.
The statement is actually executed to provide the execution stats.
The result is the execution plan of the query (like for EXPLAIN ) with additional information about execution time spent on each step, in microseconds.
PROFILE <command>
Defines the command that you want to profile, eg. a SELECT statement
PROFILE SELECT sum(Amount), OrderDate
FROM Orders
WHERE OrderDate > date("2012-12-09", "yyyy-MM-dd")
GROUP BY OrderDate
+ FETCH FROM INDEX Orders.OrderDate (1.445μs) OrderDate > date("2012-12-09", "yyyy-MM-dd") + EXTRACT VALUE FROM INDEX ENTRY + FILTER ITEMS BY TYPE Orders + CALCULATE PROJECTIONS (5.065μs) Amount AS _$$$OALIAS$$_1, OrderDate + CALCULATE AGGREGATE PROJECTIONS (3.182μs) sum(_$$$OALIAS$$_1) AS _$$$OALIAS$$_0, OrderDate GROUP BY OrderDate + CALCULATE PROJECTIONS (1.116μs) _$$$OALIAS$$_0 AS `sum(Amount)`, OrderDate
You can see the (1.445μs)
at the end of the first line, it means that fetching from index Orders.OrderDate
took 1.445 microseconds (1.4 milliseconds)
For more information, see:
Rebuilds automatic indexes.
REBUILD INDEX <index-name>
It is the index name that you want to rebuild. Use*
to rebuild all automatic indexes. Quote the index name if it contains special characters like square brackets.
During the rebuild, any idempotent queries made against the index, skip the index and perform sequential scans. This means
that queries run slower during this operation. Non-idempotent commands, such as INSERT , UPDATE ,
and DELETE are blocked waiting until the indexes are rebuilt.
During normal operations an index rebuild is not necessary. Rebuild an index only if it breaks. |
Rebuild an index on the
property on the typeProfile
ArcadeDB> REBUILD INDEX `Profile[email]`
Rebuild all indexes:
For more information, see:
ArcadeDB supports the SQL language to execute queries against the database engine. For more information, see operators and functions. For more information on the differences between this implementation and the SQL-92 standard, please refer to this section.
SELECT [ <Projections> ] [ FROM <Target> [ LET <Assignment>* ] ]
[ WHERE <Condition>* ]
[ GROUP BY <Field>* ]
[ ORDER BY <Fields>* [ ASC|DESC ] * ]
[ UNWIND <Field>* ]
[ SKIP <SkipRecords> ]
[ LIMIT <MaxRecords> ]
[ TIMEOUT <MilliSeconds> [ <STRATEGY> ] ]
Indicates the data you want to extract from the query as the result-set. Note: In ArcadeDB, this variable is optional. In the projections you can define aliases for single fields, using theAS
keyword; in current release aliases cannot be used in the WHERE condition, GROUP BY and ORDER BY (they will be evaluated to null) -
Designates the object to query. This can be a type, bucket, single RID, set of RID index values sorted by ascending or descending key order.-
When querying a type, for
use the type name. -
When querying a bucket, for
) orBUCKET:<bucket-id>
( eg.BUCKET:12
). This causes the query to execute only on records in that bucket. -
When querying record ID’s, you can specific one or a small set of records to query. This is useful when you need to specify a starting point in navigating graphs.
To query the schema you can use:
select from schema:types
to retrieve the defined types -
select from schema:indexes
to retrieve the defined indexes -
select from schema:database
to retrieve information about database settings
When querying indexes, use the following prefixes:
sorts values into an ascending order of index keys. -
sorts the values into a descending order of index keys.
Designates conditions to filter the result-set. -
Binds context variables to use in projections, conditions or sub-queries. -
Designates field on which to group the result-set. -
Designates the field with which to order the result-set. Use the optionalASC
operators to define the direction of the order. The default is ascending. Additionally, if you are using a projection, you need to include theORDER BY
field in the projection. Note that ORDER BY works only on projection fields (fields that are returned to the result set) not on LET variables. -
Designates the field on which to unwind the collection. -
Defines the number of records you want to skip from the start of the result-set. You may find this useful in Pagination, when using it in conjunction withLIMIT
. -
Defines the maximum number of records in the result-set. You may find this useful in Pagination, when using it in conjunction withSKIP
. -
Defines the maximum time in milliseconds for the query. By default, queries have no timeouts. If you don’t specify a timeout strategy, it defaults toEXCEPTION
. These are the available timeout strategies:-
Truncate the result-set, returning the data collected up to the timeout. -
Raises an exception.
Return all records of the type
, where the name starts withLuk
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Person WHERE name LIKE 'Luk%'
Alternatively, you might also use either of these queries:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Person WHERE name.left(3) = 'Luk'
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Person WHERE name.substring(0,3) = 'Luk'
Return all records of the type
where the collectionraces
contains at least one entry where the first character ise
, ignoring case:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM animaltype WHERE races CONTAINS( name.toLowerCase().subString( 0, 1) = 'e' )
Return all records of type
where the collectionraces
contains at least one entry with namesEuropean
ArcadeDB> SELECT * FROM animaltype WHERE races CONTAINS(name in ['European', 'Asiatic'])
Return all records in the type
where any field contains the worddanger
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Profile WHERE @this.values().asString() LIKE '%danger%'
Return all results on type
, ordered by the fieldname
in descending order:
Return the number of records in the type
per city:
ArcadeDB> SELECT SUM(*) FROM Account GROUP BY city
Return only a limited set of records:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM [#10:3, #10:4, #10:5]
Return three fields from the type
ArcadeDB> SELECT nick, followings, followers FROM Profile
Return the field
in uppercase and the field country name of the linked city of the address:
ArcadeDB> SELECT name.toUppercase(), address.city.country.name FROM Profile
Return records from the type
in descending order of their creation:
Return value of
which is stored in a JSON fielddata
(type EMBEDDED) of the typePerson
, where the name starts withLuk
ArcadeDB> SELECT data.email FROM Person WHERE name LIKE 'Luk%'
ArcadeDB can open an inverse cursor against buckets. This is very fast and doesn’t require the typical ordering resources, CPU and RAM.
In the standard implementations of SQL, projections are mandatory. In ArcadeDB, the omission of projects translates to its returning
the entire record. That is, it reads no projection as the equivalent of the *
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Account
For all projections except the wildcard *
, it creates a new temporary document, which does not include the @rid
fields of the original record.
ArcadeDB> SELECT name, age FROM Account
The naming convention for the returned document fields are:
Field name for plain fields, like
. -
First field name for chained fields, like
. -
Function name for functions, like
In the event that the target field exists, it uses a numeric progression. For instance,
ArcadeDB> SELECT MAX(incoming), MAX(cost) FROM Balance
max | max2
1342 | 2478
To override the display for the field names, use the AS
ArcadeDB> SELECT MAX(incoming) AS max_incoming, MAX(cost) AS max_cost FROM Balance
max_incoming | max_cost
1342 | 2478
With the dollar sign $
, you can access the context variables. Each time you run the command, ArcadeDB accesses the context to read
and write the variables. For instance, say you want to display the path and depth levels up to the fifth of a
on all records in the Movie
ArcadeDB> SELECT $path, $depth FROM ( TRAVERSE * FROM Movie WHERE $depth <= 5 )
block contains context variables to assign each time ArcadeDB evaluates a record. It destroys these values once the query
execution ends. You can use context variables in projections, conditions, and sub-queries.
Assigning Fields for Reuse
ArcadeDB allows for crossing relationships. In single queries, you need to evaluate the same branch of the nested relationship. This is better than using a context variable that refers to the full relationship.
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Profile WHERE address.city.name LIKE '%Saint%"' AND
( address.city.country.name = 'Italy' OR
address.city.country.name = 'France' )
Using the LET
makes the query shorter and faster, because it traverses the relationships only once:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Profile LET $city = address.city WHERE $city.name LIKE
'%Saint%"' AND ($city.country.name = 'Italy' OR $city.country.name = 'France')
In this case, it traverses the path till address.city
only once.
block allows you to assign a context variable to the result of a sub-query.
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM Document LET $temp = ( SELECT @rid, $depth FROM (TRAVERSE
V.OUT, E.IN FROM $parent.current ) WHERE @type = 'Concept' AND
( id = 'first concept' OR id = 'second concept' )) WHERE $temp.SIZE() > 0
Block in Projection
You can use context variables as part of a result-set in projections. For instance, the query below displays the city name from the previous example:
ArcadeDB> SELECT $temp.name FROM Profile LET $temp = address.city WHERE $city.name
LIKE '%Saint%"' AND ( $city.country.name = 'Italy' OR
$city.country.name = 'France' )
ArcadeDB allows unwinding of collection fields and obtaining multiple records as a result, one for each element in the collection:
ArcadeDB> SELECT name, OUT("Friend").name AS friendName FROM Person
name | friendName
'John' | ['Mark', 'Steve']
In the event if you want one record for each element in friendName
, you can rewrite the query using UNWIND
ArcadeDB> SELECT name, OUT("Friend").name AS friendName FROM Person UNWIND friendName
name | friendName
'John' | 'Mark'
'John' | 'Steve'
SQL SELECT Statements Execution
The execution flow of a SELECT statement is made of many steps. Understanding these steps will help you to write better and more optimized queries.
The SELECT query execution, at a very high level, is made of three steps: - Query optimization - Creation of execution plans - Choice of the optimal execution plan - Actual execution
Query optimization
The first step for the query executor is to run a query optimizer. This operation can change the internal structure of the SQL statement to make it more efficient, preserving the same semantics of the original query.
Typical optimization steps are:
Early calculation of expressions
eg. consider the following statement
SELECT FROM Person WHERE fullName = "John" + " " + "Smith"
The result of the string concatenation "John" + " " + "Smith"
does not depend on the query context (eg. the content of a record in the result set), so it can be calculated only once in the execution phase. The result of the optimization of this query will be the equivalent of
SELECT FROM Person WHERE fullName = "John Smith"
Early calculation of sub-queries
eg. consider the following statement
SELECT FROM Person WHERE father in (SELECT FROM Person WHERE name = 'John')
The result of the subquery does not depend on the parent query context, so it can be executed only once, and then use the result as an argument for the parent query:
LET $a = (SELECT FROM Person WHERE name = 'John');
SELECT FROM Person WHERE father in $a
It is possible only if the subquery does not depend on the context of the parent query, so for example the following cannot be split:
SELECT FROM Person WHERE father in (SELECT FROM Person WHERE name = 'John' and surname = $parent.$current.surname)
Refactoring of the WHERE conditions
eg. consider the following:
(name = 'John' AND surname = 'Smith')
OR (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Doe')
OR (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Travolta')
OR (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Lennon')
OR (name = 'John' AND surname = 'Nash')
If the WHERE condition is evaluated as is, the condition name = 'John'
has to be evaluated five times for each record that does not have a 'John' as a name. This query can be rewritten as:
name = 'John' AND (
surname = 'Smith'
OR surname = 'Doe'
OR surname = 'Travolta'
OR surname = 'Lennon'
OR surname = 'Nash'
Sometimes, like in case of full type scan, this is convenient. In other cases it’s not. Eg. if Person
type has an index on <name, surname>
, the original query can be executed as the union of five index lookups. The query optimizer will create multiple versions of optimized conditions, for different execution plans (see below).
Creation of execution plans
An execution plan is a sequence of operations that the query engine has to execute to calculate the query result.
Each step in the execution plan typically does a single operation, eg. fetch data from a type, filter results, calculate projections and so on.
For the same query, ArcadeDB can calculate multiple execution plans, based on involvement of indexes, optimized sorting and so on.
An execution plan has an execution cost that depends on the number of processed records, the number of operations performed and the elaboration time. The query executor uses the execution cost as the main criterion to choose the optimal execution plan.
Choice of the optimal execution plan
If the query executor produces multiple execution plans, then it has to choose the more convenient one to actually execute the query. This choice is made based on the execution cost: the execution plan with the minimum cost is chosen.
Actual execution
After choosing the optimal execution plan, it is just executed.
The execution of an execution plan is just the execution of all the steps that it represents.
Query Execution Plan
As described above, an execution plan is a sequence of steps that have to be executed to calculate a query result.
Different queries will have different execution plans.
The typical execution plan is made of the following steps:
fetch from query target (that can be a type, a bucket, an index and so on)
evaluate LET expressions
calculate query projections
filter results
aggregate data (eg. aggregate functions + GROUP BY)
projections -
sort result (ORDER BY)
Obviously, a simple query like SELECT FROM Person
will have a very simple execution plan made of a single step (the fetch from Person
type), while a complex query will have an execution plan made of multiple steps
To display the execution plan of a query, without executing it, you can just execute the query prefixing it with EXPLAIN
, eg.
Retrieves connected records crossing relationships. This works with both the Document and Graph API’s, meaning that you can traverse relationships between say invoices and customers on a graph, without the need to model the domain using the Graph API.
In many cases, you may find it more efficient to use SELECT , which can result in shorter and faster queries. For more information, see TRAVERSE versus SELECT below.
TRAVERSE [<type.]field>|*
[FROM <target>]
MAXDEPTH <number>
WHILE <condition>
[LIMIT <max-records>]
Defines the fields you want to traverse. -
Defines the target you want to traverse. This can be a type, one or more buckets, a single Record ID, set of Record ID’s, or a sub-query. -
Defines the maximum depth of the traversal.0
indicates that you only want to traverse the root node. Negative values are invalid. -
Defines the condition for continuing the traversal while it is true. -
Defines the maximum number of results the command can return. -
Defines strategy for traversing the graph.
The use of the WHERE clause has been deprecated for this command.
There is a difference between MAXDEPTH N and WHILE DEPTH <= N : the MAXDEPTH will evaluate exactly N levels, while the WHILE will evaluate N+1 levels and will discard the N+1th, so the MAXDEPTH in general has better performance.
In a social network-like domain, a user profile is connected to friend through links. The following examples consider common operations on a user with the record ID #10:1234
Traverse all fields in the root record:
ArcadeDB> TRAVERSE * FROM #10:1234
Specify fields and depth up to the third level, using the
Execute the same command, this time filtering for a minimum depth to exclude the first target vertex:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM (TRAVERSE out("Friend") FROM #10:1234 MAXDEPTH 3) WHERE $depth >= 1
You can also define the maximum depth in the SELECT command, but it’s much more efficient to set it at the inner TRAVERSE statement because the returning record sets are already filtered by depth.
Combine traversal with
command to filter the result-set. Repeat the above example, filtering for users in Rome:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM (TRAVERSE out("Friend") FROM #10:1234 MAXDEPTH 3) WHERE city = 'Rome'
Extract movies of actors that have worked, at least once, in any movie produced by J.J. Abrams:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM (TRAVERSE out("Actors"), out("Movies") FROM (SELECT FROM Movie WHERE producer = "J.J. Abrams") MAXDEPTH 3) WHERE @type = 'Movie'
Display the current path in the traversal:
Supported Variables
Defines the fields that you want to traverse. If set to *
, then it traverses all fields. This can prove costly to performance and resource usage, so it is recommended that you optimize the command to only traverse the pertinent fields.
In addition to his, you can specify the fields at a type-level. Inheritance is supported. By specifying Person.city
and the type Customer
extends person, you also traverse fields in Customer
Field names are case-sensitive, types not.
Targets for traversal can be:
Defines the type that you want to traverse. -
Defines the bucket you want to traverse. -
Individual root Record ID that you want to traverse. -
Set of Record ID’s that you want to traverse. This is useful when navigating graphs starting from the same root nodes.
Context Variables
In addition to the above, you can use the following context variables in traversals:
Gives the parent context, if any. You may find this useful when traversing from a sub-query. -
Gives the current record in the iteration. To get the upper-level record in nested queries, you can use$parent.$current
. -
Gives the current depth of nesting. -
Gives a string representation of the current path. For instance,#5:0.out
. You can also display it throughSELECT
Use Cases
versus SELECT
When you already know traversal information, such as relationship names and depth-level, consider using SELECT
instead of TRAVERSE
as it is faster in some cases.
For example, this query traverses the follow
relationship on Twitter accounts, getting the second level of friendship:
ArcadeDB> SELECT FROM (TRAVERSE out('follow') FROM TwitterAccounts MAXDEPTH 2 )
WHERE $depth = 2
But, you could also express this same query using SELECT
operation, in a way that is also shorter and faster:
ArcadeDB> SELECT out('follow').out('follow') FROM TwitterAccounts
with the Graph Model and API
While you can use the TRAVERSE
command with any domain model, it provides the greatest utility with the Graph Model.
This model is based on the concepts of the Vertex (or Node) and the Edge (or Arc, Connection, Link, etc.) If you want to traverse in a direction, you have to use the type name when declaring the traversing fields. The supported directions are:
Vertex to outgoing edges Using
. That is, going out from a vertex and into the outgoing edges. -
Vertex to incoming edges Using
. That is, going from a vertex and into the incoming edges. -
Vertex to all edges Using
. That is, going from a vertex and into all the connected edges. -
Edge to Vertex (end point) Using
. That is, going out from an edge and into a vertex. -
Edge to Vertex (starting point) Using
. That is, going back from an edge and into a vertex. -
Edge to Vertex (both sizes) Using
. That is, going from an edge and into connected vertices. -
Vertex to Vertex (outgoing edges) Using
. This is the same asoutE().inV()
Vertex to Vertex (incoming edges) Using
. This is the same asinE().outV()
Vertex to Vertex (all directions) Using
For instance, traversing outgoing edges on the record #10:3434
ArcadeDB> TRAVERSE out() FROM #10:3434
In a domain for emails, to find all messages sent on January 1, 2012 from the user Luca, assuming that they are stored in the vertex type User
and that the messages are contained in the vertex type Message
. Sent messages are stored as out
connections on the edge type SentMessage
name = 'Luca') MAXDEPTH 2 AND (@type = 'Message' or
(@type = 'SentMessage' AND sentOn = '01/01/2012') )) WHERE
@type = 'Message'
Traversal Strategies
When ArcadeDB traverses a graph it can use one of two available approaches, either explore every branch to its leaf before backtracking (depth-first), or visiting each child before progressing down the next level (breadth-first), see:
By default, the depth-first strategy is used.
Deletes all records of a bucket. This command operates at a lower level than the standard DELETE
Truncation is not permitted on vertex or edge types, but you can force its execution using the UNSAFE
keyword. Forcing truncation is strongly discouraged, as it can leave the graph in an inconsistent state.
Defines the bucket to delete. -
Defines whether the command forces the truncation on vertex or edge types.
Remove all records in the bucket
For more information, see:
Deletes records of all buckets defined as part of the type.
By default, every type has an associated bucket with the same name. This command operates at a lower level than DELETE
. This commands ignores sub-types, (That is, their records remain in their buckets). If you want to also remove all records from the type hierarchy, you need to use the POLYMORPHIC
Truncation is not permitted on vertex or edge types, but you can force its execution using the UNSAFE
keyword. Forcing truncation is strongly discouraged, as it can leave the graph in an inconsistent state.
Defines the type you want to truncate. -
Defines whether the command also truncates the type hierarchy. -
Defines whether the command forces the truncation on vertex or edge types.
Remove all records of the type
For more information, see:
Update one or more records in the current database. Remember: ArcadeDB can work in schema-less mode, so you can create any field on-the-fly. Furthermore, the command also supports extensions to work on collections.
UPDATE <type>|BUCKET:<bucket>|<recordID>
[SET|REMOVE <field-name> = <field-value>[,]*]|[CONTENT|MERGE <JSON>]
[RETURN <returning> [<returning-expression>]]
[WHERE <conditions>]
[LIMIT <max-records>] [TIMEOUT <MilliSeconds>]
Defines the fields to update. -
Removes an item in collection and map fields or a property. -
Replaces the record content with a JSON document. -
Merges the record content with a JSON document. -
Updates a record if it exists or inserts a new record if it doesn’t. This avoids the need to execute two commands, (one for each condition, inserting and updating).UPSERT
requires aWHERE
clause and a type target. There are further limitations onUPSERT
, explained below. PracticallyUPSERT
if theWHERE
condition is fulfilled, otherwiseINSERT
. -
Specifies an expression to return instead of the record and what to do with the result-set returned by the expression. The available return operators are:-
Returns the number of updated records. This is the default return operator. -
Returns the records before the update. -
Return the records after the update.
Defines the subset of records to be updated. -
Defines the maximum number of records to update. -
Defines the time you want to allow the update run before it times out.
Update to change the value of a field:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Profile SET nick = 'Luca' WHERE nick IS NULL
Update to remove a field from all records:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Profile REMOVE nick
Update to remove a value from a collection, if you know the exact value that you want to remove:
Remove an element from a link list or set:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account REMOVE address = #12:0
Remove an element from a list or set of strings:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account REMOVE addresses = 'Foo'
Append an element to a list or set of strings:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account SET addresses += 'Foo'
Update to remove a value, filtering on value attributes.
Remove addresses based in the city of Rome:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account REMOVE addresses = addresses[city = 'Rome']
Update to remove a value, filtering based on position in the collection.
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account REMOVE addresses = addresses[1]
This remove the second element from a list, (position numbers start from 0
, so addresses[1]
is the second elelment).
Update to remove a value from a map
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account REMOVE addresses = 'Luca'
Update to remove a property values from records
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account REMOVE addresses WHERE addresses = 'unknown'
Update an embedded document. The
command can take JSON as a value to update.
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Account SET address={ "street": "Melrose Avenue", "city": { "name": "Beverly Hills" } }
Update the first twenty records that satisfy a condition:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Profile SET nick = 'Luca' WHERE nick IS NULL LIMIT 20
Update a record or insert if it doesn’t already exist:
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Profile SET nick = 'Luca' UPSERT WHERE nick = 'Luca'
Updates using the
ArcadeDB> UPDATE ♯7:0 SET gender='male' RETURN AFTER @rid ArcadeDB> UPDATE ♯7:0 SET gender='male' RETURN AFTER @this ArcadeDB> UPDATE ♯7:0 SET gender='male' RETURN AFTER $current.exclude("really_big_field")
In the event that a single field is returned, ArcadeDB wraps the result-set in a record storing the value in the field result
. This avoids introducing a new serialization, as there is no primitive values collection serialization in the binary protocol. Additionally, it provides useful fields like version
and rid
from the original record in corresponding fields. The new syntax allows for optimization of client-server network traffic.
For more information on SQL syntax, see SELECT
Limitations of the UPSERT
clause only guarantees atomicity when you use a UNIQUE
index and perform the look-up on the index through the WHERE
ArcadeDB> UPDATE Client SET id = 23 UPSERT WHERE id = 23
Here, you must have a unique index on Client.id
to guarantee uniqueness on concurrent operations.
8.3. Functions
SQL Functions are all the functions bundled with ArcadeDB SQL engine. Look also to SQL Methods.
The functions expand() and distinct() are special functions,
as those have constraints in terms of admissible use inside projections.
SQL Functions can work in 2 ways based on the fact that they can receive one or more parameters:
Aggregated mode
When only one parameter is passed, the function aggregates the result in only one record.
The classic example is the sum()
SELECT sum(salary) FROM employee
This will always return one record: the sum of salary fields across every employee record.
Inline mode
When two or more parameters are passed:
SELECT sum(salary, extra, benefits) AS total FROM employee
This will return the sum of the field "salary", "extra" and "benefits" as "total".
In case you need to use a function inline, when you only have one parameter, then add "null" as the second parameter:
SELECT first(out('friends').name, NULL) AS firstFriend FROM Profiles
In the above example, the first()
function doesn’t aggregate everything in only one record, but rather returns one record per Profile
, where the firstFriend
is the first item of the collection received as the parameter.
Function Reference
Returns the absolute value. It works with Integer, Long, Short, Double, Float, BigInteger, BigDecimal, and null.
Syntax: abs(<field>)
SELECT abs(score) FROM Account
SELECT abs(-2332) FROM Account
SELECT abs(999) FROM Account
The A* algorithm describes how to find the cheapest path from one node to another node in a directed weighted graph with a heuristic function.
The first parameter is source record. The second parameter is destination record. The third parameter is a name of property that represents weight and fourth represents the map of options.
If property is not defined in edge or is null, distance between vertexes are 0.
Syntax: astar(<sourceVertex>, <destinationVertex>, <weightEdgeFieldName>, [<options>])
{ direction:"OUT", //the edge direction (OUT, IN, BOTH) edgeTypeNames:[], vertexAxisNames:[], parallel : false, tieBreaker:true, maxDepth:99999, dFactor:1.0, customHeuristicFormula:'custom_Function_Name_here' // (MANHATTAN, MAXAXIS, DIAGONAL, EUCLIDEAN, EUCLIDEANNOSQR, CUSTOM) }
SELECT astar($current, #8:10, 'weight') FROM Vehicle
Returns the average value.
Syntax: avg(<field>)
SELECT avg(salary) FROM Account
Aggregates a field, an expression or value by the logical AND operator and returns true or false, null values are ignored.
Syntax: bool_and(<field/expression/value>)
Test if all salaries are greater than zero:
SELECT bool_and((salary > 0)) FROM Account
Aggregates a field, an expression or value by the logical OR operator and returns true or false, null values are ignored.
Syntax: bool_or(<field/expression/value>)
Test if a null value is present in the salary field:
SELECT bool_or((salary IS NULL)) FROM Account
Get the adjacent outgoing and incoming vertices starting from the current record as vertex.
Syntax: both([<label1>][,<label-n>]*)
Get all the incoming and outgoing vertices from vertex with RID #13:33
SELECT both() FROM #13:33
Get all the incoming and outgoing "Vehicle" vertices connected by edges with label (class) "Trucks" and "Cars":
SELECT both('Trucks','Cars') FROM Vehicle
Get the adjacent outgoing and incoming edges starting from the current record as vertex.
Syntax: bothE([<label1>][,<label-n>]*)
Get both incoming and outgoing edges from all the "Vehicle" vertices:
SELECT bothE() FROM Vehicle
Get all the incoming and outgoing edges of type "Friend" from the profiles with "nickname" "Jay"
SELECT bothE('Friend') FROM Profile WHERE nickname = 'Jay'
Get the adjacent outgoing and incoming vertices starting from the current record as edge.
Syntax: bothV()
Get both incoming and outgoing vertices from the "Friend" edges:
SELECT bothV() FROM Friend
Creates a 2D circle from two numbers specifying X- and Y-coordinate of circle’s center and a number describing the circle’s radius.
Syntax: circle(<center-x>,<center-y>,<radius>)
SELECT circle(10,10,10) AS circle
Returns the first field/value argument not being null parameter. If no field/value is not null, null is returns.
coalesce(<field|value> [, <field-n|value-n>]*)
SELECT coalesce(amount, amount2, amount3) FROM Account
Aggregates field (or string) by implicitly casting to string and concatenate. Optionally a second field or string can be passed and is record-wise appended.
Syntax: concat( <field|string>[,<field|string>] )
SELECT concat(name) FROM names
Counts the records that match the query condition. If * is used as field, then all record will be counted, otherwise only records with field content that is not null.
Syntax: count(<field>)
SELECT count(*) FROM Account
Returns a date formatting a string. <date-as-string> is the date in string format, and <format> is the date format following these rules. If no format is specified, then the default database format is used. To know more about it, look at Managing Dates.
Syntax: date( <date-as-string> [<format>] [,<timezone>] )
SELECT FROM Account WHERE created <= date('2012-07-02', 'yyyy-MM-dd')
Decode a value into binary data (base64
and base64url
are the only supported formats).
The <value>
must contain base64 encoded information.
Syntax: decode(<value>,<format>)
The decode function returns a binary type, which can be converted to a string via asString() .
Decode a value into binary format from base64.
SELECT decode('QXJjYWRlREI=', 'base64')
SELECT decode('QXJjYWRlREI', 'base64url').asString()
Syntax: difference(<field> [,<field-n>]*)
Works as aggregate or inline. If only one argument is passed then it aggregates, otherwise it executes and returns the DIFFERENCE between the collections received as parameters.
SELECT difference(tags) FROM book
SELECT difference(inEdges, outEdges) FROM OGraphVertex
Returns the cheapest path between two vertices using the Dijkstra’s algorithm where the weightEdgeFieldName parameter is the field containing the weight. Direction can be OUT (default), IN or BOTH.
Syntax: dijkstra(<sourceVertex>, <destinationVertex>, <weightEdgeFieldName> [, <direction>])
SELECT dijkstra($current, #8:10, 'weight') FROM Vehicle
Syntax: distance( <x-field>, <y-field>, <x-value>, <y-value> )
Returns the distance between two points in the globe using the Haversine algorithm. Coordinates must be in degrees.
SELECT FROM POI WHERE distance(x, y, 52.20472, 0.14056 ) <= 30
Syntax: distinct(<field>)
Retrieves only unique data entries depending on the field you have specified as argument. The main difference compared to standard SQL DISTINCT is that with ArcadeDB, a function with parenthesis and only one field can be specified.
The distinct() function has to be the sole projection component if used.
SELECT distinct(name) FROM City
Syntax: duration(<field|integer>,'<string>')
Returns a Java duration object, which can be useful to compare periods of time.
The admissible second argument values are given here. |
SELECT duration(start,'year') FROM Employees
Encode binary data into the specified format (base64
and base64url
are the only supported formats).
The <binaryfields>
must be a property containing binary data.
Syntax: encode(<binaryfield/stringfield/string>,<format>)
To encode RIDs, they need to be converted to strings first via asString() otherwise the link target is encoded.
Encode binary data into base64.
SELECT encode(raw, 'base64') FROM Blob
This function has two meanings:
When used on a collection field, it unwinds the collection in the field <field> and use it as result.
When used on a link (RID) field, it expands the document pointed by that link.
Syntax: expand(<field>)
You can also use the SQL operator UNWIND
in select to obtain the same result.
As expand() may change its return type based on the argument,
no modifiers (method calls, suffix identifiers or array indexing) are permitted on the return value of expand() .
on collections:
SELECT expand(addresses) FROM Account
on RIDs
SELECT expand(addresses) FROM Account
Retrieves only the first item of multi-value fields (arrays, collections and maps). For non multi-value types just returns the value.
Syntax: first(<field>)
SELECT first( addresses ) FROM Account
format() [Function]
Formats a value using the String.format() conventions. Look here for more information.
Syntax: format( <format> [,<arg1> ] [,<arg-n>]*)
To escape the percent symbol (% ) use %% .
SELECT format("%d - Mr. %s %s (%s)", id, name, surname, address) FROM Account
Syntax: if(<expression>, <result-if-true>, <result-if-false>)
Evaluates a condition (first parameters) and returns the second parameter if the condition is true, and the third parameter otherwise.
SELECT if( (name = 'John'), "My name is John", "My name is not John") FROM Person
ifnull() [Function]
Returns the passed field/value, or optional parameter return_value_if_not_null. If field/value is null, return_value_if_null is returned.
Syntax: ifnull( <field/value>, <return_value_if_null>[,<return_value_if_not_null>])
SELECT ifnull(salary, 0) FROM Account
Get the adjacent incoming vertices starting from the current record as vertex.
Syntax: in([<label-1>][,<label-n>]*)
Get all the incoming vertices from all the "Vehicle" vertices:
SELECT in() FROM Vehicle
Get all the incoming vertices connected with edges with label (class) "Trucks" and "Cars":
SELECT in('Trucks','Cars') FROM Vehicle
Get the adjacent incoming edges starting from the current record as Vertex.
Syntax: inE([<label1>][,<label-n>]*)
Get all the incoming edges from all the "Vehicle" vertices:
SELECT inE() FROM Vehicle
Get all the incoming edges of type "Eats" from the "Restaurant" "Bella Napoli":
SELECT inE('Eats') FROM Restaurant WHERE name = 'Bella Napoli'
Syntax: intersect(<field> [,<field-n>]*)
Works as aggregate or inline. If only one argument is passed then it aggregates, otherwise executes and returns the INTERSECTION of the collections received as parameters.
SELECT intersect(friends) FROM profile WHERE jobTitle = 'programmer'
SELECT intersect(inEdges, outEdges) FROM OGraphVertex
Get incoming vertices starting from the current record as edge.
Syntax: inV()
Get incoming vertices from the "Friend" edges
SELECT inV() FROM Friend
Retrieves only the last item of multi-value fields (arrays, collections and maps). For non multi-value types just returns the value.
Syntax: last(<field>)
SELECT last( addresses ) FROM Account
Creates or adds a value to a list.
If <field|value>
is a collection, then is merged with the list, otherwise <field|value>
is added to the list.
Syntax: list(<field|value>[,]*)
SELECT name, list(roles.name) AS roles FROM OUser
Creates a chain of 2D lines from a list of points. A string of lines is not necessarily closed.
Syntax: lineString([<point>*])
SELECT lineString( [ point(10,10), point(20,10), point(20,20), point(10,20), point(30,30) ] ) AS linesString
Creates a map.
The arguments have to be pairs of keys and values, hence the number of arguments has to be even.
The <key>
argument(s) have to be strings.
Syntax: map(<key>,<value>[,]*)
SELECT map(name, roles.name) FROM OUser
Returns the maximum value. If invoked with more than one parameter, the function doesn’t aggregate, but returns the maximum value between all the arguments.
Syntax: max(<field> [, <field-n>]* )
Returns the maximum salary of all the "Account" records:
SELECT max(salary) FROM Account.
Returns the maximum value between "salary1", "salary2" and "salary3" fields.
SELECT max(salary1, salary2, salary3) FROM Account
Returns the middle value or an interpolated value that represent the middle value after the values are sorted. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.
Syntax: median(<field>)
SELECT median(salary) FROM Account
Returns the minimum value. If invoked with more than one parameter, the function doesn’t aggregate but returns the minimum value between all the arguments.
Syntax: min(<field> [, <field-n>]* )
Returns the minimum salary of all the "Account" records:
SELECT min(salary) FROM Account
Returns the minimum value between "salary1", "salary2" and "salary3" fields.
SELECT min(salary1, salary2, salary3) FROM Account
Returns the values that occur with the greatest frequency. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.
Syntax: mode(<field>)
SELECT mode(salary) FROM Account
Get the adjacent outgoing vertices starting from the current record as vertex.
Syntax: out([<label-1>][,<label-n>]*)
Get all the outgoing vertices from all the "Vehicle" vertices:
SELECT out() FROM Vehicle
Get all the outgoing vertices connected with edges with label (class) "Eats" and "Favorited" from all the "Restaurant" vertices in "Rome":
SELECT out('Eats','Favorited') FROM Restaurant WHERE city = 'Rome'
Get the adjacent outgoing edges starting from the current record as vertex.
Syntax: outE([<label1>][,<label-n>]*)
Get all the outgoing edges from all the "Vehicle" vertices:
SELECT outE() FROM Vehicle
Get all the outgoing edges of type "Eats" from all the "SocialNetworkProfile" vertices:
SELECT outE('Eats') FROM SocialNetworkProfile
Get outgoing vertices starting from the current record as edge.
Syntax: outV()
Get outgoing vertices from the "Friend" edges
SELECT outV() FROM Friend
Returns the nth percentiles (the values that cut off the first n percent of the field values when it is sorted in ascending order). Nulls are ignored in the calculation.
Syntax: percentile(<field> [, <quantile-n>]*)
The quantiles have to be in the range 0—1
SELECT percentile(salary, 0.95) FROM Account
SELECT percentile(salary, 0.25, 0.75) AS IQR FROM Account
Creates a 2D point from two numbers specifying X- and Y-coordinate.
Syntax: point(<x>,<y>)
SELECT point(10,20) AS point
Creates a 2D polygon from a list of points. The lines making up a polygon are closed.
Syntax: polygon([<point>*])
SELECT polygon( [ point(10,10), point(20,10), point(20,20), point(10,20), point(10,10) ] ) AS polygon
Returns an integer drawn from a uniform pseudo-random distribution in the range from (inclusively) zero up to (exclusively) the argument max
Syntax: randomInt(<max>)
SELECT randomInt(10) AS rand
You can use it in SQL Scripts to wait a random amount of milliseconds.
SLEEP randomInt(500);
Creates a 2D rectangle from four numbers specifying the left boundary X-, top boundary Y-, right boundary X- and botton boundary Y-values.
Syntax: rectangle(<left-x>,<top-y>,<right-x>,<bottom-y>)
SELECT rectangle(10,10,20,20) AS rectangle
Creates or adds a value to a set.
If <value>
is a collection, then it is merged with the set, otherwise <field|value>
is added to the set.
Syntax: set(<field|value>[,]*)
SELECT name, set(roles.name) AS roles FROM OUser
Returns the shortest path between two vertices. Direction can be OUT (default), IN or BOTH.
Syntax: shortestPath( <sourceVertex>, <destinationVertex> [, <direction> [, <edgeClassName> [, <additionalParams>]]])
- sourceVertex
is the source vertex where to start the path
- destinationVertex
is the destination vertex where the path ends
- direction
, optional, is the direction of traversing. By default is "BOTH" (in+out). Supported values are "BOTH" (incoming and outgoing), "OUT" (outgoing) and "IN" (incoming)
- edgeClassName
, optional, is the edge class to traverse. By default all edges are crossed. This can also be a list of edge class names (eg. ["edgeType1", "edgeType2"]
- additionalParams
, optional, here you can pass a map of additional parametes (Map<String, Object> in Java, JSON from SQL). Currently allowed parameters are
- 'maxDepth': integer, maximum depth for paths (ignore path longer that 'maxDepth')
on finding the shortest path between vertices #8:32
and #8:10
SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10)
on finding the shortest path between vertices #8:32
and #8:10
only crossing outgoing edges
SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10, 'OUT')
on finding the shortest path between vertices `#8:32 and `#8:10
only crossing incoming edges of type "Friend"
SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10, 'IN', 'Friend')
on finding the shortest path between vertices `#8:32 and `#8:10
only crossing incoming edges of type "Friend" or "Colleague"
SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10, 'IN', ['Friend', 'Colleague'])
on finding the shortest path between vertices #8:32
and #8:10
, long at most five hops
SELECT shortestPath(#8:32, #8:10, null, null, {"maxDepth": 5})
Returns the absolute value. It works with Integer, Long, Short, Double, Float, BigInteger, BigDecimal, and null.
Integer arguments are rounded down and negative arguments result in null. |
Syntax: sqrt(<field>)
SELECT sqrt(score) FROM Account
SELECT sqrt(2.0)
SELECT sqrt(63)
Returns the standard deviation: the measure of how spread out values are. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.
Syntax: stddev(<field>)
SELECT stddev(salary) FROM Account
Compares two string ignoring case. Return value is -1 if first string ignoring case is less than second, 0 if strings ignoring case are equals, 1 if second string ignoring case is less than first one. Before comparison both strings are transformed to lowercase and then compared.
Syntax: strcmpci(<first_string>, <second_string>)
Select all records where state name ignoring case is equal to "washington"
SELECT * FROM State WHERE strcmpci('washington', name) = 0
Syntax: sum(<field>)
Returns the sum of all the values returned.
SELECT sum(salary) FROM Account
Syntax: symmetricDifference(<field> [,<field-n>]*)
Works as aggregate or inline. If only one argument is passed then it aggregates, otherwise executes and returns the SYMMETRIC DIFFERENCE between the collections received as parameters.
SELECT symmetricDifference(tags) FROM book
SELECT symmetricDifference(inEdges, outEdges) FROM OGraphVertex
Returns the current date time. If executed with no parameters, it returns a Date object, otherwise a string with the requested format/timezone. To know more about it, look at Managing Dates.
Syntax: sysdate( [<format>] [,<timezone>] )
SELECT sysdate('dd-MM-yyyy') FROM Account
Returns the traversed edge(s) in Traverse commands.
Syntax: traversedEdge(<index> [,<items>])
- <index>
is the starting edge to retrieve. Value ≥ 0 means absolute position in the traversed stack. 0 means the first record. Negative values are counted from the end: -1 means last one, -2 means the edge before last one, etc.
- <items>
, optional, by default is 1. If >1 a collection of edges is returned
Returns last traversed edge(s) of TRAVERSE
SELECT traversedEdge(-1) FROM ( TRAVERSE outE(), inV() FROM #34:3232 WHILE $depth <= 10 )
Returns last 3 traversed edge(s) of TRAVERSE
SELECT traversedEdge(-1, 3) FROM ( TRAVERSE outE(), inV() FROM #34:3232 WHILE $depth <= 10 )
Returns the traversed element(s) in Traverse commands.
Syntax: traversedElement(<index> [,<items>])
- <index>
is the starting item to retrieve. Value ≥ 0 means absolute position in the traversed stack. 0 means the first record. Negative values are counted from the end: -1 means last one, -2 means the record before last one, etc.
- <items>
, optional, by default is 1. If >1 a collection of items is returned
Returns last traversed item of TRAVERSE command:
SELECT traversedElement(-1) FROM ( TRAVERSE out() FROM #34:3232 WHILE $depth <= 10 )
Returns last 3 traversed items of TRAVERSE command:
SELECT traversedElement(-1, 3) FROM ( TRAVERSE out() FROM #34:3232 WHILE $depth <= 10 )
Returns the traversed vertex(es) in Traverse commands.
Syntax: traversedVertex(<index> [,<items>])
- <index>
is the starting vertex to retrieve. Value >= 0 means absolute position in the traversed stack. 0 means the first vertex. Negative values are counted from the end: -1 means last one, -2 means the vertex before last one, etc.
- <items>
, optional, by default is 1. If >1 a collection of vertices is returned
Returns last traversed vertex of TRAVERSE command:
SELECT traversedVertex(-1) FROM ( TRAVERSE out() FROM #34:3232 WHILE $depth <= 10 )
Returns last 3 traversed vertices of TRAVERSE command:
SELECT traversedVertex(-1, 3) FROM ( TRAVERSE out() FROM #34:3232 WHILE $depth <= 10 )
Syntax: unionall(<field> [,<field-n>]*)
Works as aggregate or inline. If only one argument is passed then aggregates, otherwise executes and returns a UNION of all the collections received as parameters. Also works with no collection values.
SELECT unionall(friends) FROM profile
SELECT unionall(inEdges, outEdges) FROM OGraphVertex WHERE label = 'test'
Generates a UUID as a 128-bits value using the Leach-Salz variant. For more information look at: http://docs.oracle.com/javase/6/docs/api/java/util/UUID.html.
Syntax: uuid()
Insert a new record with an automatic generated id:
Returns the middle variance: the average of the squared differences from the mean. Nulls are ignored in the calculation.
Syntax: variance(<field>)
SELECT variance(salary) FROM Account
Returns an array with the num
most similar vectors from index
(as string) to the key
The items in the returned array hold objects with their distance and keys.
This function requires a vector index, see CREATE INDEX. |
Syntax: vectorNeighbors(<index>,<key>,<num>)
SELECT vectorNeighbors('Word[name,vector]','Life',10)
Returns the ArcadeDB version number and build as string.
Syntax: version()
SELECT version()
8.4. Methods
SQL Methods are similar to SQL Functions but they apply to values. In Object-Oriented paradigm they are called "methods", as functions related to a type. So what’s the difference between a function and a method?
This is a SQL Function:
SELECT FROM sum( salary ) FROM employee
This is a SQL method:
SELECT FROM salary.toJSON() FROM employee
As you can see the method is executed against a field/value. Methods can receive parameters, like functions. You can concatenate N operators in sequence.
methods are case-insensitive. |
Method Reference
Execute an expression against the item. An item can be a multi-value object like a map, a list, an array or a document. For documents and maps, the item must be a string. For lists and arrays, the index is a number.
Syntax: <value>[<expression>]
Applies to the following types:
Get the item with key "phone" in a map:
SELECT FROM Profile WHERE '+39' IN contacts[phone].left(3)
Get the first 10 tags of posts:
SELECT FROM tags[0...9] FROM Posts
Appends one or more string to the result.
Syntax: <value>.append(<value>[,<value>]*)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT name.append(' ').append(surname) FROM Employee
Transforms the field into a Boolean type.
If the origin type is a string, then "true"
(or "TRUE"
, "True"
, …) means TRUE
all other strings transform to FALSE
If it is a number type, then 0
means FALSE
while all other numbers transform to TRUE
In case a NULL
is passed then NULL
is also returned.
Syntax: <value>.asBoolean()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT FROM Users WHERE online.asBoolean() = true
Transforms the field into a Byte type.
Syntax: <value>.asByte()
Applies to the following types:
Transforms the field into a Date type.
Syntax: <value>.asDate([<format>])
, optional, is the format of the date to convert if the value is a string
Applies to the following types:
Returns all the records where time is before the year 2010:
SELECT FROM Log WHERE time.asDate() < '01-01-2010'
Transforms the field into a Date type but parsing also the time information.
Syntax: <value>.asDateTime([<format>])
, optional, is the format of the date to convert if the value is a string
Applies to the following types:
Time is stored as long type measuring milliseconds since a particular day. Returns all the records where time is before the year 2010:
SELECT FROM Log WHERE time.asDateTime() < '01-01-2010 00:00:00'
This example returns the dates stored as strings following the ISO 8601 format:
SELECT timeAsString.asDateTime("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ss'Z'") AS time FROM Log
Transforms the field into an Decimal type. Use Decimal type when treat currencies.
Syntax: <value>.asDecimal()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT salary.asDecimal() FROM Employee
Transforms the field into a double type.
Syntax: <value>.asDouble()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT ray.asDouble() > 3.14
Transforms the field into a float type.
Syntax: <value>.asFloat()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT ray.asFloat() > 3.14
Transforms the field into an integer type.
Syntax: <value>.asInteger()
Applies to the following types:
Float values are rounded towards zero (truncated). |
Converts the first 3 chars of 'value' field in an integer:
SELECT value.left(3).asInteger() FROM Log
Returns the record in JSON format.
Syntax: <value>.asJSON([<format>])
format optional, allows custom formatting rules (separate multiple options by comma).
Rules are the following:
rid to include records’s RIDs as attribute "@rid"
type to include the type name in the attribute "@type"
attribSameRow put all the attributes in the same row
indent is the indent level as integer. By Default no ident is used
fetchPlan is the fetching strategy to use while fetching linked records
alwaysFetchEmbedded to always fetch embedded records (without considering the fetch plan)
dateAsLong to return dates (Date and Datetime types) as long numbers
prettyPrint indent the returning JSON in readeable (pretty) way.
Applies to the following types:
INSERT INTO Test CONTENT {"attr1": "value 1", "attr2": "value 2"}
SELECT @this.toJson('rid,version,fetchPlan:in_*:-2 out_*:-2') FROM Test
Transforms the value in a List. If it’s a single item, a new list is created.
Syntax: <value>.asList()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT tags.asList() FROM Friend
Transforms the field into a Long type.
Syntax: <value>.asLong()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT date.asLong() FROM Log
Transforms the value in a Map where even items are the keys and odd items are values.
Syntax: <value>.asMap()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT tags.asMap() FROM Friend
Transforms the field into the linked record type
Syntax: <value>.asRecord()
Applies to the following types:
Transform link to a record:
SELECT "#1:0".asRecord()
Transforms the field into an RID link type.
Syntax: <value>.asRID()
Applies to the following types:
Transform string holding an RID to a link:
SELECT "#1:0".asRID()
Transforms the value in a Set. If it’s a single item, a new set is created. Sets do not allow duplicates.
Syntax: <value>.asSet()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT tags.asSet() FROM Friend
Transforms the field into a short type.
Syntax: <value>.asShort()
Applies to the following types:
Float values are rounded towards zero (truncated). |
Converts the first 3 chars of 'value' field in a short integer:
SELECT value.left(3).asShort() FROM Log
Transforms the field into a string type.
Syntax: <value>.asString()
Applies to the following types:
Get all the salaries with decimals:
SELECT salary.asString().indexof('.') > -1
Returns a string where each word (group of characters bounded by whitespace) is transformed such that its first character (if it is a letter) is converted to upper case, and the remaining characters (that are letters) are converted to lower case.
Syntax: <value>.capitalize()
Applies to the following types:
Return a capitalized string:
SELECT 'hi there'.capitalize()
Returns the character of the string contained in the position 'position'. 'position' starts from 0 to string length.
Syntax: <value>.charAt(<position>)
Applies to the following types:
Get the first character of the users' name:
SELECT FROM User WHERE name.charAt( 0 ) = 'L'
Convert a value to another type.
Syntax: <value>.convert(<type>)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT dob.convert( 'date' ) FROM User
Excludes some properties in the resulting document.
Syntax: <value>.exclude(<field-name>[,]*)
Applies to the following types:
document record
SELECT expand( @this.exclude( 'password' ) ) FROM OUser
You can specify a wildcard as ending character to exclude all the fields that start with a certain string. Example to exclude all the outgoing and incoming edges:
SELECT expand( @this.exclude( 'out_*', 'in_*' ) ) FROM V
This function can be used to remove internal properties like @rid
, @type
, etc.
SELECT @this.exclude('@*') FROM doc
Returns a sub-property from an embedded document property. This method is useful for dynamic property names of types.
Syntax: <property>.field(<string>)
Applies to the following types:
embedded document
Returns a field named test
from the embedded document property embdoc
SELECT embdoc.field('test') FROM doc
format() [Method]
Returns the value formatted using the common "printf" syntax. For the complete reference goto Java Formatter JavaDoc.
Syntax: <value>.format(<format>)
Applies to the following types:
Formats salaries as number with 11 digits filling with 0 at left:
SELECT salary.format("%-011d") FROM Employee
Returns the hash of the field. Supports all the algorithms available in the JVM.
Syntax: <value>
Applies to the following types:
Get the SHA-512 of the field "password" in the type User:
SELECT password.hash('SHA-512') FROM User
Return argument if empty results from value/field/expression, otherwise return result.
Syntax: <value/field/expression>.ifempty(<value>)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT "".ifempty("Empty")
ifnull() [Method]
Return argument if null results from value/field/expression, otherwise return result.
Syntax: <value/field/expression>.ifnull(<value>)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT name.ifnull("John Doe") FROM names
Include only some properties in the resulting document.
Syntax: <value>.include(<value>[,]*)
Applies to the following types:
document record
SELECT expand( @this.include('name') ) FROM OUser
You can specify a wildcard as ending character to inclide all the fields that start with a certain string.
Example to include all the fields that starts with amonut
SELECT expand( @this.include('amount*') ) FROM V
Returns the position of the 'string-to-search' inside the value. It returns -1 if no occurrences are found. 'begin-position' is the optional position where to start, otherwise the beginning of the string is taken (=0).
Syntax: <value>.indexOf(<string-to-search> [,<begin-position>])
Applies to the following types:
Returns all the UK numbers:
SELECT FROM Contact WHERE phone.indexOf('+44') > -1
Returns Boolean answering if argument shape intersects with shape instance.
Syntax: <point|circle|rectangle|linestring|polygon>.intersectsWith(<point|circle|rectangle|linestring|polygon>)
SELECT linestring( [ [10,10], [20,10], [20,20], [10,20], [10,10] ] ).intersectsWith( rectangle(10,10,20,20) ) AS collision
Returns Boolean answering if argument shape is fully inside shape instance.
Syntax: <point|circle|rectangle|linestring|polygon>.isWithin(<point|circle|rectangle|linestring|polygon>)
SELECT point(11,11).isWithin( circle(10,10,10) ) AS inside
Returns the corresponding Java Type.
Syntax: <value>.javaType()
Applies to the following types:
Prints the Java type used to store dates:
SELECT FROM date.javaType() FROM Events
Returns all elements of a list converted to a string and concatenated,
with strings separated by the argument string that has the default value ','
Syntax: <value>.join([<separator>])
Applies to the following types:
SELECT [1,2,3].join('|')
Returns the map’s keys as a separate set. Useful to use in conjunction with IN, CONTAINS and CONTAINSALL operators.
Syntax: <value>.keys()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT FROM Actor WHERE 'Luke' IN map.keys()
Returns the position of the 'string-to-search' inside the value starting from from the end. It returns -1 if no occurrences are found. 'begin-position' is the optional position where to start, otherwise the end of the string is taken (=0).
Syntax: <value>.lastIndexOf(<string-to-search> [,<begin-position>])
Applies to the following types:
SELECT 'Hello Elon'.lastIndexOf('l')
Returns a substring of the original cutting from the begin and getting 'len' characters.
Syntax: <value>.left(<length>)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT FROM Actors WHERE name.left( 4 ) = 'Luke'
Returns the string length of the input.
If null
, 0 will be returned.
Syntax: <value>.length()
Applies to the following types:
This method first converts its input to a string and then returns the string’s length. For obtaining a collection’s lengths use the size() method. |
SELECT FROM Providers WHERE name.length() > 0
Unicode normalization form can be NDF, NFD, NFKC, NFKD, the default is NDF.
Pattern-matching, if not defined is the regular expression "\p{InCombiningDiacriticalMarks}+"
For more information look at Unicode Standard.
Syntax: <value>.normalize( [<form>] [,<pattern-matching>] )
Applies to the following types:
SELECT FROM V WHERE name.normalize() AND name.normalize('NFD')
Adapts the returned date or time format to the argument target precision.
Syntax: <value>.precision('<string>')
The admissible argument values are given here. |
Applies to the following types:
SELECT sysdate().precision('millisecond')
Prefixes a string to another one.
Syntax: <value>.prefix('<string>')
Applies to the following types:
SELECT name.prefix('Mr. ') FROM Profile
Removes the first occurrence of the passed items.
Syntax: <value>.remove(<item>*)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT out().in().remove( @this ) FROM V
Removes all the occurrences of the passed items.
Syntax: <value>.removeAll(<item>*)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT out().in().removeAll( @this ) FROM V
Replace a string with another one.
Syntax: <value>.replace(<to-find>, <to-replace>)
Applies to the following types:
SELECT name.replace('Mr.', 'Ms.') FROM User
Returns a substring of the original cutting from the end of the string 'length' characters.
Syntax: <value>.right(<length>)
Applies to the following types:
Returns all the vertices where the name ends by "ke".
SELECT FROM V WHERE name.right( 2 ) = 'ke'
Returns the size of the collection.
Syntax: <value>.size()
Applies to the following types:
Returns all the items in a tree with children:
SELECT FROM TreeItem WHERE children.size() > 0
Returns a sorted copy of the collection. The direction is controlled by a boolean argument,
which sets ascending direction for a true
value (default), and descending for false
Only list of a single type can be sorted. |
For scalar types this method is an identity. |
Syntax: <value>.sort([<dir>])
Applies to the following types:
Sort inline lists:
SELECT [4,1,9,23].sort()
SELECT ["a","Y","b","9"].sort(false)
Returns a list from a string separated by the provided delimiter.
Syntax: <value>.split(<string>)
Applies to the following types:
Returns string of comma separated values as list
SELECT 'a,b,c,d,e'.split(',')
Returns a substring of the original cutting from 'begin' index up to 'end' index (not included).
Syntax: <value>.subString(<begin> [,<end>] )
Applies to the following types:
Get all the items where the name begins with an "L":
SELECT name.substring( 0, 1 ) = 'L' FROM StockItems
Substring of ArcadeDB
SELECT "ArcadeDB".substring(0,6)
returns Arcade
Returns the underlying collection to which one or more methods (passed as string arguments) are applied element-wise.
Syntax: <value>.transform(<string>[,<string>]*)
Applies to the following types:
The argument methods cannot take arguments themselves. |
SELECT FROM Car WHERE options.transform( 'trim', 'toLowercase' ) CONTAINSALL ['a/c', 'airbags']
Returns the original string removing white spaces from the begin and the end.
Syntax: <value>.trim()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT name.trim() FROM Actors
Returns the string in lower case.
Syntax: <value>.toLowerCase()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT name.toLowerCase() FROM Actors
Returns the string in upper case.
Syntax: <value>.toUpperCase()
Applies to the following types:
SELECT name.toUpperCase() FROM Actors
Returns the value’s ArcadeDB type as string. The potential return values are listed as "SQL type" here.
The returned strings are all capitals. |
Syntax: <value>.type()
Applies to the following types:
Prints the type used to store dates:
SELECT date.type() FROM Events
Returns the map’s values as a separate collection. Useful to use in conjunction with IN, CONTAINS and CONTAINSALL operators.
Syntax: <value>.values()
Applies to the following types:
8.5. SQL Script
ArcadeDB allows execution of arbitrary scripts written in Javascript or any scripting language installed in the JVM. ArcadeDB supports a minimal SQL engine to allow a batch of commands.
Batch of commands are very useful when you have to execute multiple things at the server side avoiding the network roundtrip for each command.
SQL Batch supports all the ArcadeDB SQL Commands, plus the following:
BEGIN [isolation <isolation-level>]
, where<isolation-level>
. By default isREAD_COMMITTED
COMMIT [retry <retry>]
, where:-
is the number of retries in case of concurrent modification exception
LET <variable> = <SQL>
, to assign the result of a SQL command to a variable. To reuse the variable prefix it with the dollar sign$
A LET can be used as an ephemeral view.
IF(<condition>){ <statememt>; [<statement>;]* }
. Look at conditional execution. -
WHILE(<condition>){ <statememt>; [<statement>;]* }
. Look at loop. -
FOREACH(<variable> IN <expression>){ <statememt>; [<statement>;]* }
. Look at loops. -
SLEEP <ms>
, put the batch in wait for<ms>
RETURN <value>
, wherevalue
can be:-
any value. Example:
return 3
any variable with
as prefix. Example:return $a
arrays (HTTP protocol only, see below). Example:
return [ $a, $b ]
maps (HTTP protocol only, see below). Example:
return { 'first' : $a, 'second' : $b }
a query. Example:
return (SELECT FROM Foo)
An empty result can be returned via RETURN [] in SQLscript and also SQL.
to return arrays and maps (eg. Java or Node.js driver) it’s strongly recommended using a RETURN SELECT, eg. |
RETURN (SELECT $a as first, $b as second)
This will work on any protocol and driver.
Optimistic transaction
Example to create a new vertex in a Transactions and attach it to an existent vertex by creating a new edge between them. If a concurrent modification occurs, repeat the transaction up to 100 times:
let account = create vertex Account set name = 'Luke';
let city = select from City where name = 'London';
let e = create edge Lives from $account to $city;
commit retry 100;
return $e;
Note the usage of $account
and $city
in further SQL commands.
Conditional execution
SQL Batch provides IF constructor to allow conditional execution. The syntax is
IF( <sql-predicate> ){
There has to be a linebreak after IF( <sql-predicate> ){ and } has to follow a linebreak.
is any valid SQL predicate (any condition that can be used in a WHERE
IF( $a.size() > 0 ) {
SQL Batch provides two different loop blocks: FOREACH
Loops on all the items of a collection and, for each of them, executes a set of SQL statements. The expression argument should return an array, and can be a literal array, variable, or result of a sub-query.
The syntax is:
FOREACH( <variable> IN <expression> ){
FOREACH( $i IN [1, 2, 3] ){
INSERT INTO Foo SET value = $i;
Loops while a condition is true.
The syntax is:
WHILE( <condition> ){
LET $i = 0;
WHILE ($i < 10){
INSERT INTO Foo SET value = $i;
LET $i = $i + 1;
8.6. Custom Functions
The SQL engine can be extended with custom functions written with a scripting language or via Java.
Database’s function
Look at the Database Interface page.
Custom Functions in SQL
Custom functions can be defined via SQL using the following command:
DEFINE FUNCTION <library>.<name> "<body>" [PARAMETERS [<parameter>,*]] LANGUAGE <language>
A name space to group functions. -
The function’s name. -
The function’s body encapsuled in a string in the chosen language’s syntax. -
A list of parameter identifiers used in the function body. For functions without parameters omit thePARAMETERS []
block instead of supplying an empty array. -
(Javascript) orsql
To invoke a custom function, the function identifier (library.function ) must be enclosed with back ticks.
The return value in a custom SQL function is determined by the projection named 'result' .
DEFINE FUNCTION my.fma 'return a + b * c' PARAMETERS [a,b,c] LANGUAGE js;
SELECT `my.fma`(1,2,3);
DEFINE FUNCTION the.answer 'SELECT "fourty-two" AS result' LANGUAGE sql;
SELECT `the.answer`();
A custom function can be deleted via SQL using the following command:
DELETE FUNCTION <library>.<name>
A name space to group functions. -
The function’s name.
Custom Functions in Java
Before to use them in your queries you need to register:
new SQLFunctionAbstract("bigger", 2, 2) {
public String getSyntax() {
return "bigger(<first>, <second>)";
public Object execute(Object[] iParameters) {
if (iParameters[0] == null || iParameters[1] == null)
return null;
if (!(iParameters[0] instanceof Number) || !(iParameters[1] instanceof Number))
return null;
final double v1 = ((Number) iParameters[0]).doubleValue();
final double v2 = ((Number) iParameters[1]).doubleValue();
return Math.max(v1, v2);
public boolean aggregateResults() {
return false;
Now you can execute it:
Resultset result = database.command("sql", "SELECT FROM Account WHERE bigger( salary, 10 ) > 10");
9. Security
ArcadeDB manages the security at server level only.
This means if you work in embedded mode, there is no security available by default unless you install the server security or your own implementation.
Without any kind of security active, any user can read and write in the database.
For this reason it’s important your application is managing security and profiling.
You can work in embedded mode and still run a ArcadeDBServer
instance to use the security for the incoming connections.
9.1. Security Policy
The default rules of security are pretty basic. The username must be between 4 and 256 characters. The password length must be between 8 and 256 characters. You can implement your own security policy by providing your own implementation:
server.getSecurity().setCredentialsValidator( new DefaultCredentialsValidator(){
public void validateCredentials(final String userName, final String userPassword) throws ServerSecurityException {
if( userPassword.equals("12345678")
throw new ServerSecurityException("Guess who was not attending security lesson!");
9.2. Users
Users are stored in the file config/server-users.jsonl
The JSONL format means one json per line.
When the server starts always checks if there are any users configured.
If the user file is empty, the root
user is created with a password the user must enter in the console where the server is starting.
| This is the first time the server is running. Please type a |
| password of your choice for the 'root' user or leave it blank |
| to auto-generate it. |
| |
| To avoid this message set the environment variable or JVM |
| setting `arcadedb.server.rootPassword` to the root password to use.|
Root password [BLANK=auto generate it]: ***********
Please type the root password for confirmation (copy and paste will not work): ***********
Example of config/server-users.jsonl
In the users file the following information are stored per user:
Name, mandatory
Password. It is always saved hashed by using the algorithm
with a configurable salt (default = 32). The password is mandatory for all the users, but root. In the case root has no password, then ArcadeDB server asks to insert a password at startup (see above). -
Databases, as the map database name and set of groups for that database. "*" is a special wildcard and means any. The configuration
means use the "admin" group for any database.
![admin user](./images/admin-user.png)
ArcadeDB allows each user to belong to zero or multiple groups.
If no groups are defined, the default setting for the group *
are used.
The following configuration defines "Jay" user to belong to "BlogWriters" in "Blog" database and "Editors" in the "Library" database:
"databases": {
"Blog": ["BlogWriters"],
"Library": ["Editors"]
![jay user](./images/jay-user.png)
The declaration above implicitly assigns Jay to the default group for any other database configured. The default configuration for the default group is no access, where the user cannot read or write in the database.
Via Console
Alternatively, users can be created via the console, see Create User Console Command and Server Command.
9.3. Groups
If a user has not assigned group in a database, the default group “*” is taken. The wildcard “*” represents all the groups that are not defined in this configuration. By default, such a group has no access to the database in read and write. Below you can find the default configuration for the default group “*”.
{ "*": {
"types": {"*": {"access": []}},
"access": [],
"readTimeout": -1,
"resultSetLimit": -1
} }
is the map of type and access level. The wildcard “*” represents all the types that are not defined in this configuration. -
is the array containing the allowed permissions for the group. The supported permission at group level are:-
: to update the security settings (create, modify and delete users, groups, etc.) -
: to update the database schema (create, modify and drop buckets, types and indexes)
if present, specify the maximum timeout for read operations. -1 means no limits. If set, all the read operations (lookups and queries) will be limited to maximum<readTimeout>
milliseconds. This is useful to limit users to execute expensive commands and queries impacting the performance of the server and therefore other connected users. -
if present, specify the maximum number of entries in the result set returning from a command or query. -1 means no limits. If set, any query or command will be interrupted when this limit is reached. This is useful to limit users to retrieve huge result sets impacting the performance of the server and therefore other connected users.
You can profile the access of each group up to the type level.
, allows creating new records -
, allows reading records -
, allows updating records -
, allows deleting records
creating an edge is technically 2 operations: (1) create a new edge record and (2) update the vertices with the reference.
For this reason, if you want to allow a user to create edges, you have to grant the createRecord permission on the edge type and updateRecord on the vertex type.
Example of the definition of the group for a Blog writer, where he can only read from the "Blog" type and have full access to the "Post" type:
"types": {
"*": {
"access": []
"Blog": {
"access": [
"Post": {
"access": [
The default settings for the admin
group are:
"access": [
"resultSetLimit": -1,
"readTimeout": -1,
"types": {
"*": {
"access": [
Which allows to execute any operation against the security, the schema and records.
Here is an example for an append-only group:
"appendonly": {
"access": [],
"resultSetLimit": -1,
"readTimeout": -1,
"types": {
"*": {
"access": [
Which allows the group members to read and create, but not to update or delete records. Such a group can be useful for ledgers, block chains, or data provenance.
You can use any JSON editor to edit the file config/server-groups.json
It’s recommended to keep a copy of the current file before editing the groups.
In this way if there are any errors, it’s easy to restore the previous file.
9.4. Handling Secrets
Passing secrets, like passwords, safely to the server, especially in containers, can be tricky. For example, the settings:
for the root password, or:
for database and user generation are comfortable,
but present the issue that passwords passed this way are readable in plaint text
in applications like htop
or docker compose top
This is the case because these settings are passed ultimately via command-line to the JVM (even if using JAVA_OPTS
In the following, an approach is presented to avoid this problem.
The idea is to use the special environment variable JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
to pass the settings
directly into the JVM (alternatively JDK_JAVA_OPTIONS
or the undocumented _JAVA_OPTIONS
may be used).
However, just using this particular environment variable would mean that the
JVM writes the contents of this variable to the standard error stream,
which means the secrets would appear in logs.
For the root password this can be avoided using the setting:
which passes the secret via a plain text file which is mounted to a known path inside the container. This is a common practice to pass secrets to containers, for example with Docker compose.
To suppress this logging for non-root secrets,
a workaround can be used
by providing the secret also file-based and wrapping the server.sh
export JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS="-Darcadedb.server.defaultDatabases=database1[user1:`cat /path/to/user_secret`]"
./bin/server.sh 2> >(grep -v "^Picked up JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS:") &
wait $PID
This way the secrets are passed directly into the JVM without being resolved before,
and the stderr
logging is filtered.
The server is send to the background and its process ID saved.
Then, by unsetting the JAVA_TOOL_OPTIONS
variable immediately after using it,
ensures the secrets will not linger in the environment.
10. Comparison with other DBMSs
This chapter contains the comparison between ArcadeDB and other DBMS. If you’re familiar with one of those, understanding ArcadeDB takes a few minutes.
10.1. OrientDB
ArcadeDB was born initially as a fork of OrientDB. Today more than 80% of ArcadeDB code has been rewritten from scratch from the same original authors of the OrientDB project. This allowed to get rid of many legacy parts that makes OrientDB slow, heavy and hard to maintain. Also, since OrientDB was the first Multi-Model project out there, a lot of work of the initial R&D and experiments are still in the OrientDB code base. You can consider ArcadeDB as the natural evolution of the legacy OrientDB project.
If you’re coming from OrientDB, please use the OrientDB Importer tool to import an OrientDB export into an ArcadeDB database.
Main similarities and differences
Both can run on any platform
Both can run SQL; ArcadeDB and OrientDB both share the same SQL Engine.
ArcadeDB’s SQL dialect is closely related to OrientDB’s OSQL, but more streamlined.
ArcadeDB "types" are the "classes" in OrientDB
ArcadeDB "buckets" are similar to the "clusters" in OrientDB, but without the limitation of having only 32,768 clusters. The maximum number of buckets in ArcadeDB are 2,147,483,648
Both ArcadeDB and OrientDB support multiple inheritance
ArcadeDB shares the same database instance across threads, this makes it much easier developing with ArcadeDB than with OrientDB with multi-threads applications. With OrientDB you have to use a pool of databases and be careful on acquiring and releasing instanced. With ArcadeDB create a Database instance at the beginning, share it with all your threads and close when your application shuts down.
ArcadeDB uses thread locals only to manage transactions, while OrientDB makes a strong usage of thread local structures internally, making hard to pass the database instance across threads and a pool if needed
There is no base
classes in ArcadeDB, but rather vertex and edge are first type citizens types of records. UseCREATE VERTEX TYPE Product
. Same for edges, useCREATE EDGE TYPE Sold
. -
ArcadeDB saves every type and property name in the dictionary to compress record size by storing only the names ids (as varint)
ArcadeDB keeps the MVCC counter on the page rather than on the record. This means the transaction must be repeated if there are consurrent modification on the same page, not only on the same record (like with OrientDB)
ArcadeDB manages everything as files and pages, for transactions and replication. OrientDB has a mixed pages/record approach. Using the page-only approach keeps everything much faster and easier to maintain
ArcadeDB allows custom page size per bucket/index
ArcadeDB supports light-weight edges (edges without properties), but they must be used with a different syntax. This avoids automatic upgrade of edges and unexpected behavior experienced in OrientDB
ArcadeDB supports replication by using a Leader/Replica model with Raft election without sharding for now. Instead, OrientDB is based on a Multi-Master model (the sharding was experimental, never production ready) with a multi-paxos style protocol not efficient on large volume of transactions and still not rock-solid after years because of its complexity
ArcadeDB replicates the pages across servers, so all the databases are identical at binary level, while with OrientDB there is a mix of logical and physical replication leaving room for not managed edge cases
ArcadeDB Server supports HTTP/JSON, Postgres, MongoDB and Redis protocols, while OrientDB supports only HTTP/JSON and a proprietary binary protocol
ArcadeDB supports OrientDB SQL, the latest Gremlin version, Open Cypher and MongoDB query language, while OrientDB supports only its SQL and an old version of Gremlin
What ArcadeDB does not support
ArcadeDB supports only UNIQUE constraints on data (by creating an index), while OrientDB supports multiple constraints and validation at class level
ArcadeDB does not provide a dirty manager, so it’s up to the developer to mark the object to save by calling
method on it. This makes the code of ArcadeDB smaller without handling edge cases, but if you have a tree of objects it is the developer responsibility to mark the modified objects without auto-tracking -
ArcadeDB does not allow a document to have no class. If you want to store an embedded document without a class, use a
What ArcadeDB has more than OrientDB
ArcadeDB is much Faster than OrientDB. On a single server it is common to see 10X-20X improvement in performance, with 3 nodes the gap in performance with OrientDB can reach 50X-200X faster. With 10 servers it is over 500X faster than OrientDB!
The maximum number of buckets are
, while with OrientDB the maximum number of clusters is32,768
ArcadeDB uses much less RAM. With the right tuning over the settings, it’s able to work with only 4MB of JVM heap, while OrientDB requires at least 8GB to run
ArcadeDB codebase is much smaller and easier to maintain and improve
ArcadeDB is lightweight, the engine is about 1MB
ArcadeDB mandate all the operations to be inside a transaction, even operations against the schema. With OrientDB, they are no transactional and in case of error they can break the database
ArcadeDB saves every type and property names in the dictionary to compress the record by storing only the names ids
ArcadeDB is much more efficient on data structure. That means ArcadeDB takes less space on disk than OrientDB and uses less RAM for caching
ArcadeDB natively supports asynchronous operations (by using
). Asynchronous calls are automatically balanced on the available cores with a nice API
11. Appendix
11.1. Data Types
ArcadeDB supports several data types natively. Below is the complete table.
Type | SQL type | Description | Java type | Minimum — Maximum | Auto-conversion from/to |
Boolean |
Handles only the values True or False |
0 — 1 |
String |
Integer |
32-bit signed Integers |
-2,147,483,648 — +2,147,483,647 |
Any Number, String |
Short |
Small 16-bit signed integers |
-32,768 — 32,767 |
Any Number, String |
Long |
Big 64-bit signed integers |
-263 — +263-1 |
Any Number, String |
Float |
Decimal numbers |
2-149 — (2-2-23)*2127 |
Any Number, String |
Double |
Decimal numbers with high precision |
2-1074 — (2-2-52)*21023 |
Any Number, String |
Datetime |
Any date with the precision up to milliseconds. To know more about it, look at Managing Dates |
Date, Long, String |
String |
Any string as alphanumeric sequence of chars |
Binary |
Can contain any value as byte array |
0 — 2,147,483,647 |
String |
Embedded |
The Record is contained inside the owner. The contained record has no RID |
EmbeddedDocument |
Embedded list |
The Records are contained inside the owner. The contained records have no RIDs and are reachable only by navigating the owner record |
0 — 41,000,000 items |
String |
Embedded map |
The Records are contained inside the owner as values of the entries, while the keys can only be Strings. The contained records have no RIDs and are reachable only by navigating the owner Record |
0 — 41,000,000 items |
Link |
Link to another Record. It’s a common one-to-one relationship |
1:-1 — 32767:263-1 |
String |
Byte |
Single byte. Useful to store small 8-bit signed integers |
-128 — +127 |
Any Number, String |
Decimal |
Decimal numbers without rounding |
Any Number, String |
11.2. Settings
ArcadeDB allows changing settings at JVM (server or embedded) and per database level.
Server/Embedded (JVM) Level | Database Level |
Those settings are valid for all the databases open in the same Server or JVM when run embedded. If defined, they override the default value (look at the table below to see the default values). They are used only if a database does not override them. Such settings are not saved, so you need to set them everytime. |
Database level settings are stored in the database and override the Server/Embedded (JVM) settings if present. You can change these settings via SQL or API when run embedded. |
JVM startup (server/embedded only)
All the settings modified at JVM startup are not persistent and need to be set everytime you’re running ArcadeDB server or your embedded application.
If you’re updating a setting at JVM level, prefix the setting name with arcadedb.
by using this syntax:
$ java ... -Darcadedb.<name>=<value> ...
Where <name>
is the name of the setting and <value>
the value you want to override.
Example to change the server mode from development (default) to production:
$ java ... -Darcadedb.server.mode=production ...
Example to increase the default page size for buckets to 1 MB:
$ java ... -Darcadedb.bucketDefaultPageSize=1048576 ...
Alternatively, these settings can be set via the environment variable JAVA_OPTS
JAVA_OPTS="-Darcadedb.server.rootPassword=playwithdata" java ...
SQL (Database Level)
All the changes executed via SQL Alter Database command are relative to the current database only and are persistent. Example to increase the default page size for buckets to 1 MB:
ALTER DATABASE `arcadedb.bucketDefaultPageSize` 1048576
Programmatically (Server/Embedded and Database levels)
You can access to the database configuration with database.getConfiguration()
to read and write per database settings.
Example to increase the default page size for all the buckets to 1 MB on the current database:
database.getConfiguration().setValue(GlobalConfiguration.BUCKET_DEFAULT_PAGE_SIZE, 1048576);
To change a setting at Server/Embedded (JVM) level, set the value in the GlobalConfiguration
Example to increase the default page size for buckets to 1 MB for all the databases open in the current JVM (server/embedded):
11.2.1. Available settings by scope (in alphabetic order):
The tables that follow contains all the available settings in ArcadeDB separated by scope:
, as the settings applied at the JVM level, so to both clients and servers -
, as the settings that only apply to the ArcadeDB Server. If you’re embedding a server in your Java application you can use these settings -
are all the settings that can be saved in the database configuration and are restored once the database is open
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
Dumps the configuration at startup |
Boolean |
false |
Dumps the metrics at startup, shutdown and every configurable amount of time (in seconds) |
Long |
0 |
Specify the preferred profile among: default, high-performance, low-ram, low-cpu |
String |
default |
Tells if it is running in test mode. This enables the calling of callbacks for testing purpose |
Boolean |
false |
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
Cluster name. By default is 'arcadedb'. Useful in case of multiple clusters in the same network |
String |
arcadedb |
True if HA is enabled for the current server |
Boolean |
false |
The server is running inside Kubernetes |
Boolean |
false |
When running inside Kubernetes use this suffix to reach the other servers. Example: arcadedb.default.svc.cluster.local |
String |
Default quorum between 'none', 1, 2, 3, 'majority' and 'all' servers. Default is majority |
String |
majority |
Timeout waiting for the quorum |
Long |
10000 |
Maximum channel chunk size for replicating messages between servers. Default is 16777216 |
Integer |
16777216 |
Maximum file size for replicating messages between servers. Default is 1GB |
Long |
1073741824 |
TCP/IP host name used for incoming replication connections. By default is (listens to all the configured network interfaces) |
String | |
TCP/IP port number used for incoming replication connections |
String |
2424-2433 |
Queue size for replicating messages between servers |
Integer |
512 |
Servers in the cluster as a list of <hostname/ip-address:port> items separated by comma. Example:, |
String |
Enforces a role in a cluster, either "any" or "replica" |
String |
"any" |
TCP/IP Socket timeout (in ms) |
Integer |
30000 |
Path where the SSL certificates are stored |
String |
null |
Password to open the SSL key store |
String |
null |
Path to the SSL trust store |
String |
null |
Password to open the SSL trust store |
String |
null |
Use SSL for client connections |
Boolean |
false |
Enables the printing of Postgres protocol to the console. Default is false |
Boolean |
false |
TCP/IP host name used for incoming connections for Postgres plugin. Default is '' |
String | |
TCP/IP port number used for incoming connections for Postgres plugin. Default is 5432 |
Integer |
5432 |
TCP/IP host name used for incoming connections for Redis plugin. Default is '' |
String | |
TCP/IP port number used for incoming connections for Redis plugin. Default is 6379 |
Integer |
6379 |
TCP/IP host name used for incoming connections for Mongo plugin. Default is '' |
String | |
TCP/IP port number used for incoming connections for Mongo plugin. Default is 27017 |
Integer |
27017 |
Open all the available databases at server startup |
Boolean |
true |
Directory containing the database |
String |
${arcadedb.server.rootPath}/databases |
Directory containing the backups |
String |
${arcadedb.server.rootPath}/backups |
The default databases created when the server starts. The format is |
String |
The default mode to load pre-existing databases. The value must match a com.arcadedb.engine.PaginatedFile.MODE enum value: {READ_ONLY, READ_WRITE}Databases which are newly created will always be opened READ_WRITE. |
String |
TCP/IP host name used for incoming HTTP connections |
String | |
TCP/IP port number used for incoming HTTP connections. Specify a single port or a range |
String |
2480-2489 |
TCP/IP port number used for incoming HTTPS connections. Specify a single port or a range |
String |
2490-2499 |
Number of threads to use in the HTTP server |
Integer |
2 per core |
Timeout in seconds for a HTTP transaction to expire. This timeout is computed from the latest command against the transaction |
Long |
30 |
True to enable metrics |
Boolean |
true |
Server mode between 'development', 'test' and 'production' |
String |
development |
Server name |
String |
ArcadeDB_0 |
Server plugins to load, see available plugins. Format as comma separated list of: |
String |
Password for root user to use at first startup of the server. Set this to avoid asking the password to the user |
String |
null |
Path to file with password for root user to use at first startup of the server. Set this to avoid asking the password to the user |
String |
null |
Root path in the file system where the server is looking for files. By default is the current directory |
String |
null |
Default encryption algorithm used for passwords hashing |
String |
PBKDF2WithHmacSHA256 |
Cache size of hashed salt passwords. The cache works as LRU. Use 0 to disable the cache |
Integer |
64 |
Number of iterations to generate the salt or user password. Changing this setting does not affect stored passwords |
Integer |
65536 |
Size of the queue used as a buffer for unserviced database change events. |
Integer |
1000 |
Name | Description | Type | Default Value |
Queue implementation to use between 'standard' and 'fast'. 'standard' consumes less CPU than the 'fast' implementation, but it could be slower with high loads |
String |
standard |
Size of the total asynchronous operation queues (it is divided by the number of parallel threads in the pool) |
Integer |
1024 |
Maximum number of operations to commit in batch by async thread |
Integer |
10240 |
Number of asynchronous worker threads. 0 (default) = available cores minus 1 |
Integer |
15 |
Default page size in bytes for buckets. Default is 65536 |
Integer |
65536 |
Default timeout for commands (in ms) |
Long |
0 |
Reduce warnings in commands to print in console only every X occurrences. Use 0 to disable warnings with commands |
Integer |
100 |
Timeout in ms to lock resources during commit |
Long |
5000 |
Max number of entries in the cypher statement cache. Use 0 to disable. Caching statements speeds up execution of the same cypher queries |
Integer |
1000 |
Default date format using Java SimpleDateFormat syntax |
String |
yyyy-MM-dd |
Default date implementation to use on deserialization. By default java.util.Date is used, but the following are supported: java.util.Calendar, java.time.LocalDate |
Class |
class java.util.Date |
Default date time format using Java SimpleDateFormat syntax |
String |
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss |
Default datetime implementation to use on deserialization. By default java.util.Date is used, but the following are supported: java.util.Calendar, java.time.LocalDateTime, java.time.ZonedDateTime |
Class |
class java.util.Date |
Never flushes pages on disk until the database closing |
Boolean |
false |
Percentage (0-100) of memory to free when Page RAM is full |
Integer |
50 |
Default timeout for gremlin commands (in ms) |
Long |
8000 |
Minimum number of mutable pages for an index to be schedule for automatic compaction. 0 = disabled |
Integer |
10 |
Maximum amount of RAM to use for index compaction, in MB |
Long |
300 |
Initial number of entries for page cache |
Integer |
65535 |
Maximum amount of pages (in MB) to keep in RAM |
Long |
4096 |
Size of the asynchronous page flush queue |
Integer |
512 |
Default timeout for polyglot commands (in ms) |
Long |
10000 |
Maximum number of elements (records) allowed in a single query for memory-intensive operations (eg. ORDER BY in heap). If exceeded, the query fails with an OCommandExecutionException. Negative number means no limit.This setting is intended as a safety measure against excessive resource consumption from a single query (eg. prevent OutOfMemory) |
Long |
500000 |
Maximum number of parsed statements to keep in cache |
Integer |
300 |
Number of retries in case of MVCC exception |
Integer |
3 |
Uses the WAL |
Boolean |
true |
Flushes the WAL on disk at commit time. It can be 0 = no flush, 1 = flush without metadata and 2 = full flush (fsync) |
Integer |
0 |
Default number of buckets to create per type |
Integer |
8 |
11.3. Managing Dates
ArcadeDB treats dates as first class citizens. Internally, it saves dates in the Unix time format.
Meaning, it stores dates as a long
variable, which contains the count in milliseconds since the Unix Epoch, (that is, 1 January 1970).
Starting from v21.1.1, ArcadeDB sully support the new Java Time API with a custom precision from second to nanoseconds. The data types to manage date/time are:
, to handle dates without a time. Example:01/01/2023
, to handle datetime with the precision of the second. Example:01/01/2023 10:30:00
, to handle datetime with the precision of the millisecond. Example:01/01/2023 10:30:00.333
, to handle datetime with the precision of the microsecond. Example:01/01/2023 10:30:00
, to handle datetime with the precision of the nanosecond. Example:01/01/2023 10:30:00
using high precision types increase the space used on disk. For example, using nanosecond precision instead of millisecond increase the space requested to store the datetime of a factor of 2X. |
If you’re working with the Java API, the class used for both DATE
is java.util.Date
values, if you’re using higher precision than millisecond you need to use the new Java Time API:
If you’re starting a new project with ArcadeDB, using the new Java Time API is strongly advised. For example, if you want to use LocalDateTime
as default class that represent DATETIME
, set it in the binary serializer at startup and ArcadeDB will always return a LocalDateTime for DATETIME types:
alter database `arcadedb.dateTimeImplementation` `java.time.LocalDateTime`
You can do the same for DATE
types using the new Java Time API for dates java.time.LocalDate
alter database `arcadedb.dateImplementation` `java.time.LocalDate`
Date and Datetime Formats
In order to make the internal count from the Unix Epoch into something human readable, ArcadeDB formats the count into date and datetime formats. By default, these formats are ISO 8601:
Date Format:
Datetime Format:
yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss
In the event that these default formats are not sufficient for the needs of your application, you can customize them through ALTER DATABASE … DATEFORMAT
For instance,
This command updates the current database to use the English format for dates. That is, 14 Febr 2015.
SQL Functions and Methods
To simplify the management of dates, ArcadeDB SQL automatically parses dates to and from strings and longs. These functions and methods provide you with more control to manage dates:
SQL | Description |
Function converts dates to and from strings and dates, also uses custom formats. |
Function returns the current date. |
Method returns the date in different formats. |
Method converts any type into a date. |
Method converts any type into datetime. |
Method converts any date into long format, (that is, Unix time). |
Method modifies the precision of a datetime property. For example, |
For example, consider a case where you need to extract only the years for date entries and to arrange them in order. You can use the .format()
method to extract dates into different formats.
arcadedb> SELECT @RID, id, date.format('yyyy') AS year FROM Order
| @RID | id | year |
| #31:10 | 92 | 2015 |
| #31:10 | 44 | 2014 |
| #31:10 | 32 | 2014 |
| #31:10 | 21 | 2013 |
In addition to this, you can also group the results. For instance, extracting the number of orders grouped by year.
arcadedb> SELECT date.format('yyyy') AS Year, COUNT(*) AS Total FROM Order ORDER BY Year
| Year | Total |
| 2015 | 1 |
| 2014 | 2 |
| 2013 | 1 |
Dates before 1970
While you may find the default system for managing dates in ArcadeDB sufficient for your needs, there are some cases where it may not prove so. For instance, consider a database of archaeological finds, a number of which date to periods not only before 1970 but possibly even before the Common Era. You can manage this by defining an era or epoch variable in your dates.
For example, consider an instance where you want to add a record noting the date for the foundation of Rome, which is traditionally referred to as April 21, 753 BC. To enter dates before the Common Era, first run the [ALTER DATABASE DATETIMEFORMAT
] command to add the GG
variable to use in referencing the epoch.
Once you’ve run this command, you can create a record that references date and datetime by epoch.
arcadedb> CREATE VERTEX V SET city = "Rome", date = DATE("0753-04-21 00:00:00 BC")
arcadedb> SELECT @RID, city, date FROM V
| @RID | city | date |
| #9:10 | Rome | 0753-04-21 00:00:00 BC |
Using .format()
on Insertion
In addition to the above method, instead of changing the date and datetime formats for the database, you can format the results as you insert the date.
arcadedb> CREATE VERTEX V SET city = "Rome", date = DATE("yyyy-MM-dd HH:mm:ss GG")
arcadedb> SELECT @RID, city, date FROM V
| @RID | city | date |
| #9:4 | Rome | 0753-04-21 00:00:00 BC |
Here, you again create a vertex for the traditional date of the foundation of Rome. However, instead of altering the database, you format the date field in CREATE VERTEX
Viewing Unix Time
In addition to the formatted date and datetime, you can also view the underlying count from the Unix Epoch, using the asLong()
method for records. For example,
arcadedb> SELECT @RID, city, date.asLong() FROM #9:4
| @RID | city | date |
| #9:4 | Rome | -85889120400000 |
Meaning that, ArcadeDB represents the date of April 21, 753 BC, as -85889120400000 in Unix time. You can also work with dates directly as longs.
arcadedb> CREATE VERTEX V SET city = "Rome", date = DATE(-85889120400000)
arcadedb> SELECT @RID, city, date FROM V
| @RID | city | date |
| #9:11 | Rome | 0753-04-21 00:00:00 BC |
Use ISO 8601 Dates
According to ISO 8601, Combined date and time in UTC: 2014-12-20T00:00:00. To use this standard change the date time format in the database:
Arithmetic with dates
Dates can be added and subtracted. If you want to know the difference in terms of seconds between two dates, you can use the -
(minus) operator. Example:
SELECT sysdate() - lastActivity as secondsFromLastActivity FROM UserActivity
Returns 1212113.232000000
if the date supports the fractional part of the second, then it’s returned as nanoseconds as decimal part. In the example above, sysdate()
function returns a datetime with, by default, precision to the millisecond.
Time Units
The units of time used in the duration()
function and precision()
are the following strings:
11.4. Binary Types (BLOB)
While some DBMSs (like OrientDB) specifically support BLOBs (Binary Large OBjects) record types, with ArcadeDB the binary content must be stored as a property in documents, vertices and edges.
To create a BLOB like type, you can define a "Blob" document type and add a property of type BINARY
. Then you can set and retrieve the binary content as byte array (byte[]
). Example:
database.transaction(() -> {
DocumentType blobType = database.getSchema().createDocumentType("Blob");
blobType.createProperty("binary", Type.BINARY);
final MutableDocument blob = database.newDocument("Blob");
blob.set("binary", "This is a test".getBytes());
final Document blob = database.iterateType("Blob", false).next().asDocument();
byte[] binaryContent = blob.getBinary("binary");
11.5. SQL Syntax
ArcadeDB Query Language is an SQL dialect.
This page lists all the details about its syntax.
Comments in the ArcadeDB SQL scripts can be C-Style block comments, which are enclosed by /*
and */
/* This is a single-line comment */
/* This is a multi-
line comment */
as well as classic SQL end of line comments, started by --
(note the space after the two dashes),
SELECT true; -- This is an end of line comment
An identifier is a name that identifies an entity in ArcadeDB schema. Identifiers can refer to
type names
property names
index names
bucket names
method names
named parameters
variable names (LET)
An identifier is a sequence of characters delimited by back-ticks `
Examples of valid identifiers are
`name and surname`
`a + b`
The back-tick character can be used as a valid character for identifiers, but it has to be escaped with a backslash, eg.
`foo \` bar`
The following are reserved identifiers, they can NEVER be used with a different meaning (upper or lower case):
: record ID -
: document type -
: type category -
: incoming edges -
: outgoing edges -
: current record -
: current record size
Simplified identifiers
Identifiers that start with a letter or with $
and that contain only numbers, letters and underscores, can be written without back-tick quoting. Reserved words cannot be used as simplified identifiers. Valid simplified identifiers are
Examples of INVALID queries for wrong identifier syntax
/* INVALID - `from` is a reserved keyword */
SELECT from from from
SELECT `from` from `from`
/* INVALID - simplified identifiers cannot start with a number */
SELECT name as 1name from Foo
SELECT name as `1name` from Foo
/* INVALID - simplified identifiers cannot contain `-` character, `and` is a reserved keyword */
SELECT name-and-surname from Foo
/* CORRECT 1 - `name-and-surname` is a single field name */
SELECT `name-and-surname` from Foo
/* CORRECT 2 - `name`, `and` and `surname` are numbers and the result is the subtraction */
SELECT name-`and`-surname from Foo
/* CORRECT 2 - with spaces */
SELECT name - `and` - surname from Foo
/* INVALID - wrong back-tick escaping */
SELECT `foo`bar` from Foo
SELECT `foo\`bar` from Foo
Case sensitivity
In current version, type names are case insensitive, all the other identifiers are case sensitive, particularly also bucket names.
Reserved words
In ArcadeDB SQL the following are reserved words
Base types
Accepted base types in ArcadeDB SQL are:
integer numbers:
Valid integers are
floating point numbers: single or double precision
Valid floating point numbers are:
(single precision)
(double precision)
absolute precision, decimal numbers: like BigDecimal in Java
Use the bigDecimal(<number>)
function to explicitly instantiate an absolute precision number.
strings: delimited by
or by"
. Single quotes, double quotes and back-slash inside strings can escaped using a back-slash
Valid strings are:
"foo bar"
'foo bar'
"foo \" bar"
'foo \' bar'
'foo \\ bar'
booleans: boolean values are case sensitive
Valid boolean values are
Boolean value constants are case insensitive, so also TRUE
, True
and so on are valid.
links: A link is a pointer to a document in the database
In SQL a link is represented as follows (short and extended notation):
{"@rid": "#<bucket-id>:<bucket-position>"}
{"@rid": "#12:15"}
The bracket notation is mandatory inside JSON, as the short notation is not a valid value in JSON.
null: case insensitive (for consistency with IS NULL and IS NOT NULL conditions, that are case insensitive)
Valid null expressions include
ArcadeDB can store five different types of numbers
Integer: 32bit signed
Long: 64bit signed
Float: decimal 32bit signed
Double: decimal 64bit signed
BigDecimal: absolute precision
Integers are represented in SQL as plain numbers, eg. 123
. If the number represented exceeds the Integer maximum size (see Java java.lang.Integer MAX_VALUE
), then it’s automatically converted to a Long.
When an integer is saved to a schemaful property of another numerical type, it is automatically converted.
Longs are represented in SQL as numbers with L
suffix, eg. 123L
(L can be uppercase or lowercase). Plain numbers (withot L prefix) that exceed the Integer range are also automatically converted to Long. If the number represented exceeds the Long maximum size (see Java java.lang.Long MAX_VALUE
), then the result is NULL
Integer and Long numbers can be represented in base 10 (decimal), 8 (octal) or 16 (hexadecimal):
["-"] ("0" | ( ("1"-"9") ("0"-"9")* ) ["l"|"L"]
, eg. -
["-"] "0" ("0"-"7")+ ["l"|"L"]
, eg. -
(equivalent to decimal 1) -
(equivalent to decimal 8) -
(equivalent to decimal 53) -
["-"] "0" ("x"|"X") ("0"-"9"," a"-"f", "A"-"F")+ ["l"|"L"]
, eg. -
(equivalent to 1 decimal) -
(equivalent to decimal 16) -
(equivalent to decimal 255) -
(equivalent to decimal -255)
Float numbers are represented in SQL as [-][<number>].<number>
, eg. valid Float values are 1.5
, -1567.0
, .556767
. If the number represented exceeds the Float maximum size (see Java java.lang.Float MAX_VALUE
), then it’s automatically converted to a Double.
Double numbers are represented in SQL as [-][<number>].<number>D
(D can be uppercase or lowercase), eg. valid Float values are 1.5d
, -1567.0D
, .556767D
. If the number represented exceeds the Double maximum size (see Java java.lang.Double MAX_VALUE
), then the result is NULL
Float and Double numbers can be represented as decimal, decimal with exponent, hexadecimal and hexadecimal with exponent. Here is the full syntax:
(["0"-"9"])+ "." (["0"-"9"])* (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])?
| "." (["0"-"9"])+ (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? (["f","F","d","D"])?
| (["0"-"9"])+ <DECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
| (["0"-"9"])+ (<DECIMAL_EXPONENT>)? ["f","F","d","D"]
DECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["e","E"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+
"0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ (".")? <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
| "0" ["x", "X"] (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])* "." (["0"-"9","a"-"f","A"-"F"])+ <HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT> (["f","F","d","D"])?
HEXADECIMAL_EXPONENT: ["p","P"] (["+","-"])? (["0"-"9"])+
- base 10
- 0.5
- 0.5f
, 0.5F
, 2f
(ATTENTION, this is NOT hexadecimal)
- 0.5d
, 0.5D
, 2D
(ATTENTION, this is NOT hexadecimal)
- 3.21e2d
equivalent to 3.21 * 10^2 = 321
- base 16
- 0x3p4d
equivalent to 3 * 2^4 = 48
- 0x3.5p4d
equivalent to 3.5(base 16) * 2^4
BigDecimal in ArcadeDB is represented as a Java BigDecimal.
The instantiation of BigDecimal can be done explicitly, using the bigDecimal(<number> | <string>)
funciton, eg. bigDecimal(124.4)
or bigDecimal("124.4")
Mathematical operations
Mathematical Operations with numbers follow these rules:
Operations are calculated from left to right, following the operand priority.
When an operation involves two numbers of different type, both are converted to the higher precision type between the two.
15 + 20L = 15L + 20L // the 15 is converted to 15L
15L + 20 = 15L + 20L // the 20 is converted to 20L
15 + 20.3 = 15.0 + 20.3 // the 15 is converted to 15.0
15.0 + 20.3D = 15.0D + 20.3D // the 15.0 is converted to 15.0D
the overflow follows Java rules.
The conversion of a number to BigDecimal can be done explicitly, using the bigDecimal()
funciton, eg. bigDecimal(124.4)
or bigDecimal("124.4")
ArcadeDB supports one type of collection:
Lists: ordered, allow duplicates
The SQL notation allows to create Lists
with square bracket notation, eg.
[1, 3, 2, 2, 4]
For OrientDB compatibility, the .asSet()
method is available to remove duplicates from a List
[1, 3, 2, 2, 4].asSet() = [1, 3, 2, 4] -- The order of the elements in the resulting set is not guaranteed
Binary data
ArcadeDB can store binary data (byte arrays) in document fields. There is no native representation of binary data in SQL syntax, insert/update a binary field you have to use decode(<base64string>, "base64")
To obtain the base64 string representation of a byte array, you can use the function encode(<byteArray>, "base64")
Expressions can be used as:
single projections
operands in a condition
items in a GROUP BY
items in an ORDER BY
right argument of a LET assignment
Valid expressions are:
<base type value>
(string, number, boolean) -
<field name>
<@attribute name>
<function invocation>
<expression> <binary operator> <expression>
: for operator precedence, see below table. -
<unary operator> <expression>
( <expression> )
: expression between parenthesis, for precedences -
( <query> )
: query between parenthesis -
[ <expression> (, <expression>)* ]
: a list, an ordered collection that allows duplicates, eg.["a", "b", "c"]
) -
{ <expression>: <expression> (, <expression>: <expression>)* }
: the result is a map, with<field>:<value>
values, eg.{"a":1, "b": 1+2+3, "c": foo.bar.size() }
. The key name is converted to a string if it is not -
<expression> <modifier> ( <modifier> )*
: a chain of modifiers (see below) -
: is translated to a map, nested JSON is allowed and is translated to nested maps -
<expression> IS NULL
: check for null value of an expression -
<expression> IS NOT NULL
: check for non null value of an expression
A modifier can be
- a dot-separated field chain, eg. foo.bar
. Dot notation is used to navigate relationships and document fields. eg.
john = {
name: "John",
surname: "Jones",
address: {
city: {
name: "London"
john.address.city.name = "London"
a method invocation, eg.
Method invocations can be chained, eg. foo.toLowerCase().substring(2, 4)
a square bracket filter, eg.
orfoo[name = 'John']
Square bracket filters
Square brackets can be used to filter collections or maps.
field[ ( <expression> | <range> | <condition> ) ]
Based on what is between brackets, the square bracket filtering has different effects:
: If the expression returns an Integer or Long value (i), the result of the square bracket filtering is the i-th element of the collection/map. If the result of the expresson (K) is not a number, the filtering returns the value corresponding to the key K in the map field. If the field is not a collection/map, the square bracket filtering returnsnull
. The result of this filtering is ALWAYS a single value. -
: A range is something likeM..N
where M and N are integer/long numbers, eg.fieldName[2..5]
. The result of range filtering is a collection that is a subet of the original field value, containing all the items from position M (included) to position N (excluded for..
, included for…
). Eg. iffieldName = ['a', 'b', 'c', 'd', 'e']
,fieldName[1..3] = ['b', 'c']
,fieldName[1…3] = ['b', 'c', 'd']
. Ranges start from0
. The result of this filtering is ALWAYS a list (ordered collection, allowing duplicates). If the original collection was ordered, then the result will preserve the order. -
: A normal SQL condition, that is applied to each element in thefieldName
collection. The result is a sub-collection that contains only items that match the condition. Eg.fieldName = [{foo = 1},{foo = 2},{foo = 5},{foo = 8}]
,fieldName[foo > 4] = [{foo = 5},{foo = 8}]
. The result of this filtering is ALWAYS a list (ordered collection, allowing duplicates). If the original collection was ordered, then the result will preserve the order.
A condition is an expression that returns a boolean value.
An expression that returns something different from a boolean value is always evaluated to false
Comparison Operators
(equals): If used in an expression, it is the boolean equals (eg.select from Foo where name = 'John'
. If used in an SET section of INSERT/UPDATE statements or on a LET statement, it represents a variable assignment (eg.insert into Foo set name = 'John'
) -
(equals): same as=
(null-safe equals) -
(not equals): inequality operator. -
(not equals): same as!=
(greater than) -
(greater or equal) -
(less than) -
(less or equal)
Math Operators
(plus): addition if both operands are numbers, string concatenation (with string conversion) if one of the operands is not a number. The order of calculation (and conversion) is from left to right, eg'a' + 1 + 2 = 'a12'
,1 + 2 + 'a' = '3a'
. It can also be used as a unary operator (no effect). -
(minus): subtraction between numbers. Non-number operands are evaluated to zero. Null values are treated as a zero, eg1 + null = 1
. Minus can also be used as a unary operator, to invert the sign of a number. -
(multiplication): multiplication between numbers. If one of the operands is null, the multiplication will evaluate to null. -
(division): division between numbers. If one of the operands is null, the division will evaluate to null. The result of a division by zero is NaN. -
(modulo): modulo between numbers. If one of the operands is null, the modulo will evaluate to null. -
(bitwise right shift): shifts bits on the right operand by a number of positions equal to the right operand. Eg.8 >> 2 = 2
. Both operands have to be Integer or Long values, otherwise the result will be null. -
(unsigned bitwise right shift) The same as>>
, but with negative numbers it will fill with1
on the left. Both operands have to be Integer or Long values, otherwise the result will be null. -
(bitwise right shift) shifts bits on the left, eg.2 [ 2 = 8
. Both operands have to be Integer or Long values, otherwise the result will be null. -
(bitwise AND) executes a bitwise AND operation. Both operands have to be Integer or Long values, otherwise the result will be null. -
(bitwise OR) executes a bitwise OR operation. Both operands have to be Integer or Long values, otherwise the result will be null. -
(bitwise XOR) executes a bitwise XOR operation. Both operands have to be Integer or Long values, otherwise the result will be null. -
: array concatenation (see below for details).
Math Operators precedence
type | Operators |
multiplicative |
additive |
shift |
bitwise AND |
bitwise exclusive OR |
bitwise inclusive OR |
array concatenation |
Math + Assign operators
These operators can be used in UPDATE statements to update and set values. The semantics is the same as the operation plus the assignment,
eg. a += 2
is just a shortcut for a = a + 2
(add and assign): adds right operand to left operand and assigns the value to the left operand. Returns the final value of the left operand. If one of the operands is not a number, then this operator acts as aconcatenate string values and assign
(subtract and assign): subtracts right operand from left operand and assigns the value to the left operand. Returns the final value of the left operand -
(multiply and assign): multiplies left operand and right operand and assigns the value to the left operand. Returns the final value of the left operand -
(divide and assign): divides left operand by right operand and assigns the value to the left operand. Returns the final value of the left operand -
(modulo and assign): calculates left operand modulo right operand and assigns the value to the left operand. Returns the final value of the left operand
Array concatenation
The ||
operator concatenates two arrays.
[1, 2, 3] || [4, 5] = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
If one of the elements is not an array, then it’s converted to an array of one element, before the concatenation operation is executed
[1, 2, 3] || 4 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
1 || [2, 3, 4] = [1, 2, 3, 4]
1 || 2 || 3 || 4 = [1, 2, 3, 4]
To add an array, you have to wrap the array element in another array:
[[1, 2], [3, 4]] || [5, 6] = [[1, 2], [3, 4], 5, 6]
[[1, 2], [3, 4]] || [[5, 6]] = [[1, 2], [3, 4], [5, 6]]
The result of an array concatenation is always a List (ordered and with duplicates). The order of the elements in the list is the same as the order in the elements in the source arrays, in the order they appear in the original expression.
To transform the result of an array concatenation in a Set (remove duplicates), just use the .asSet()
[1, 2] || [2, 3] = [1, 2, 2, 3]
([1, 2] || [2, 3]).asSet() = [1, 2, 3]
Specific behavior of NULL
Null value has no effect when applied to a || operation. eg.
[1, 2] || null = [1, 2]
null || [1, 2] = [1, 2]
To add null values to a collection, you have to explicitly wrap them in another collection, eg.
[1, 2] || [null] = [1, 2, null]
Boolean Operators
: logical AND -
: logical OR -
(unary): logical NOT -
: checks if the left collection contains the right element. The left argument has to be a collection, otherwise it returns FALSE. It’s NOT the check of colleciton intersections, so['a', 'b', 'c'] CONTAINS ['a', 'b']
will return FALSE, while['a', 'b', 'c'] CONTAINS 'a'
will return TRUE. -
: the same as CONTAINS, but with inverted operands. -
: for maps, the same as for CONTAINS, but checks on the map keys -
: for maps, the same as for CONTAINS, but checks on the map values -
: for collections, the same as for CONTAINS, but is true if the right side is true for any element -
: for collections, the same as for CONTAINS, but is true if the right side is true for all elements -
: for strings, checks if a string contains another string (meant for indexed fields). -
: for strings, checks if a string contains another string.%
is used as a wildcard, eg.'foobar CONTAINS '%ooba%''
: for strings, checks if a string contains another string disregarding case.%
is used as a wildcard, eg.'FOOBAR CONTAINS '%ooba%''
(unary): returns TRUE if a field isnull
(unary): returns TRUE if a field is notnull
(unary): returns TRUE is a field is defined in a document -
(unary): returns TRUE is a field is not defined in a document -
(ternary): returns TRUE is a value is between two values, eg.5 BETWEEN 1 AND 10
: checks if a string matches a regular expression -
: checks the type of a value, the right operand has to be the a String representing a type name, eg.father INSTANCEOF 'Person'
11.6. Graph Database
ArcadeDB is a native graph database; and in this section we explain what this means and how this relates to applications.
Graph Components
Essentially a graph is tuple, or pair of sets, of vertices (aka nodes) and edges (aka arcs), whereas the set of vertices contains an (indexed) set of objects, and the set of edges contains (at least) pairs specifying a respective edge’s endpoints.
A particular type of graph is the directed graph, which is characterized by oriented edges, meaning each edge’s pair is ordered. A simple example of a directed graph is given by:
![directed graph](./images/directed-graph.png)
Vertices: V = {v_1, v_2}
Edges: E = {e_(1,2)}
Graph Database Types
There are two common types of graph databases, which are instances of directed graphs, but differ by the underlying objects of vertices and edges:
Knowledge Graph: the underlying vertex and edge objects are (just) labels.
Property Graph: the underlying vertex and edge objects are (labeled) documents.
ArcadeDB is a property graph, which means a vertex or edge consists of an identifier (RID), a label (type), and properties (document), in addition to the ordered pairs of endpoints. The latter are here vertex properties of incoming and outgoing edges, instead of edge properties of ordered vertex pairs, for technical reasons.
Why (Property) Graph Databases?
The modeled domain is already a network.
Fast traversal of relations instead of costly joins in relational databases.
Naturally annotated edges instead of inconvenient reification in knowledge graphs.
11.8. LSM-Tree Algorithm
ArcadeDB indexes are built by using the LSM Tree algorithm.
11.8.1. Quick Overview
The LSM-Tree index is optimized for writes with a complexity of O(1) in writing because it does not require a re-balancing of the tree (like the B+Tree) and O(log(N)) to O(log(N)^2) with reads, depending on how fragmented (non compacted) the index is at a point of time.
The class LSMTreeIndex is the main entrypoint for the index. This class contains an instance of a LSMTreeIndexMutable class that manages the current mutable index and a subIndex in case there is a compacted index connected.
ArcadeDB uses pages to store index entries. Those pages are immutable once full and cannot be changed. This is why it is considered an append-only index. After a while, ArcadeDB runs the compactor that compacts the index by reading the content of the pages from disk, compresses the content and write them back into new pages to disk. This process happens in background while the index can be used by the application.
The LSMTreeIndexMutable class holds the current page in RAM so new entries can be quickly appended to the page. When the database is closed or when the page is full, the page is serialized to disk and becomes immutable. Since the pages are immutable, deletion are managed with special placeholders to mark the entries as removed.
Since the LSM-Tree is append only, the most updated entries are at the end of the index. If an entry is created and then deleted, the deletion will always be after the creation. For this reason cursors start from the last pages back to the first one available. While the cursor is browsing the pages back, it keeps track of the deleted values encountered.
During compaction, new compressed version of the pages are stored.
The pages are stored in segments where the root page is the first page of the segment.
A file can have multiple segments.
The compaction requires a lot of RAM to properly compact large indexes and make them efficient.
To control the amount of RAM the compaction task is using, the setting arcadedb.indexCompactionRAM
is used to determine the maximum amount of RAM allowed to use for compaction.
By default is 300MB of RAM.
Also, the setting arcadedb.indexCompactionMinPagesSchedule
tells the index when it is time for scheduling a compaction.
By default the minimum is 10 pages not compacted.
If you set 0
, the automatic compaction is disabled.
If, for example, the compaction task finds 20 pages to compact, but the RAM requirements allow only 10 pages to be compacted, then the task will process the first 10 pages in one segment and the remaining 10 pages in the following segment. Having multiple segments in the same file allows to run the compaction with a minimum amount of RAM if needed.
Page layout
There are 2 types of pages: root page and data page. The pages are populated from the head of the page by storing the pointers to the pair of key/value that are written from the tail. A page is full when there is no space between the head (key pointers) and the tail (key/value pairs). When a page is full, another page is created, waiting for a compaction.
Root Page
It’s the first page of a segment of pages. The header contains more information than the Data Page (see below). Both root pages and data pages store keys. With mutable indexes the only difference is that the root page has a larger header. For compacted indexes, the root page does not store entries, but contains pointers to the data pages with the first key indexed on the page of the current segment.
offsetFreeKeyValueContent is the offset in the page of free space to store key/value pairs. When a page is new, the offset points to the end of the page because the pairs are filled from the end to the beginning
numberOfEntries number of entries (pairs) in the current page
mutable 1 means mutable, 0 immutable. Immutable pages cannot be modified, only compacted and then removed at the end of compaction cycle
compactedPageNumberOfSeries number of pages in the compacted segment. This is stored in the last page of the segment and it is used to count the pages of the current segment and therefore finding the root page of the segment
subIndexFileId file id of compacted page segment
numberOfKeys number of keys. If you’re using a composite index, multiple keys are used, otherwise only 1
keyType an array of key types. If the numberOfKeys is 3, then 3 bytes for keyType are written
Data Page
Look the root page for the meaning of the header fields.
Mutable Structure
Before being compacted, the LSM-Tree index is conceptually simple: new entries are always inserted in the last page of the file that is the only mutable page of the index. If the page is full, a new mutable page is created and the old mutable page become immutable and stored on disk. The entries in the page are written already ordered by key. This means a cursor can just browse the page from the first entry to the last to have ordered items. The search of a key is executed with the dichotomy algorithm. Pages can have entries with the same key, because have been added later in the index. On writing, the order of the keys is maintained inside the same page. This means to have a true ordered iterator, a virtual iterator is created with pointers to all the pages. Every time you move forward in the iterator, the next available key in the page pointer is compared among each other and the minor is returned. This can become quite expensive in the case of millions of entries and hundreds of pages. For this reason a periodic compaction is needed to keep values ordered together in the same page and also to remove deleted items.
11.9. Requirements
ArcadeDB’s memory (RAM) requirements depend on the configured profile:
profile: 800MB -
profile: 16MB
see also RAM Configuration.
ArcadeDB runs on the Java Runtime Environment (JRE) in versions 11 to 17; tested JREs are:
That headless variants of JRE packages are compatible to ArcadeDB. |
11.10. Community
Join our growing community around the world, for ideas, discussions and help regarding ArcadeDB.
Chat live with us on Discord: https://discord.gg/w2Npx2B7hZ
Follow us on Twitter: https://twitter.com/arcade_db
Connect with us on LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/products/arcadedb
or on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/arcadedb
Questions tagged
on Stack Overflow: https://stackoverflow.com/questions/tagged/arcadedb -
View our official Blog: https://blog.arcadedb.com/
Frequently Asked Questions
What is ArcadeDB’s release cycle?
There are typically monthly releases with occasional bi-monthly releases.
How do I build or contribute to ArcadeDB?
See the contributing guide in the ArcadeDB github repository: CONTRIBUTING.md
How do I protect prepared statements against SQL injection?
A good starting point is the OWASP SQL Injection Prevention Cheat Sheet. To use escaping as defense, the characters
, need to be escaped with\\
respectively. Furthermore, the strings;
need to be replaced, for example with similar unicode characters like;
(greek question mark,\u037E
) and–
(en dash,\u2013
). Please note, that this escaping and replacing is merely a minimal protection, and generally not sufficient.
11.11. Report an Issue
Very often when a new issue is open it lacks some fundamental information. This slows down the entire process because the first question from the ArcadeDB team is always "What release of ArcadeDB are you using?" and every time a Ferret dies in the world.
So please add more information about your issue:
ArcadeDB release? (If you’re using a SNAPSHOT please attach also the build number found in "build.number" file)
What steps will reproduce the problem?
Settings. If you’re using custom settings please provide them below (to dump all the settings run the application using the JVM argument
) -
What is the expected behavior or output? What do you get or see instead?
If you’re describing a performance or memory problem the profiler dump can be very useful
Now you’re ready to create a new issue on GitHub.
* Java and JVM are registered trademarks of Oracle Corporation * * All the trademarks are property of their owner. ArcadeDB does not own such trademarks.
ArcadeDB is a trademark registered by Arcade Data Ltd. Copyright (c) Arcade Data LTD. Every effort has been made to ensure the accuracy of this manual. However, Arcade Data, LTD. makes no warranties with respect to this documentation and disclaims any implied warranties of merchantability and fitness for a particular purpose. The information in this document is subject to change without notice. If you would like to report an issue in the documentation or you would like to be part of our community on improving the documentation for ArcadeDB Open Source project, please send your changes through our GitHub project and send a Pull Request for approval.